All the people at the table were dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that director Dong said such a thing.


Is this the rhythm of putting Su Yu down directly?

You know, these girls don't know how to drink. If they just drink beer, it's no problem.

But this kind of highly foreign wine can't be comatose on the spot after three cups?

Su Yu held up her glass and looked at director Dong foolishly.

The other three women were also surprised.

Lin Yang's face was frozen. He was about to speak, but a small hand pulled his sleeve.

It was Su Yu's hand.

I saw her secretly to Lin Yang to make a wink, the eyes begged in the eyes of the eyes is particularly obvious.

Lin Yang saw the situation and did not speak again.

"Three? Director Dong, is this... Is this a bit... I really don't know how to drink. " Su Yu's face was full of difficulties in guiding Dong.

"Su Yu, I've given you a lot of face. Do you think I can't find someone to drink with me? As long as I want to, a phone call can fill this place with college students of your age. Do you believe it Dong leads the cold hum.

"But... Director Dong..."

"you don't drink! Then the play... We'll have to talk about it later! " Director Dong added another sentence.

What is the meaning of the words.

This is also a direct attack on Su Yu's weakness!

She was desperate for the role.

Her major is about acting.

Although Naihe River university is not a second-class school, the performance department can't praise it. Most of the students who graduate from this university either change careers or live on the bottom line. It's a blessing for them to get the favor of famous directors like director Dong.

The Su family is now a down and out family. Especially after the company went bankrupt, she had to worry about her livelihood.

If she can earn some fame by this role and enter the performing arts circle in the future, she will be regarded as a complete turnover.

Only one chance!

Drink it... The big deal is to go back drunk!

After a fierce ideological struggle, Su Yu was ready to give up.

At this time, Cao Xiaojiao stood up. Cao Xiaojiao and Su Yu had a good relationship. Naturally, she would not sit idly by and say with a smile.

"Director Dong, otherwise, we should drink the three glasses of wine separately, or Xiaoyu will not be able to eat the rice if she drinks three glasses of wine alone and she gets drunk."

Su Yu was moved.

It's a second. It's cold.

"You think she's alone? When she's finished, each of you will give me three drinks. After three drinks, sit down with me and eat! "


The four girls were stunned.

"Director Dong, this..." Cao Xiaojiao is in a hurry.

"What? Don't drink? " Director Dong frowned.

Cao Xiaojiao looks ugly.

"Xiaojiao, in fact, director Dong is right. We are not right about Lin Yang. We should be fined three cups of wine. Cai Yan, do you think so?" Zhou Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Is... Is..." Cai Yan nods hard, squeeze out a smile way.

"Come on, let's toast to Director Dong. Three drinks are fine. You don't think the wine smells strong, but it's not strong. You can't get drunk after three drinks." Zhou Yuanyuan was bold and forthright, and drank a glass of wine.


The other three immediately applauded.

Dong also raised the corners of his mouth, looking at Zhou Yuanyuan and nodding slightly. His eyes swept back and forth on Zhou Yuanyuan's body, but he didn't show any interest.

Zhou Yuanyuan took her head, and the other three girls were not very nice.

As soon as Su Yu gritted her teeth, she also wanted to drink, but now Lin Yang opened her mouth again.

"Xiaoyu, you can drink what you want, but if you can't, don't get drunk and go back with me as soon as possible."

This once again aroused public discontent.

"Boy, you don't understand people? What do you count? Here's your part of the conversation? " Zhou Yuanyuan drank a glass of wine, her temper also came up, directly staring at Lin Yang to scold.

"I don't care how you want to drink, but I don't allow Xiaoyu to drink like this." Lin Yang chewed a mouthful of vegetables.

"What do you say?"

"What do you think you are? Mr. Dong is here, but you are still here to point out? "

"Get out of here!"

This time, the filial piety director also all stood up, seriously staring at Lin Yang to scold.

"Brother in law..." Su Yu almost burst into tears.

"Xiao Yu, go back." Lin Yang advised in a low voice.

"Go back? This is a hard won opportunity. You will have nothing to go back to. " Su Yu stamped her feet anxiously.

"It's OK. There are plenty of opportunities. What are you afraid of?" Lin Yang road.

But as soon as he said this, Dong immediately took up his words.

"Opportunity? That's really not much. "His tone has been raised by a few marks.

Lin Yang looked at him.

However, Dong took a sip of wine and said, "Su Yu, don't say I didn't give you a chance. You don't drink these three glasses of wine today. What you lose is not just that role!"

"Director Dong!" Su Yu yelled.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, brother-in-law will help you with other roles. If you want to enter the performing arts circle, he will support you." Lin Yang road.

"Into the entertainment industry? Ha ha, naive boy, do you understand? If you offend director Dong today, you have already blocked the door of the performing arts circle. Su Yu is a good material. However, as long as director Dong doesn't nod, she will never try to audition for any role in her life. Even if she can't get her job, can you believe it? " The portly man sneered.

"Do you know who is behind director Dong? Do you know director Dong's position in the entertainment industry? " Director Xiao said coldly.

The four girls were in a daze.

I'm afraid they didn't expect director Dong to be so powerful.

"Xiaoyu, I know that you don't have a good drinking capacity. In fact, I'm also for you. I'm just testing you to see if you're suitable to be in the entertainment industry. You also know that the entertainment industry is very deep. There are hundreds of thousands of people fighting for a role. Why should I choose you? Haven't you seen you smarter and smarter? But your performance today let me very disappointed! I'm going to ask you for the last time. Do you want to drink this wine? If you're finished, we can go back to our room and talk about the details of the show. We can even sign a contract tonight. If you don't drink... The gate is here! " Dong made his words clear and closed his eyes.

This is forcing Su Yu.

"Xiaoyu, are you crazy? Do you want to drink it now? "

"Do you really want to ruin your future?"

"Don't be angry, director Dong. She's just fascinated by her brother-in-law. She will drink it."

Zhou Yuanyuan and Cai Yan quickly persuade.

Su Yu's great pain.

But at this time, Lin Yang took her hand and calmly said, "go back, brother-in-law will help you out!"

"Brother in law?" Su Yu looked at him powerless.

"Believe me, tomorrow I'll have someone make a play for you, and you'll be the heroine!" Lin Yang is more serious than ever. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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