Walking through the town, Quinn’s face was filled with relief.

It turns out that Tianlong people’s mounts are so cool!

Even though he was once the third-in-command of the Beast Pirates, he was considered a powerful presence in the new world, but his spiritual experience is completely incomparable to that here.

Walking on the road, people fell to their knees beside them, not daring to say a word. They all seemed to have met gods.

Although they are not worshiping him, Quinn, they are all moving in his direction, and the feeling is the same.

As the saying goes, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven if one person attains the Tao. What happened to Zhan Zhanguang, who was his mount?

And this is not some uncivilized island in the corner, this is the Shampoo Islands.

If he had come here normally, no one in the town would even bother to kill him.

“Your Highness, please come to me anytime if you have such a problem in the future!”Quinn said flatteringly.

“What, are you addicted to being a mount?”Luther joked

“Haha, I am His Highness’s mount, this is my honor!”

Quinn patted his chest with his short paws and raised his head, looking like a successful villain.

“It’s up to you, as long as it doesn’t affect your work”

Luther’s words were a little helpless. He didn’t expect Quinn to have such a temper.

“no problem!”

Quinn agreed wholeheartedly, and the joy on his face became even stronger

Tianyue, who had been silent before, suddenly asked after arriving at the edge of the town:

“Your Highness Luther, what kind of existence do the Celestial Dragons look like in the eyes of the world?”

“Do you want to hear the folk version or the official version?”Luther asked with a smile.

“What’s the official statement?”Tian Yue Shi asked carefully.

“The god who rules this world is an existence that everyone should respect”

“What about folklore?”

The so-called gods are at a height that Tianyueshi cannot understand, and she doesn’t know why those people all knelt down.

“Folk saying…”Luther smiled slightly without any scruples,”The devil who tramples on life wantonly will lose his life if he is not careful.”


Tianyueshi was surprised by Luther’s frankness

“In fact, there is no contradiction between the two. Who can say that the so-called gods must be kind?”The corners of Luther’s mouth turned up.

“However, wouldn’t the world become worse and worse in this way?”Tian Yue Shi frowned slightly

“Whether it’s worse or not depends on where you stand when you say this.”

Luther pointed to the sky:

“From the perspective of the Celestial Dragons, even if there are pirates outside, it doesn’t matter. No matter how powerful the pirates are, they cannot threaten the rule of the World Government.”

“On the contrary, for those royal nobles, if the world is chaotic and pirates are rampant, they are the ones who are most worried. They will even give all their wealth to the World Government just to preserve their position and power.”

“For ordinary people, if they can’t survive, they must either become pirates or pray for charity and help from others. I also don’t want the world to get worse”

“It’s a pity that the latter two do not want the world to become worse, but instead become the root cause of the world becoming worse and worse.”Luther smiled.

“Root cause, why do you say that? Tian Yueshi asked curiously

It is obvious that the Celestial Dragons are killing innocent people indiscriminately, why is it that the latter two are the root of the deterioration of the world?

“The total number of Tianlong people so far is only a thousand. Even if each Tianlong person kills one person every day, how many people can be killed in a year? asked Luther

“Hundreds of thousands at most”

Tianyueshi thought about it and gave a fair answer.

She has seen with her own eyes the density of slaves in the Holy Land, but in terms of numbers, there are not many.

What’s more, although the Tianlong people don’t care about the lives of slaves, they really don’t consume them so fast.

“Alabasta, one of the countries that joins the World Government, has a total population of 10 million people and an annual fertility rate of 5%. There are about 500,000 newborns in a year, and about 100,000 people die in infancy. In other words, regardless of the future of Alabasta, one Alabast

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) a alone can sustain the maximum consumption of the Celestial Dragons.”Luther said

Of course, the numbers cannot be calculated like this. After all, each country still needs to develop. However, there are more than 300 countries alone in every part of the world, with a total population of more than 300 million.

With such a huge base, the evil done by the Celestial Dragons and the resources they consume cannot theoretically cause any burden to the world.

But unfortunately, this is based on the premise of macro narrative

In fact, the evil deeds of those royal nobles were also blamed on the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, causing the two to have a bad reputation.

Originally, the world government was a federal government that didn’t care about the operations of other countries. It only collected membership fees to maintain the overall stability of the ocean.

Every time he thinks of this, Luther feels a little helpless.

Originally he could enjoy life comfortably, but because of some people with strange ideas such as Roger, he had no choice but to embark on the path of seeking power.

The World Government’s policies are definitely unreasonable, but as long as no one jumps out, everyone will get by.

Since some people want revolution and want to make big moves, as one of the vested interests, if he wants to avoid being affected, he can only reluctantly overthrow the old system and replace it with a more efficient method of exploitation.

He was once one of the exploited people. When it comes to exploitation, he is definitely a professional.

“So what is causing the world to become worse and worse?”

Tianyue asked the question he wanted to ask. The journey to sea these days was not that good.

Except for the countries that are part of the World Government, there is almost no place that is better.

“It’s caused by several reasons, as I said before. Because the Celestial Dragons don’t care what the world is like, they will naturally do some bad things. For the sake of enjoyment, the nobles of the kingdom will also exploit the common people below. And civilians became pirates because of Roger or other reasons, which naturally worsened the world.”

Luther paused and then said:

“Roger started the Great Pirate Age, perhaps because he hoped that someone would stand up against the world government, disrupt the world order, and find that person who could stand up. But unfortunately, his behavior turned the pirate into a street rat.”

“If no one comes forward, the world will return to the way it was before the Great Pirates in a few decades, and Roger will only be a pure evil person by then.”

“That’s it…”

Hearing this, Tianyueshi was thoughtful:

“Because pirates did so many bad things, civilians distrusted them even more. In other words, as the world gets worse, people will have no choice but to turn to a world government”

Tianyueshi murmured to himself, his expression a little complicated

Luther’s words are easy to understand, especially since she has personally experienced what happened in Wano Country.

By analogy with each other, ordinary people on both sides are still ordinary people. Kozuki Oden is equivalent to the world government, which is considered orthodox. The black charcoal snake is equivalent to a pirate and is the source of chaos.

The more pirates cholera the sea, the more people need a world government and navy

This is probably the source of the world government’s reputation.

As for the foundation of the world government’s rule of the world, both Tianyue Shi and Luther, who was a Celestial Dragon, 800 years ago, understand that it comes from the force that can almost dominate the entire world.

As long as the pirates cannot shake the foundation of the World Government, chaos in the sea will only benefit the World Government.

After all, this is a worse world than pirates, but the world government is not that bad.

In this world, Luther has no intention of changing.

At most, it is just to change the current inefficient social model, so that everyone can have enough to eat, so that they can work better

“Your Highness, we are here!”

Quinn’s voice sounded. At this time, they had walked out of the residential area of the town and arrived at a commercial street that was countless times more prosperous than the previous town.

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