As soon as he said this, he was greatly surprised by Liang Weiguo and Liang Fengyan.

No one thought that Liang Yu's attitude was so firm that he even wrapped Liang Qingsong.

"Liang Yu, what do you mean?" Liang Feng was angry and asked in a deep voice.

"Brother Yan, don't worry. Listen to me first." Liang Yu said with a smile: "I've heard of Lin Yang and I know that he seems to be from the Lin family."

"Yes..." Liang Feng hesitated and nodded.

"As far as I know, he seems to have been expelled from the Lin family, too?" Liang Yu said again.

"That's right." Liang Fengyan's face gradually became ugly.

"Not only that, but he was taken to a family surnamed Su in Jiangcheng. He loafs around all day and depends on his wife to support him, right?" Liang Yu said again.

Liang Fengyan was already open mouthed, unable to speak.

In fact, he has heard about these things for a long time. But in his opinion, no matter how Lin Yang lives, it is his own business. As long as he has a good life, even if he wants to teach Linyang a lesson and make him work hard, he can't worry about the family affairs. How can he go to Jiangcheng and tell Linyang?

However, Liang Weiguo frowned.

He and Liang Hongying both know Lin Yang's real identity. It is precisely because of this that Liang Weiguo is willing to step forward, otherwise the Liang family will have to set up a big enemy. Similarly, he also realizes that Lin Yang is not willing to reveal his identity, so he deliberately conceals it. He believes that if he chooses to hide, he will only let Lin Yang owe himself a favor. If he divulges this matter, he will only let Lin Yang owe him a favor Exposed, that is the real break with Lin Yang.

"What? Live on your wife? Isn't this a real waste? " With Liang Feng Yan's silence, Liang Nanfang directly sneered and sneered.

"Yes, it's just such a waste. Do you want Nanfang to apologize to him and his wife? Are you afraid that this incident will spread out and my Liang family will lose face? " Liang Yu stares at Liang Feng Yan and says lightly.

This words, immediately like a sharp sword, severely stabbed in Liang Feng Yan's heart.

Liang Feng retreated, staring at Liang Yu, but could not say a word...

"what are you talking about? If you do something wrong, you have to admit it. Miss Su Yan was beaten by Nanfang only to protect Qiu Yan. Since Nanfang dares to do so, what's the big deal Liang Weiguo immediately said.

But as soon as his words fell, Liang Qingsong directly raised his voice by eight degrees: "but Nanfang, her surname is Liang!"

This sound, loud, directly shocked all the people on the scene.

Liang Weiguo fixed his eyebrows on Liang Qingsong.

However, Liang Qingsong's eyes were cold, staring at Liang Weiguo and saying, "to apologize, you have to look at the occasion and the person you divide! If he Lin Yang, he su Yan is a character, the younger generation offended, why not apologize? But there are only two wastes. I'm sorry. Aren't you afraid that many family members in Yanjing ridicule our Liang family? You don't want face, we do! "

"Second brother!"

"Don't say more!" Liang Qingsong said coldly: "Wei Guo, I have enough face for you today. Is it not enough to let Qiuyan come back and ask Nanfang to apologize to her? Do you have to push your luck and force my Liang family to bow down? Still bow to a incompetent waste of the Lin family? How do you let the Lin family treat my Liang family? Don't talk about it. I won't allow it, even if the elder brother is standing here! "

"But... Second brother..."

"no nonsense! Liang Weiguo, if you are stubborn, ask Liang Qiuyan to get out of Liang's house! She will never hear a word of apology from Nanfang again Liang Qingsong roared.

This time, he was angry.

Liang Weiguo's face was pale and his old eyes were round. He stared at Liang Qingsong in disbelief.

Liang Qiuyan's business is actually very easy to discuss. It's all about her family, but Lin Yang doesn't have a surname of Liang!

Liang Qingsong was too lazy to talk to Liang Weiguo. He shook his hands and went down the steps and left the hall through the corridor.

"Nanfang, go change your clothes, pick up some fruit and see your aunt Qiuyan."

Liang Yu smiles faintly and says a sentence to his daughter. He is too lazy to take care of Liang Weiguo and Liang Fengyan, and walks out of the hall.

"Asshole... Asshole!"

Liang Weiguo was so angry that he shivered all over.

Liang Fengyan also tightly clenched his fist, indignant.

"Third uncle, what should I do now?" Liang Feng asked.

"It seems that this matter is not easy to handle. Feng Yan, the third uncle is incompetent and can't help you make decisions." Liang Weiguo sighed, but he was helpless in his old eyes.

"Third uncle, don't say that. You've done your best to let Qiu Yan come back. As for Xiaoyang, I'll see the second uncle again and have a good talk with him." Bite the front teeth.

"Silly boy, don't you understand? Liang Nanfang is the granddaughter of your second uncle. If she lowers her head and humiliates your second uncle, who has the best face, will he agree? ""Then I'll go to the uncle!"

"Your uncle may not pay attention to such trifles!" Liang Weiguo shook his head and sighed.

Liang Fengyan clenched his fists tightly and his eyes flushed: "Xiaoyang is my son-in-law, Su Yan is my daughter-in-law. She was wronged to protect my wife. If I can't get justice for her, how can I be a man? Third uncle, if the eldest uncle refuses, I will kneel down in front of him and ask him to uphold justice

With that, Liang Fengyan ran out directly.

"Feng Yan! Be strict

Liang Weiguo is in a hurry to catch up with him, but where can he run better than Liang Feng Yan?

Looking at the distant back, Liang Weiguo sighed repeatedly.

He had no choice but to drag his tired body back to the Sihe Courtyard temporarily arranged for Lin Yang, Liang Qiuyan and Su Yan.

At the moment, Linyang is still drinking tea, waiting for news from here.

Liang Sheng stands on one side fidgety. Liang Hongying takes care of Su Yan and Liang Qiuyan.


The door was pushed open.

"Grandfather Liang Sheng busily got up.

"Master Liang, what's the result?" Lin Yang put down the cup and said faintly.

"There's no problem with your motherfucker." Liang Weiguo said with a smile: "the family is ready to accept her again. She will be the Liang family in the future. As for Nanfang, she is also ready to come over and apologize to her!"

"Really? Great, grandpa Liang Sheng was overjoyed.

Lin Yang also relaxed and nodded.

But a moment later, he suddenly realized that something was wrong and asked again, "what about my wife Su Yan?"

As soon as this remark fell, Liang Weiguo was silent.

Lin Yang saw this, and his brows flashed ferocious, but there was no expression on his face. He said faintly: "it seems that the Liang family... Don't pay attention to my Lin Yang...

it seems that the Liang family doesn't pay attention to me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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