At the moment when the man came in, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

The man is tall and straight, with a straight suit. However, he is wearing a top hat, which covers most of his face.

"Lin Yang?"

Su Yandun, sitting in the dock, breathed out.

"What Lin Yang? Xiaoyan, are you crazy? " Next to Zhang Qingyu hit his daughter with his elbow.

Su Yanjiao's body trembled before she regained her mind. Looking at the man again, she found that her figure and face were similar to Lin Yang's, but there was one difference.

That's how handsome he is.

Although only half of his face was revealed, it was a masterpiece of God. I'm afraid Michelangelo can't carve such a face in the world?

Su Yan wanted to rush to lift his hat to see if this man was Lin Yang. But when he stood in front of the judge, she realized that this was the legend of Jiangcheng, the chairman of Yanghua group!

Su Yan shook her head and abandoned her absurd idea. She couldn't help laughing bitterly.

How can such a character be Lin Yang?

Such a person is the chairman of Yanghua group, who is in the ascendant recently?

Too young!

Many people feel.

"Hello, judge Zhang." The visitor made a noise.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Ma said you still have a third prescription for cerebral infarction. Is it true?" Judge Zhang asked.


Lin Dong waved his hand slightly and saw two doctors in white coats walking outside. At the same time, an old man with loose hair and wrinkled skin came in.

The old man was very old, in a wheelchair, and he was a little delirious. But after the old man appeared, many people on the scene exclaimed.

"Is this justice mu?" Someone is exhaling.

Some of the court's staff were also stunned.

This man is no stranger to anyone, because he is a famous judge in Nancheng. He has worked diligently in this position for 30 years. He is the elder of the political and legal circles in Jiangcheng. He retired only one year ago, but he handled a big case before his retirement. As a result, he stayed up for several days, leading to a stroke, that is, cerebral infarction, and almost died. Although he was rescued, he had already died Hemiplegia can't move.

Mr. Lin handed a piece of information to the judge, then waved. A group of people came along with pestles, medicine cans, medicine stoves and a large number of herbs. They were skillful in setting fire to boil medicine.

People were stunned.

Judge Zhang looked at the information in his hand and did not speak or stop him.

Soon, the court was filled with a pungent smell of medicine.

"Your honor, how can you allow them to play tricks here?" The Su family couldn't see it. Subei stood up and called.

"If Mr. Lin can't do this, he's playing tricks. But if he does, there's too much to prove. Why are you so anxious?" Jiwen said seriously.

Subei snorted and did not speak.

"Let them do it." Old lady Su said without expression: "our Su family's prescription is handed down to us by our ancestors. The whole country of China is only one copy. This Yanghua group must have plagiarized our prescription. They can't have another prescription. Just wait. Everything will be clear soon."

The Su family nodded.

Liu Xiaosheng also nodded gently.

After about two hours, Mr. Lin picked up the medicine jar, poured out the soup and gave it to judge mu.

Two doctors tested the harmlessness of the Decoction in public and took it to MUFA.

After drinking the soup, everyone stood up and craned their necks at judge mu, waiting for his change.

The Su family all got up, their eyes like copper bells, staring at the old man.

However, after waiting for half an hour, the old man was still sitting in a wheelchair, with little reaction.

Two doctors gave him a simple test and shook his head at judge Zhang.

People at the scene were breathing heavily.

"See? useless! useless! This guy is playing tricks, ha ha... "Subei laughed, excited is dancing.

A group of Su family members were also very happy.

"Silence! solemn silence! Plaintiffs, if you make such a noise again, I can sue you for contempt of court Cried judge Zhang.

The Su family quickly shut up, but the smile on their faces couldn't stop.

Many people were sighing all around.

"Mr. Lin, how long will it take for your prescription to work?" The judge asked.

"An hour."

"But now it has been half an hour, but no signs of recovery have been found. Is there something wrong with the efficacy?" Asked judge Zhang.

It's impossible to get a stroke patient better in half an hour.

"Your honor, give us another half to disappear." Ji Wen said seriously.Judge Zhang is also a patient person, nodding his head and saying, "well, give the defendant another half to disappear."

"It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. It's going to be ridiculed by countless people. This case is ridiculous." Mrs. Su said with a smile.

Liu Xiaosheng shook his head: "after today, I'm afraid Yanghua group will be finished?"

It's not just about falling into disrepute.

Ma Hai did not speak, but was extremely nervous.

Ji Wen's face is calm. If you look carefully, you can see that his body is shaking gently.

"Sunny and rainy, do you think Lin Dong can win?" Su Guang said nervously.

"Sure to win." Zhang Qingyu nodded his head seriously and looked at the man seriously. His eyes lit up and said, "and didn't you find it? How well does this person match us Xiaoyan? "

Looking at Lin Dong's su Yan's voice carefully, she trembled slightly and said in a low voice: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Am I not saying the truth? Lin Dong is young and rich, and his family background must be unusual. Besides, you see, there was nothing wrong with him. Ma Hai could solve everything, but he still stood up. Why? Isn't it for you? " Zhang Qingyu said excitedly.

"For... For me?" Su Yan was stunned.

"Or you can explain why he makes such a fuss?"

"This..." Su Yan some speechless, but if there is such a young gold still so handsome person to stand up for themselves, who will be happy?

But soon Su Yan shook her head.

"Mom, I'm married. Stop talking nonsense."

"Marriage? Hum, I tell your daughter, if this Lin Dong really takes a fancy to you, I don't care what reason you have, I will divorce Lin Yang immediately, otherwise you won't have my mother! "

"This..." Su Yan was dumb.

Half an hour passed quickly.

People looked at judge Mu again, but he was still lying in his wheelchair without any reaction.

The court immediately fell into a bit of uproar.

"It still doesn't work."

Many people exhaled.

"Your honor, the result is very clear. The people of Yanghua group are cheating." Liu Xiaosheng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you, Yanghua group is a group of swindlers and thieves. It's Lin Yang who stole our prescription and sold it to Yanghua group. The new drug of Yanghua group is made according to our prescription!"

"Your honor, seize them. There are su Guang's family and Lin Yang!"

"They are guilty, they are all sinners!"

Su Bei, Su Zhen, Su Meixin and others got up and yelled.

Mrs. Su is also smiling.

"Your honor, I would like to ask you to test the second formula of Yanghua group immediately, and ask you to immediately impose personal restrictions on Su Guang, Su Yan, Zhang Qingyu, Lin Yang and the senior executives of Yanghua group. At present, they are suspected of committing crimes! Everything in Yanghua group is likely to be a fraud! "

Kang Jiahao was relieved and stood up and said.

For a time, he thought that he had lost the lawsuit. However, Lin Dong's appearance not only failed to establish the victory of Yanghua group, but also caused a big Wulong.

As a result, Kang Jiahao regained control.

Maybe everything of Xu Yanghua group is a fraud. Their new drug is refined from the prescription of Su family...

the court is boiling.

Judge Zhang kept pounding the mallet.

Su Guang and his wife were shocked.

Ma Hai is confused.

Ji Wen is also a bit at a loss. He is a young lawyer and doesn't know what to do at this time.

Until then, Lin Dong, who was wearing a hat, opened his mouth.

"Judge mu, stand up and try."

This simple sentence makes the scene silent.

People's eyes were all focused on the MUFA official.

"I... I'm half paralyzed. I'm afraid it's very difficult to stand up..." Mu FA Guan raised his head and said hoarsely.

"Try it." Lin Dong said again.

Judge Mu hesitated, then propped up the armrest with one hand and started shaking.

However, Lin Dong stepped forward, grabbed judge Mu's hand holding the armrest, and then released it.

MUFA Guan's feet fell to the ground, and his hands did not touch anything, so he stood up.


Countless people were speechless.

MUFA Guan was also stunned.

"You try to take two steps." Lin Dong said again.

"Good... Good..."

judge Mu moved forward with tears in his eyes.

Then two steps... Three steps... Four steps!

In an instant, the whole audience was silent...

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