Su Yan was stunned.

For a time she thought she had heard wrong.

But reason told her not.

Lin Yang... Dare to refuse her?

In the past three years, he almost obeyed his own orders and never refused anything to himself, even though he could not do most of the things. But why did he refuse so simply this time?

"What do you mean?" Su Yan calms down and asks in a deep voice.


"You want grandma to die?"

"It has nothing to do with me whether she will die or not."

"But she is a grandmother after all! Besides, what's wrong with her? Is there room for us in the attitude of the second uncle and the third uncle? " Su Yan was a little excited.

She broke her heart for the family, but the man stayed out of it.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment. Suddenly he asked seriously, "do you want me to save her?"

"Of course."

"Well, I will. But you must go with me, because the second and third uncles can't allow me to enter the rescue room. You can persuade them! "

"Where are you?"

"At the door of the rescue room." Lin Yang road.

Su Yan micro Leng, rushed to the rescue room.

Lin Yang stood there as if he had expected it.

Looking at Lin Yang's calm appearance, Su Yan's heart then darts out a fire.

"Hello Su Yan face cold: "you really can save grandma?"

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and looked at the time: "there are still three minutes."

"What three minutes?"

"In three minutes, you can't let me in to save grandma. In a few days, all our relatives and friends will have to eat at Su's house."

Su Yan was stunned slightly, then he understood what this meant.

To be honest, she doesn't trust Lin Yang very much.

After three years of marriage, although they are not husband and wife, she knows what kind of man Lin Yang is.

Even the second uncle Su Hui can't do anything with her grandmother. Can this loser do it?

"Forget it, I have no choice. I believe you once!" Su Yan bit his teeth and grabbed Lin Yang's hand and went to the emergency room.

At the moment, several experts in the hospital have arrived.

Traditional Chinese medicine works slowly, and this sudden symptom can only rely on Western medicine.

But after rescuing for a while, there is nothing that can be done. The situation is out of control.

Su Hui's face turned white and her legs softened out of the rescue room.

"Big brother, how's mom?"

All the people of the Su family gathered around.

"Get out of here!" Su Hui roared impatiently.

People were startled.

Su Hui took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Xiao Hui, I understand everything. I'm on my way. You should try to stabilize old lady Su in any case." There was a gasping sound on the other side of the phone.

That's the voice of Qi Lao in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Qi is always the leader of Jiangcheng traditional Chinese medicine. He is not only old, but also has a good family background. He was once a professor in the College of traditional Chinese medicine of Yanda. Later, his son was assigned to work in Jiangcheng, so he came together.

"Father Qi, my mother's illness is so sudden that the directors of several departments can't find out the disease. The people in the emergency department have tried their best to stabilize her condition, but the effect is very little. I'm afraid my mother can't hold on to you..." Su Hui wanted to cry without tears.

"Is it so bad?" Old Qi was stunned.

"Master, you come first. I will try my best to hold on. Now you are my only hope."

"Hold on Then he hung up.

Su Hui sighed and turned to return to the emergency room.

At this moment, a hand held him.

Su Hui was stunned and turned her head to find Su Yan standing behind her.

"Su Yan, what are you doing?" Su Hui was in a bad mood and her tone was not very polite.

"Second uncle... That... Lin Yang said he had a way to save grandma!" Su Yan said cautiously.

"Nonsense! Su Yan! This is the time. Are you still here? Do you want grandma to die Su Hui was furious.

"Second uncle, I didn't make a fool of myself. Maybe Lin Yang has a way." Su Yan is in a hurry.

"Even I don't know how to deal with your grandmother's illness. Can a coward who can't even cook rice have a solution? Do you mean I'm inferior to him? " Su Hui laughed angrily, pointed to Su Yan's nose and said, "Su Yan, I tell you, grandma is lying in it now. If she has any accident, you family will be the first to get out of Su's house!"

With that, Su Hui would throw the door in.

The people of Su family all stare at Su Yan and Lin Yang.

"When is it? Still talking nonsense here!"

"This family is too ignorant."

The sound of scolding came.

Su Yan's face was pale and her body was shaking. But at this time, she still summoned up the courage to cry out: "Er Bo, did you forget? Before that, Lin Yang said that grandma would have an accident! He said it all! Isn't it? "The voice fell to the ground, and Su Hui's pace was suddenly stunned.

The scolding all around stopped abruptly.


Only then did they remember Lin Yang's so-called "Curse" the old lady of the Su family.

Isn't this just a "fulfillment"?


But... Is that a coincidence?

Su Hui's face was red and white.

"Before I said you gave a little shot, you don't believe it. But now, this little shot is taking grandma's life. Grandma's situation is very urgent. If you don't let me in, then grandma is really hopeless." Lin Yang is very suitable to say.

"You waste! I beg your pardon? Are you blaming me? You are nothing big or small Su Hui was angry and wanted to rush to teach Linyang a lesson, but was stopped by Northern Jiangsu.

"Second brother, don't be impulsive!" Subei hastily advised: "now mother's situation is very bad, may go at any time, since you are helpless, it is better to let this guy try."

"Are you crazy? Believe him, this idiot? " Su Hui stares at Subei.

Subei chuckled and said in a low voice: "second brother, if mother is dead, all you have done will be in vain, and the company's finance may not be in my hands. I think this is something you and I don't want to see. Since we can't help it, let him go. Besides, if he goes, mother's accident... Don't you have to carry the pot?"

Su Hui understood Su Bei's words immediately, and her eyebrows inclined.

"You mean to put the blame on Lin Yang?"

"If something goes wrong with your mother and things come out, people in Jiangcheng know that you have cured your mother. This is a great blow to your reputation. You are not allowed to make use of the problem. Now someone will help you carry the pot. Why not do it?"

Su Hui's expression became serious and thought for a moment. He murmured, "what's the back pot? My mother's accident has nothing to do with me."

Northern Jiangsu smiles and doesn't speak.

"Lin Yang, you go in!" Su Hui coughed and turned to cold.

"Dad, do you really let this trash in?" Su Gang's eyes widened.

"Am I a doctor or are you a doctor? Here I has the final say! " Su Hui yelled.

Su Gang's neck shrank, and the Su family was silent.

"Go in!" Su Hui is heading for Lin Yang road..

"Second uncle, I'm willing to do it because of Su Yan's face. I hope you can understand this."

Lin Yang light says, head also does not return to walk toward inside.

Su Hui's eyes were angry, and Su's family were even more abusive.

Su Yan was extremely embarrassed.

Into the rescue room, Lin Yang non-stop toward the rescue table line.

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing? Why don't you even wear dust-free clothes? "

The doctors around the old lady asked.

Lin Yang ignored, directly pushed aside the people beside the rescue table, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the old lady's acupoint.

No knife, no needle, just two fingers?

What is this man doing?

People around were in a fog.

"What's the matter? Who let him in? "

"Nurse, get him out of here!"

"It's a mess."

A doctor with glasses jumped up in anger and tried to drag Lin Yang away.

There was a bit of chaos at the scene.

Su Hui, who came in, hastened to explain.

But at this time...


There was a piercing sound.

All of us were stunned. Looking at it, we found that the real picture of ECG monitor was a straight line.

"The patient... Has no vital signs!" A young doctor said hoarsely.

"Time is too tight."

"I'm sorry, doctor su."

The rest of the doctors and nurses took off their hats and sighed.


Su Hui rushed up, grabbed Lin Yang's collar, and roared angrily, "you killed my mother, you return my mother's life!"

Finish saying, make a gesture to beat Lin Yang.

The man next to him quickly grabbed Su Hui.

"Don't be impulsive, Dr. su."

"Impulsive? My mother was killed by him and told me not to be impulsive? " Su Hui exclaimed excitedly, "I want to investigate the responsibility of this guy, I want to sue him!"

Su Hui was totally insane.

Suddenly, there was a cold voice at the door of the rescue room.

"Dr. Su, you are saving your mother. How can you avenge the kindness with the vengeance and sue others?"

As soon as the voice fell, people looked at the door in unison.

But at the door stood a thin little old man. Although he was not tall and weak, his old eyes were very divine,.

"It's Qi Lao!"

The doctors showed respect.

Mr. Qi is a respected elder in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. The president should be polite when he sees him."Mr. Qi, this guy killed my mother. How can you say that he is kind to me?" Su Hui clenched her teeth.

However, Qi Lao glanced at him and said faintly, "who said your mother was dead?"

"Well?" Su Hui was stunned.



a burst of dry cough sounds.

People turned back in a hurry.

However, the old man lying on the hospital bed, who should have been cold through, opened his mouth and coughed fiercely , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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