The words of the leader of the Liang family, it can be said that Liang Qingsong was stunned by his eyes.

Liang Yu was shocked and puzzled. He looked at the master of the Liang family: "master, why is this... Why? My father is nearly 70 this year. Let such an old man apologize to a young man in his early twenties without mentioning his identity. How can he do it? Are you a murderer? "

What a shame!

What's more, Liang Qingsong is a person who looks at the festival very much! Dignity and face are more important than life in his eyes!

How can he do it?

"This is a helpless move. I didn't expect that the rumors of Jiangcheng were true. The Doctor Lin really fell in love with this woman named Su Yan. We had no other choice!" Liang said lightly.

"Jiangcheng hearsay?" Liang Yu was shocked.

"After all, your attention to Jiangcheng is still too low. You don't know that in Jiangcheng, this woman Su Yan has been designated as Doctor Lin for a long time. Nanfang hit her, but she is beating Doctor Lin's face? Yu'er, you should have asked Nanfang to apologize to Su Yan. In that case, it would not lead to today's affairs. "

"This..." Liang Yu was speechless.

Liang Qingsong was angry, but he couldn't vent his anger. The old tooth bit him and said, "brother, do you want to make friends with Dr. Lin?"

"It's an opportunity."

"But... If it comes out, how can I put on the face of Liang family?"

"Face? You've been living for nearly 70 years, and you're still thinking about this ethereal thing? You don't understand? Face is not given by others, but by ourselves. If the Liang family can fly into the sky at the meeting and suppress the heroes, who dares to laugh at me at that time? Who dares to mention it? If you have strength, everyone is in awe and afraid. At that time, are you still afraid that you have no face and dignity? " Liang family is the main sink road.

This fell to the ground, and Liang Qingsong lost his voice.

"Now that the Congress is about to be held, our purpose is to attract all available resources and contacts at all costs. Second brother, let's put aside his position for the time being. You know, Goujian would rather lie down on his salary and taste courage to exterminate Wu. Why not make such a small sacrifice?"

"Ah... Elder brother, you are right. I... I will do as you say..."

"let the third brother accompany you. I see that the third brother and the miracle Doctor Lin have some friendship or something to say." Liang family is the main road.

Liang Weiguo was stunned and hesitated and said, "elder brother, it's better that I don't show up..."


"I..." Liang Weiguo obviously couldn't think of any reason.

"I can't bear it. It's a good relationship between you and my family for three hundred years." Liang family leader advised.

"It's me who kowtow, not you. What do you want to do?" Liang Qingsong hummed.

Liang Weiguo sighed and did not speak again.

Why does he care? What he cares about is that these people don't know that Lin Yang is Doctor Lin at all!

After the matter was settled, Liang Nanfang was rushed to the hospital. The Liang family quickly blocked the news, but the paper could not cover the fire.

Soon, every family in Yanjing spread. Dr. Lin broke into Liang's home late at night and made a big scene. He cut off Liang NanFang's ten fingers and forced Liang Qingsong to bow his head.

As soon as the news came out, Yanjing was boiling.

Many people find it incredible.

Especially those in Yanjing.

You know, they have paid attention to Jiangcheng for a long time, and they are no stranger to Dr. Lin.

Although Dr. Lin's strength is strong and promising, no one could have expected that the doctor would dare to move even the Liang family!

And... It's all gone!

Is this Doctor Lin too bold?

And its strength is... Too fierce?

Can't the Liang family take him?

People were greatly surprised, and many people went to the Liang family to seek evidence.

Among them are Lin family and Sima family.




Su Yan returned to the company and started the female strong man mode of working day and night.

Since her marriage to Yanyang in these years, she has not been very happy with her?

"Forget it. Don't think about it."

Su Yan shook his head, a bitter smile, and continued to look at the information in his hand.

I'm very sincere.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in, please." Su Yan called out.

However, the secretary walked in quickly and called out, "Mr. Su, there are several people outside who want to see you!"

"No appointment today?" Su Yan looked at the mobile phone, confused, but still nodded: "please come in first."

"OK." The Secretary nodded and ran out.A moment later, he led several people into the office.

When Su Yan saw these people clearly, she was stunned on the spot.

It was Liang Yu and Liang Nanfang who came here.

At the moment, Liang NanFang's palms are wrapped into zongzi. She just finished the joint operation and then ran over. The patriarch didn't give her any rest time. The plane that lasted all night hardly took any rest.

"You?" Su Yan was shocked, afraid of tight, quickly picked up the phone, ready to call the police.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Su. We have no malice towards you." Liang Yu waved his hand in a hurry.

"What are you... What are you doing here?" Su Yan is alert.

"We are here to apologize." Liang Yu was busy and then winked at Liang Nanfang.

Liang Nanfang wanted to cry without tears, but she still bent her knees and knelt heavily on the ground, wailing: "sister Su, Nanfang knows that she is wrong. Please forgive Nanfang. As long as you can forgive Nanfang, you can do anything you want Nanfang to do!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yan's mouth opened slightly, completely silly.

"Miss Su, this is a villa outside the Fourth Ring Road of Yanjing. There is also a key to a Ferrari sports car and two million cash. It is the Liang family's compensation for your incident. I hope you will not argue with us. Please accept it!" Liang Yu said with a smile. He quickly took out some keys and a bank card and put them on the table. Then he bowed to Su Yan and waited for Su Yan's reply.

"You..." Su Yan brain a blank, people are some short circuit, half ring, just Na Na asked: "this is exactly how a thing?"

"Miss Su Yan, don't you know? Dr. Lin has made a start for you Liang Yu said curiously.

"Dr. Lin?" Su Yan trembled and looked at him strangely.

"We are also ignorant of Mount Tai. We don't know the relationship between you and Dr. Lin. I'm very sorry. Please don't worry about it! Miss Su, if there's nothing wrong, we won't disturb you! "

After that, Liang Yu pulled Liang Nanfang up, bowed to Su Yan, and left the office in a hurry , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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