Lin Yang Hung up the phone without saying a word. He just looked out of the window quietly.

"It's the Lin family. They really like waste utilization. To the side? So I don't even deserve to be in the home? It's a pity that I don't care. "

Lin Yang throws his mobile phone to the desk and hums coldly. He is too lazy to pay attention to those words just now.

And at this time.

The knock on the door rang.

"Come in."

Lin Yang yelled at will.

Gong Xiyun enters the room.

"What can I do for you?" Lin Yang sat on the sofa and asked.

"Here comes the Hua family." Gong Xiyun said respectfully.

"Come a little fast..." Lin Yang touched his chin and waved: "let them in."


Gong Xiyun bowed again and retreated.

After a while, Hua Qingsong and his wife came in.

Hua manchen is still lying in the ambulance downstairs.

In addition to the two of them, they were followed by ALU, a Shou and some people in black. Some of them carried large bags, small bags and boxes in their hands. When they entered the room, they directly placed them in front of Lin Yang.

The man in Black opened the box, which was filled with cash.

In addition, there are a lot of jewelry, various luxury car keys.

These things add up, I'm afraid there are not 100 million of them, and there are 80 million of them.

"Dr. Lin, this is the diagnosis." Hua Qingsong also sat down by himself, lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

"What kind of money?" Lin Yang said.

"Of course, it's for the dog." Hua Qing song laughs.

"Oh... Well, that may not be enough." Lin Yang road.

"Not enough? You can add more! " Hua Qingsong's eyes brightened and he said in a hurry.

He was just trying to test Lin Yang's attitude. Now it seems that Lin Yang is still interested in healing.

I think so.

Who can't live with money?

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly said, "I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Hua Qingsong and Hua Mu are both stunned.

"Doctor Lin, how much do you want?" Hua Qingsong asked carefully.

"Not much. Give me 100 billion yuan, and I will save your son!" Lin Yang light road.

When they heard the sound, they breathed.

100 billion?

Are you afraid to sell the Hua family?

Hua's mother reacted and immediately became furious. She patted the table and pointed to the tip of Lin Yang's nose and said, "Lin, do you play us?"

"I'm just playing with you. How about that?" Lin Yang is not slow.

"Mr. Lin, don't deceive people too much. We come here with sincerity to ask you to do something!" Huaqing pine cold road.

"Is that your sincerity?" Lin Yang shook his head and said to his mother, "I remember you said before that you would rather jump off a building than beg me. Now you can start!"

Hua's mother's face was cold.

"What do you mean?" Hua Mu was furious.

"If you are willing to jump down from here, I will rescue your son or give me 100 billion yuan. You can choose for yourself." Lin Yang said faintly.

The Chinese family were furious.

This is the highest floor of Pearl Hotel, 56th floor! If you jump down from here, you have to break it into mud?

"So, Mr. Lin, you refuse to treat my son?" Hua Qingsong asked, squinting.

"I didn't refuse, but you didn't want to sacrifice." Lin Yang shook his head.

"You..." Hua's mother was very angry.

Hua Qingsong took a deep breath and said calmly: "Doctor Lin, I know that there may be some misunderstanding between us, but I don't want us to be enemies. If you are angry about the things before, I'm willing to apologize here. I haven't been too modest to anyone in my life. You are the first one. Dr. Lin should be a friend. Let's make friends How about clearing up the past

With that, Hua Qingsong stepped forward with a smile and wanted to shake hands with Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't do anything.

Hua Qingsong's hand is stiff in the air. It's not to put it or not to let it go. It's embarrassing.

"Lin! Don't be too arrogant Hua's mother couldn't look down any more, pointing to Lin Yang and growling.

"Is that your attitude?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Damn it!"

Hua's mother was so angry that she rushed up to fight with Lin Yang.

"What are you doing? Go back Hua Qingsong drinks heavily.

Hua's mother was stunned and looked at Hua Qingsong. Seeing her husband's serious expression, she could only resist her anger and retreat to one side.

"Doctor Lin, what do you want?" Hua Qingsong looked at him coldly.

"Who are involved in arson? Who came up with the idea? Who sent someone to move Mahai? What actions have Huajia taken against Yanghua group? Let me know all these details and give them to me and let me handle them. Maybe our relationship can be eased Lin Yang said slowly."What if it was all my idea?" Hua Qingsong drinks heavily.

"Would it be better? You're at my disposal! Don't worry, I won't kill you. I just want to settle the account. That's enough. " Lin Yang road.

All the Chinese took a breath.

How dare this man say it!

Does he know who is standing in front of him?

This is what the Chinese family is talking about!

"I think you are crazy, Dr. Lin!" Hua Qingsong was also shocked by Lin Yang's bold words.

"Since we can't agree, please leave." Lin Yang is too lazy to talk to these guys again.


They didn't come with any sincerity at all.

It's just that Lin Yang's order to leave, but the Chinese family did not leave.

Hua's mother squinted and stares at Lin Yang: "so, Lin, you really don't help, right?"

"No help." Lin Yang light road.

"Hehe, in this case, we can't be blamed!"

Hua's mother sneered and then raised her hand.

Oh! Oh! Oh! 咵...

a strange noise came out.

I saw those people in black standing at the door all took out a black pistol from his arms, and all the terrible muzzle was aimed at Lin Yang.

"What are you doing?"

Gong Xiyun, who is next to him, is shocked and pale. He also hastens to take out his gun.

"Don't move!"

Alu cried out.

A gun is aimed at Gong Xiyun.

Gong Xiyun shivered all over and froze in place.

"This is Shanghu. It's my territory. Dr. Lin, I know that you are very famous now and have great prestige in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. You said that as long as you don't agree, no one in the field of traditional Chinese medicine can help my Chinese family, but now I have to pay you back. As long as I don't nod, you can't get out of Shanghai!"

Hua Qing Song said domineering.

This is the inside story of the Hua family!

As soon as the words fell, the air in the room froze.

Gong Xiyun is breathing hard.

She did not expect Hua Qingsong's determination.

In fact, she also has scruples, but in this case she does not know how to do, after all, this is not Jiangcheng, she can not transfer many people.

What to do now?

Gong Xiyun is completely flustered.

The situation is getting worse.

But just then...

Lin Yang stood up from the sofa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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