Smith's reaction made Shuofang feel more and more wrong.

"Mr. Smith, what do you say?" Shuofang looks at him strangely.

"I mean, what did you say? Do you... Do you mean you drove Mr. Lin Yang out? " Asked Smith, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, what? Does Mr. Smith know the rubbish of Linyang Shuofang asked, but there was endless confusion in the bottom of his eyes.

However, as soon as he said this, Mr. Smith suddenly became mad. He grabbed Shuofang's collar and roared: "do you mean that Mr. Lin Yang came here... And was expelled by you? Right? "

"So what? Mr. Smith, it's just a useless waste. Why are you so excited? " Shuofang shook off Smith's hand and said coldly.

Smith froze, looked at Shuofang in disbelief, then pointed to his nose and scolded:

"you are... Stupid! Ignorance

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly turned his head and left the meeting hall.

"Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith Shuofang ran after him.

However, the other side simply ignored and went straight into the elevator.

"Young master, what's the matter? What's the matter with Mr. Smith? " A person from Shuofang came over and asked in a confused way.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Shuofang stopped his pace, frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "go to check this Lin Yang for me at once, and then investigate what he has to do with Mr. Smith. If you have any news, please let me know immediately."

"Yes, but young master, is this exhibition going on

"Go on, of course. If Mr. Smith leaves, at least he won't cancel the exhibition, will he? Can he still hit himself in the face? Ask someone to find him. I'll stay here to host! Tell him, no matter what happens, whatever he wants, I will satisfy him! " Shuofang snorted coldly.


The man nodded and ran down.

Meanwhile, the elevator has reached the first floor.

Su Yan covered her face and walked out quickly.

Passers-by looked sideways.

Lin Yang was still standing on the street smoking and waiting.

He stopped a taxi and was waiting for Su Yan. The little secretary also came.

"Why so long?" Lin Yang put out the smoke in his hand and looked at Su Yan, who was walking quickly with his head down.

"I met a big client and had a chat. Let's go back." Su Yan said in a hurry that he wanted to get into the taxi.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled it.

"What are you doing?" Su Yan was stunned.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Yang side head looking at Su Yan that was covered half of the face..

"No... nothing?" Su Yan side face, some flustered said.

"Turn around." Lin Yang Dao is serious.

"Lin Yang, get on the bus quickly. Let's go back." Su Yan yelled.

But the words have not finished, Lin Yang is to drag her.

Su Yan was caught off guard and suddenly fell in Lin Yang's arms, and the small hand covering his face also caught Lin Yang's skirt in subconscious movements.

Lin Yang's face sank as he gazed.

But see Su Yan that white face is a very clear and bright red palm print, shocking.

"Don't look." Su Yan quickly turned her face to one side, pursed her lips and whispered, "I have already rejected Shuofang's request, and I may not have any contact with him in the future. Don't say any more unnecessary words, and go quickly!"

Then he got into the taxi and sat in the back row.

Seeing Su Yan's face, the little secretary was very distressed and almost cried out.

Lin Yang stood outside the taxi, staring at Su Yan's half face silently, but never walked in.

"Lin Yang, are you not getting on the bus yet?" Su Yan called out.

"You go back first." Lin Yang squeezed out a smile and said, "I'll go to the drugstore to buy you something to apply, or you may have to swell up."

"Really?" Su Yan was so scared that she could not see anyone if her face was swollen and became a pig's head. She said in a hurry: "in this case, you should go back quickly. Remember, if you want to buy the best detumescence medicine, you must have quick effect, you know?"

"Good." Lin Yang nodded.

The taxi just left.

Lin Yang looked at the leaving car, and his expression gradually became overcast.

He didn't know what happened, but he understood that it must have something to do with Shuofang...

at this time...

hum, hum...

the mobile phone vibrated.

Lin Yang picked up the phone and pressed the call button.

"How are you, teacher?" There was a sweet voice on the other side of the phone, which was Anna's voice.

"I still work together, but my wife may not be so smooth, she is crying out, and there is a palm print on her face, I think this is probably done by Shuofang." Lin Yang made a voice without any emotion."How could that happen? This guy named Shuofang is really not graceful, even a gentle and beautiful lady is playing, he is not worthy of being called a man at all Anna screamed.

"Well, Anna, it's time for me to take care of this. If you're OK, I'll have to go." Lin Yang cold road.

"Just a moment, sir. Smith wants to talk to you on the phone. He doesn't dare to call you. He asks me if he can get your number and dial you?" Anna asked carefully.

Lin Yang hesitated, light said: "I am downstairs in the venue, the phone does not have to call, let him come to me, I wear a black suit, holding the phone."

"Yes, sir. Please wait a moment. I'll send Smith to see you right away." Anna said eagerly and hung up.

About a few minutes later, the blonde Smith rushed out of the hotel gate.

He was followed by several people from Shuofang.

Lin Yang thought, went to the phone booth next to him, took out the silver needle, pricked his neck for a while, changed his face, and then waited at the roadside.

Smith soon found him and ran over at once.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Lin?" Asked Smith excitedly and respectfully.

"It's me." Lin Yang nodded.

"Great, Mr. Lin. I've seen you." Smith was full of tears. Seeing the appearance of a great man, he wanted to reach out and shake hands with Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang did not raise his hand, but asked: "what exhibition did you start?"

"Yes... Yes... Mr. Lin, I have learned about the process of the matter. You can rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory reply." Smith was busy.

"No matter what, I just want to know who beat my wife." Lin Yang said quietly.

As soon as he said this, Smith breathed, and a flurry passed over his face, and there was no sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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