Injury test?

This word fell, many students clattered all eyes on Luo Furong.

Because of Luo Furong's influence, everyone will favor him.

But if Lin Yang asked for an injury test, wouldn't everything have to be revealed?

After all, people here know Chinese medicine. It's not easy to verify the time of a wound.

However, everyone is here to watch the development of things. Whether "Mo Xiaowu" has hurt Liu Qiao and others, I am afraid that lecturer Huang does not know the truth...

people do not know how Luo Furong plans to deal with it.

But at this time, the Liu Bridge over there suddenly cried out: "test injury? Yes, in case you say that we slander you. If you are clean, you should be examined for injuries. "

Everyone was stunned.

Seeing the expression on their faces, it is obviously fearless. There is no doubt that Liu Qiao is prepared.


How can we be unprepared for such things as injury examination? Luo Furong is not an idiot, which can be so rash on the whole such a out.

All of us suddenly realized.

"The examination was originally handled by the people in the security room, but since you are not convinced, I'll let you do it here. I don't think you have to sophisticate when there are both human evidence and material evidence! Mo Xiaowu, I tell you, as long as everything is settled down, you can get rid of the strange pharmacy for me! You're not allowed to step in this life, understand? " Huang yelled angrily, and his face was ferocious.

Lin Yang looked calm, but did not appear flustered.

"Come on, start now, Mo Xiaowu, you villain, I'll see how you can argue later!"

Luo Furong glared at Lin Yang and called.

"Who will test it?" Huang hums coldly.

Most students do.

"Why don't you come? In case you don't believe it? " Liu Qiao cast an eye Lin Yang, hum to say.

"How dare he fart! I think it's better to find someone to help out from the elder students nearby. " A student hummed.

"No, let him choose for himself!" Luo Furong stepped forward and looked at Lin Yang with a smile and said, "in case he says we are looking for trust, let him choose by himself. Who can he trust be tested for this injury? Mo Xiaowu, do you think?"

"It makes sense!" Lin Yang nodded.

"Who do you choose?" Luo Furong asked with a smile.

"I'll choose you. Is it convenient for you?" Lin Yang spoke directly.

As soon as this word falls, everyone breathes in unison.

Luo Furong also muddled in place, incredible looking at Lin Yang, once thought he was wrong.

"You... What do you say? Who do you want to have the injury examined? " Liu Qiao next to me asked.

"I mean to ask Luo Furong to examine my injury. Is it convenient for Luo Furong Lin Yang said with no expression and calmness.

All people's heads were buzzing with this.

How did this happen?

It is obvious that Luo Furong is engaged in Mo Xiaowu. How can Mo Xiaowu let Luo Furong have an examination? Is he a fool? Is your head funny?

People can't understand looking at Mo Xiaowu.

However, Lin Yang pulled the mask, looked at Luo Furong and said, "what? If it's not convenient for Luo Xuechang, that's fine. "

"Convenient! How inconvenient? " Luo Furong came back to his senses and snorted angrily, "if you want me to test it, I'll test it. But I hope I can find out the result later. Don't admit it!"

"How? Luo Xuechang's technology is obvious to all, but how can he make mistakes? " Lin Yang said with a faint smile.

"Well, I'll go."

Although Luo Furong was full of doubts and didn't know what was going on with this Mo Xiaowu, he had to send out the arrow on the string and agreed to go to Liuqiao under the public's attention.

The procedure of injury examination is very simple, but it is not so easy just for examination. Luo Furong has to show the results of the injury to everyone.

Luo Furong took the tools from the people next to him, poured out the alcohol and put it on his hands. He wiped the wounds of Liu Qiao and others for a while, and then covered them with a special cloth.

The cloth had been treated for a long time and had been soaked in various kinds of medicine. When the cloth was covered, the wounds of the people changed.

A moment later, he opened the cloth and saw that the bruises of those people had faded a lot.

Seeing the changes of these bruises, people suddenly began to see them.

"Mr. Huang, come and see you." Luo Furong with a smile on his face said to the lecturer Huang over there.

Lecturer Huang stepped forward, glanced at the wounds, and then said to Lin Yang coldly: "the wounds are gray and blue, and the color is thick and not scattered. This proves that their injuries were caused in the last ten minutes. Mo Xiaowu, what else can you say? Now that everything is in front of you, how do you want to quibble? "

"There are all the human evidence and material evidence, Mo Xiaowu! Admit it

"Yes, admit it!"

"You scum, get out of our special pharmacy!""Get out of the way pharmacy!"

All around the students were indignant, staring at Lin Yang one by one with angry faces, as if this man was the existence of heinous general.

Luo Furong sneered and looked, a winning hand in hand.

The fields at the door are also staring at Lin Yang, want to know what he should do next.

If he was kicked out of the special pharmacy, he would never get the lotus again.

However, there is no room for recovery.

"What would you do? Dr. Lin! " The heart of the field is thinking.

But at this time, Lin Yang exhaled his breath and walked towards Liu Qiao and others.

"What? Do you want to examine the injury yourself? " Luo Furong sneered.

"No, since Mr. Luo has already experienced it, I don't need to test it again." Lin Yang shook his head.

"You should be convinced, then? Somebody, take him away! Punish as you should, and do everything according to the rules. " Professor Huang said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, teacher!"

The students on both sides immediately gathered around to take Lin Yang down.

"Slow down!" At this time, Lin Yang suddenly drank.

"What? Do you want to quibble? " Huang is impatient.

"It's not sophistry. I just want to ask Mr. Huang a question!" Lin Yang road.

"What's the problem?"

"A student who lies in front of hundreds of odd drugstore people, deceives the lecturer, frame up an innocent student, and plays with everyone in the palm of his hand. What punishment should we give to such a person?" Lin Yang asked.

As soon as he said this, countless people were shocked.

Luo Furong and others are all trembling, frowning at Lin Yang.

"What are you asking for?" Huang looked at him inexplicably.

"Because someone cheated on you, framed me and insulted the IQ of all the students present!" Lin Yang said faintly.

"Who?" Huang asked almost subconsciously.

"Luo Furong!" Lin Yang squinted and called out three words directly!

These three words fell to the ground, and there was no sound in the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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