The Great Conqueror

Chapter 340 Massacre

The women in the tent grunted like cats. Your lord was so wild last night that he almost broke them all.

A young man from the Tago tribe named Dongming, although not yet an adult, but with a thick head and a thick head, picked up a white cloak to cover Aiolia's body with a wink.

Aiolia wrapped the cloak around her body casually, and patted Dong Ming's head with her big hand, "Go, go to the military tent." She strode away and left.

"My lord... my lord, would you be too rude to do this, but the leaders of the various troops..."

"Don't worry, this is a gift to them, and they will be very happy even if they wait for a long time." Aiolia stretched out an arm from the cloak, grabbed the fluffy golden curly hair, and let out an unruly hearty laugh.

He is the lion of the prairie, the bravest and most powerful lion.

Now, his eyes have locked on the new prey.

Dolan City is located on the southern border of the Mengjia Empire.

Food, wine,'s going to be a really fun game.


The smoke of gunpowder in the north has quietly risen.

On the same night, Qing Ya, a young magician from Tantai Mochiyue, looked up at the sky, frowning.

As a magician, she saw that the celestial phenomena had changed in the past few days, how could she not feel anxious. If you don't have a compassionate heart, you can't really be a good Yishu master.

But the contradiction of Yi Shushi is here. Many times, you see the crisis and see through the secrets, but you can't do anything about it.

Because fate and destiny have their own rules and never depend on human will.

The only strength of Yi Shushi is to see a little more than others. This is instead the source of their pain.

Knowing that there will be a murder, but the tragedy will happen, but there is no way to stop it, and it cannot be changed. What kind of powerlessness, heart-wrenching pain was that?

Slowly retracting her gaze, Qingya let out a long breath. There are some things that she is powerless and unable to stop, and there are some things that she has to try to change no matter what.

At that glance just now, she had already recognized a star.

Like the Seven Kills in Japan!

Killing the leader of the wolf, the most dangerous and also the most perfect Seven Killing Star.

Among the three stars of Shapolang, Pojun is too heavy and Tanlang is too lustful. Both of them have weaknesses. Although they are strong, they can always find opportunities. Only the seven kills are the most complete and difficult to deal with.

Now, Qingya will try to change by herself.

This is the destiny of being an Yishu master.

The lonely and slender white figure gradually faded away in the night wind...


Five days later, Zou Liang and a group of brothers finally entered the Divine Grace Province, approaching the destination of the trip, Duolan City on the border.

As a pawn in the bet between the two shamans, he held in his hand a letter of envoy envoy stamped with the seals of the two shamans. It really feels like a Beijing-China special commissioner, or a watcher.

Ernest, Randy, Tete and the others had contacted each other before, and they had already joined the main force when they entered the divine favor. This time is definitely Zou Liang's biggest team action.

Along with fifty-eight members of the war song priests, there are Lu Yao, the priestess of the healing war song, Sinda of the scimitar technique of Yin and Yang, Sophie, a talented female archer of the Bismai tribe, Bass, a former beast fighter, Emma, ​​and Ernest. Together, they can be said to have a luxurious lineup.

I believe that with so many brothers and their strength pushing over, no one in a small Duolan city would dare to confront him.

With a righteous name, the title of the appointed special envoy of the two major shamans of the Shenyao Province and the Divine Grace Province, with honors, the Beast God Glory Medal and the Golden Thorn Jihad Medal, coupled with strength, with so many brothers and young strong men around him, no difficulty can stop him.

However, it wasn't until this day that Naive entered the surrounding area of ​​Duolan City that he realized that the problems he was about to face were more serious than he had imagined.

The billowing smoke and flames burned a village on the border of the orcs to nothingness.

Half of the stone wall was knocked down, the ruins were broken, and there were blood stains and corpses everywhere. The air was filled with a pungent bloody smell, and there were faint cries of the elderly and children.

A gust of wind blew from the back of the neck, and there was a creepy anger.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that the border was like this.

Compared to other places, this place is hell!

living hell!

Zou Liang's face suddenly sank, as if covered with a layer of frost.

"Everyone pay attention to the search. If you find someone alive, save them. If you encounter an enemy, kill them immediately. Don't be soft!"

"Yes!" The group of priests roared in agreement with Ernest beside him.

As a believer and follower of the Beast God, seeing the people of the Mengjia Empire being slaughtered and looted, I felt extremely angry.

It's a disgrace!

Priests and warriors should protect these people, but there is no sign of protection here.

Everyone chased after the cries in the wind, and rushed over at a faster pace.

Lu Yao and Emma seldom saw such a bloody scene, their faces were a little pale, but they still reluctantly supported it.

Soon, after passing through the burnt ruins, the eyes were wide open, but the more intense bloody scene suddenly stimulated everyone's eyes.

Lu Yao and the others couldn't take it any longer and closed their eyes. If they took another look, they might really be unable to hold on and would collapse.

The surviving people of the entire orc village were gathered here. The barbarians wore strange clothes with their shoulders exposed, rode on horses and swaggered with scimitars.

Some sturdy barbarians jumped down and made all the men in the village kneel facing north, and then swung their knives to behead one by one, and piled the heads on the high landscape.

On the other side, the old people were all killed, the women were being insulted inhumanly, and some frenzied barbarians picked up babies with long guns in their hands, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly.

The whole world seemed to have turned into a bloody hell.


With a loud roar, Zou Liang, all the war song priests, and all the brothers rushed forward.

These barbarians, they are no longer humans, but a group of animals!

Breaking into other people's homes to rob things and kill their masters, even women and children, barbarians are not worthy of living in this world!

"You all, go to hell!" Luman rushed to the front, and the eyeballs of the young warsong priest of the Bir clan were red with anger. I never thought that the people on the frontier lived such a miserable life and were killed by aliens like this. Those children, those old people and women...

It's too awful! !

The angry Luman's head was about to explode, he picked up a burning wooden post and rushed up, regardless of everything.

Behind him, Kalou and other priests followed.

But everyone was not as fast as Arthur. He didn't show any mercy to the barbarian scum, and directly attacked with two-handed knives.

Sophie of the angel family squinted her eyes, and flew into the air with a trace of cold murderous aura.

Sinda with two knives closely followed the boss of Arthur, and on the other side of Arthur, Buzz followed closely.

Even Emma took up arms to avenge these innocent people.

These barbarians who are massacring the people around Dolan City at will are one of the twelve prairie leaders recruited by Aiolia this time, a little centurion under Khufu's tent. For the place of Dolan City, the barbarians are as familiar as their own backyard.

The local officials and city guards had been gutted a long time ago, and they would retreat to the thick walls of Dolan City and act like turtles at the slightest sign of trouble. Seeing the village being looted by the barbarians at will, he dared not come out.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't kill the heads of the people in the city, it will be fine. After all, the people who live in the villages outside the city are not rich and powerful people, ordinary people, and no one cares about life or death.

The centurion licked the corner of his mouth, not only was he not worried when he saw dozens of people rushing up, he was a little excited instead.

Especially when he saw that there were beautiful women among these people.

These days, occasionally there would be some outrageous people, passing caravan groups or adventurers, but all of them were wiped out by the barbarian cavalry without exception.

These people of the Mengjia Empire have been safe for too long, and they have already forgotten how to fight, and they are not opponents of barbarian warriors at all.

The centurion is still a bit knowledgeable, and he recognized the costumes of these people who suddenly appeared, and they should be priests from the temple of the Mengjia Empire.

Recognizing this, he couldn't help laughing.

When did those cowardly priests dare to rush out and fight the barbarian warriors?

It's funny.

"Kill them all!" The centurion licked the blood on the scimitar and shouted at his subordinates.

The characteristic of the barbarians is that they move quickly and come and go like the wind. With the order of the leader, they can quickly pull up a large army.

Although Zou Liang and the others rushed out suddenly, their feet were not as fast as horses. Just halfway through the charge, hundreds of barbarian cavalry had gathered and rushed towards them from all directions.

The two torrents collided violently.


Zou Liang's war song priest group seemed to be the weaker side, the priests were the main ones, facing the cavalry, the result was predictable, especially since they didn't have much experience in the battlefield, brainless monsters and orcs were completely different things, and the wild orcs not only killed people like hemp, but also had the advantage of war horses, the priests were completely the target.

Nearly a hundred cavalry rushed towards the priest. These savage orcs waved their long knives and let out the most primitive roars. They were the real orcs, the orcs who killed wildly.

The ground trembled, the scorching and scorching fireworks, and the cries of despair, all of these were like a terrifying hammer beating on everyone's hearts.

Witnessing the massacre of innocent civilians in the village, those old people, children, and women, Arthur's breathing seemed to stop. He had never been so angry. This kind of massacre, this kind of massacre that did not belong to soldiers at all and was not reciprocal, completely touched Zou Liang's bottom line. When he came to this world, he integrated into the adventure and bravery of the beast race. Death is not the first time he has experienced it. Arthur, who was still in this life, was furious.

Facing the rushing Wilderness Raiders, a ray of light flashed, the Warsong scepter was in hand, and the others remained motionless. When Arthur was angry, no matter who he was, he had to bear the might of the God of Warsong!

The scepter flashed, and Zou Liang pointed the two fingers of his right hand towards the cavalry in front of him.

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