They walked down the steps to the outside of the KTV.

From the beginning to the end, the boss of the Imperial Palace did not appear.

He must know what's going on here, but he's afraid to show up.

Because no matter Lin Yang or that young master, he can't afford it. At this time, the best choice is to pretend to be stupid and let manager Cheng solve the problem.

Lin Yang can't help but sigh that the boss of the imperial palace is also a cunning old fox...

Lei Shao and Jiang Wang ran away in dismay as soon as they left the gate.

Tonight's KTV believe that they are unforgettable for life, they are afraid that they will not dare to provoke Su Xiaoqing again.

As for linziyu, he has not left yet, but looks at Linyang with his eyes full of stars.

"Good, Xiaoqing, you are cunning!" Lin Ziyu whispered with Su Xiaoqing's hand.

"What's wrong with me?" Su Xiaoqing looks puzzled.

"You still pretend to be innocent? Your brother-in-law is so excellent that you hide so deeply. Hum, are you afraid that we will take your brother-in-law? "

"I... I don't know..."

Su Xiaoqing said helplessly.

It was the first time she saw Lin Yang.

She never thought that her husband-in-law could fight so well that even a big man like that could be raised with one hand. It was just like superman.

"Well, it's a pity that your brother-in-law already has your sister, or I'm sure I won't miss it." Lin Ziyu said with a sad face.

She met Su Yan and knew that she couldn't compare that kind of beauty.

Su Xiaoqing Leng next, did not speak, but the bottom of the eye also has a touch of falling silence.

"Lin Dong, do you want me to say hello to Mohist Cao Yiwei is limping.

"No, if it's useful for you to say hello, how can that young master beat you like this? Leave Jiangcheng Lin Yang light road.

"That Lin Dong, the previous misunderstanding... You see..." Cao Wei asked carefully.

"Look at your future performance." Lin Yang said.

It can be said that Cao Wei was relieved.

Cao Wei quickly bowed to Linyang and left.

But at this time, a passer-by suddenly lowered his head and bumped into Lin Yang.

"Well, you don't walk with long eyes?" The man's body faltered, and immediately turned his head and glared at Lin Yang.

"It seems that you didn't look at the way?" Lin Yang frowned.

Cao Wei, who was nearby, stared at the man and suddenly realized something. He immediately said, "are you from man's martial arts school?"

As soon as the words fell, the man's face changed greatly, and he immediately threw his fist at Lin Yang's face.

Lin Yang snorted angrily and was not polite. He hit the man with a backhand.


Two fists.


The man gave a sad cry.

His five fingers were actually broken by the hammer of Linyang geisheng.

"The whole family is crazy, I have warned them, they are still stubborn! Stop it! Stop it Cao Wei roared.

But it doesn't work!

The man covered his hand and was about to rush again.

At the same time, however, there was a cry of surprise.

"Brother in law, be careful!"

The voice falls down, a passer-by who is on the phone next to him actually takes out a sharp knife and stabs Lin Yang's back viciously.

Su Xiaoqing first time reaction, immediately opened his hands to block Lin Yang behind, to block the knife for Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's pupil shrinks wildly and grabs at the knife in a hurry.

Although his reaction has reached the limit and grasped the stabbed knife, a small part of the tip of the knife stabbed into Su Xiaoqing's abdomen.

Lin Yang breathed a tremor, pupil big shock, immediately a kick out.

"Get out of here


The man flew to the main road, hit the hood of a car and passed out.

"Xiaoqing, are you ok?"

Lin Yang was very anxious. He immediately pulled out the silver needle and pricked it in Su Xiaoqing's abdomen.

"I'm ok... Brother in law, it's dangerous here. Go back quickly, Ziyu... Call the police!" Su small tilt to cover the wound, willow eyebrow tight Cu, pain side of the side pumping cool air side way.

Fortunately, the wound is not deep, although there is bleeding, but did not hurt the key.

But even if it is only a little skin injury, it is unacceptable for Lin Yang.

His face was so angry that his lungs would burst.

Full family!

Another family!

It seems that if you don't fight back, the whole family will not give up!

Lin Yang's heart was furious, looking at a few full family of thugs rushed to, without saying a word, directly one of them kicked hard in the past.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Dong...

this time, Lin Yang didn't have any hands left. He put all his strength into every foot. Cao Wei, standing on one side, could clearly hear the sound of bone fracture.Almost all the people who ate Linyang's feet were unconscious and did not move any more.

Seeing this scene, passers-by screamed and fled.

Someone called the police immediately. Others called an ambulance.

Lin Yang solved these people, but also immediately sent Su Xiaoqing to the hospital.

Lin Ziyu followed, but Cao Wei didn't come.

Because it wasn't long before 12 o'clock, he left a phone number for Lin Yang. If Lin Yang needs anything, he can call him directly.

Lin Yang ignored and rushed to the people's hospital to deal with the wound for Su Xiaoqing.

But fortunately, it was only skin trauma. After bandaging, Su Xiaoqing was alive and kicking again.

Lin Yang called Su Yu, who rushed into the hospital.

"Xiaoqing, are you ok?" Su Yu was so frightened that she put her arms around Su Xiao and trembled.

"Sister, I'm ok. I'm safe with my brother-in-law." Su Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"You're scaring me to death. You're not allowed to go to such a mess in the future, understand?" Su Yu said solemnly.

"But..." Su Xiaoqing also wanted to say something, but when it came to the mouth, she still held back.

"Thank you, Lin Yang." Su Yu looked at Lin Yang and stammered her lower lip.

"Take little tilt back." Lin Yang road.

"Hmmm..." Su Yu nodded her head and said thanks to Lin Yang again. After a deep look at him, she left the hospital and Lin Ziyu was sent home.

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and dialed Gong Xiyun.

"Mr. Lin! What's the matter? " Gong Xiyun asked respectfully.

"Send someone to encircle the martial arts school in Jiangcheng. Anyone is allowed to enter and not to leave." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Gong Xiyun heard, breathing trembling, vaguely aware of what, busy way: "Lin Dong rest assured, I immediately arrange."

"I'm going to the house now!"

Lin Yang hangs up the phone, looks at Su Yan's condition, and then leaves the hospital, heading for man's martial arts school.

At the same time, a large number of vans are also driving to the Manchu martial arts school.

The speed of these cars was so fast that when they reached the front of man's martial arts school, a large number of strong men jumped down from them and surrounded the whole martial arts school.

Man's martial arts school was shocked instantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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