Su Yan was shocked by the sudden bleeding, and the little secretary was also shocked.

Lin Yang was astonished and quickly took out the silver needle and pricked it in his abdomen.

The constant flow of blood finally stopped.

"Lin Yang, what's going on here? Are you hurt? " Su Yan glared and asked, his voice full of fear.

"Lin Yang just hesitated when he was walking.

"Knock it?" Su Yan Leng: "what do you knock to be able to be like this?"

"I fell down and hit a stone when I was walking. I didn't feel it at that time. I thought it was OK. I didn't expect to have blood left. I went to the hospital to have a look." Lin Yang looked embarrassed.

"Is it? But you look pale Su Yan's eyes are full of confusion.

"It's OK. I'll wrap it up a little. Don't forget that I'm a doctor myself. I know what's going on." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan is still skeptical, but listen to Lin Yang's words, she did not say anything more.

"You go to treat the wound first. Do you want me to accompany you to the hospital for dressing? Disinfection Su Yan looked at Lin Yang's suit stained with blood, and asked with a light frown.

"No, no, I'm wearing a bandage. I'll take care of it in a few days. It's just skin bruises." Lin Yang squeezed out a smile and rushed back to his room.

Su Yan did not speak, but looked at Lin Yang's eyes full of doubts.

"Xiao Qing!"

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

"Help me put my clothes in the washing machine." Lin Yang road.


The little secretary went to the door and took Lin Yang's suit at the door to the washing machine.

Just when she was about to throw the clothes in, she saw that there was a bar code on the inside of the suit...

"hmm? Mr. Lin, didn't Su Dong buy this dress? Mr. Lin hasn't taken off the bar code yet The little secretary murmured, but did not care, took down the bar code card, then put the clothes in.

Such a thing happened, Su Yan's mood is particularly uneasy and uneasy, sleep is not stable.

The next morning, they returned to Jiangcheng with Linyang.

Although back to Yueyan group, but Su Yan's heart is still beating.

She knew that she had offended Shuofang this time.

In China, if you attract people of Shuofang's level, it will be difficult for the company to develop. Moreover, Shuofang's cosmetics industry is also a giant in the whole industry. If he wants to fix Su Yan, Su Yan's future life will certainly be difficult.

"Is it difficult to change my career?"

Su Yan, sitting in the office, sighs.

At this time, the small secretary suddenly took a mobile phone, hurriedly pushed open the door of the office, excited: "Chairman, chairman, something happened!"

"What happened?" Su Yan got up from the chair in a hurry: "what's the matter?"

"Watch the news The little secretary took the cell phone.

Su Yan took the mobile phone, fixed a look, immediately surprised.

"Shanghai International Exhibition suddenly cancelled? Mr. Smith left Shanghai in a hurry, and Sima Shuofang disappeared? " Su Yan's eyes widened, looking at the headline news, brain a burst of buzz.

"People on the news said that it seemed that there was an accident at the exhibition site. There were quality problems on the walls and floors of the floors, and there were serious security risks. So they canceled them in a hurry. Someone went inside and found that the walls and floors there were all cracked, and now the hotels are closed." Said the secretary.

"Such ah..." Su Yan bitterly smiles, did not speak.

It's just that the exhibition has been cancelled. It has nothing to do with her. Sima Shuofang wants to investigate it, but it still needs to be investigated.

But it's a pity.

If she knew there would be such a place, Su Yan would certainly find a way to delay the time until the exhibition was cancelled, so that he would not be able to tear his cheek with Sima Shuofang and set up an enemy.

That's it.

Now that the matter has come to an end, we can only go one step at a time.

Su Yan sighed.

However, at this time, the Secretary's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Su Yan a Leng, glanced at the caller ID.

"Is it the front desk phone?" Said the little secretary.

Su Yan thought, directly connected to the phone.

"Sister Qing, a guest here wants to see our chairman." The voice of the receptionist came in.

"Who is it?" Su Yan asked.

"Chairman?" The receptionist was surprised, but she recovered and said, "he said his name is Smith."


Su Yan's heart suddenly shrank, once thought he had heard wrong.

Is that Mr. Smith?

Can't be?

How did he come here?

Su Yan breathes more and more quickly, her brain is also boiling hot, but still carefully asked: "you ask, this Mr. Smith... Is his name Smith William?""OK." The front desk moved the phone, then asked in Y language, and then said, "Mr. Su Dong, he said his name is Smith William. He has just come from Shanghai. He claims to have met you before."

"Is it really him?"

Su Yan almost screamed, and quickly called out: "quick, quickly invite him up... No, tell him to wait there, I immediately come down to meet him!"

"OK... OK, Su Dong." The front desk was startled.

Su Yan hung up the phone and immediately dragged the Secretary to the door of the company.

At the moment, Smith is waiting in fear.

Su Yan did not know that Smith was extremely afraid and hesitant.

Especially after leaving the exhibition site, Lin Yang dressed himself up and went to Xuanyi school.

The affairs of Qi pharmacy have not been finished. He doesn't have much time to hang out.

"Teacher, you are here!"

Seeing Lin Yang return to the college, Qin baisong was overjoyed and immediately welcomed him.

"Did you get a reply from the pharmacy?" Lin Yang asked immediately.

He believed that the attack from all aspects has sounded the alarm bell to the special pharmacy, which should be compromised.

However, Qin baisong's expression flickered, hesitated, and then said, "No."

"Is it?" Lin Yang frowned.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, staring at Qin baisong and saying, "baisong, you turn around."

"What are you doing here?" Qin baisong's expression was unnatural. He coughed and adjusted his body, facing Lin Yang.

As soon as Lin Yang's face sank, he immediately reached out and pressed Qin baisong's shoulder, then broke it off.

Qin baisong immediately turned his back to him.

However, as soon as he turned around, Lin Yang saw the bandage under Qin baisong's shirt.

He lifted up Qin baisong's clothes and saw that his old back was covered with black and blue. There were just bandaging marks everywhere, and some places were still bleeding.

Lin Yang's face was suddenly cold: "what's the matter with you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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