
This is naked contempt!

Yuwenmo, Jinding, Bixian and liziyun are famous doctors in China! But the backbone of the southern faction!

Each of them is Qin baisong's level of existence!

Such a person is respected no matter where he goes, no matter what level he meets.

But now, some people despise them so much! Challenge them!

How can they stand it?

"Beast! What are you talking about? " Bixian couldn't help but screamed and pointed at the nose of the visitor.

"You think you can trample on the southern school by winning a student? absolutely lawless! What lawlessness Jinding was very angry and shivered all over.

Li Ziyun did not speak, his eyes showed a touch of concern.

In his opinion, since this person dares to say this kind of words so confidently, it must have confidence, if it is careless, I'm afraid it will be heavy.

But Yu Wenmo knows that if he refuses to fight, they will become the sinners of the southern faction.

"Gentlemen, this is about the reputation of the southern faction. If we retreat, how can we account to the southern faction? Join hands. Since this boy wants to fight with four of us, we'll fight him! Don't you think the four of us are equal to him? " Yu Wen was silent.

What's the reason to refuse?

"Well, let's fight!"

"Let's see what kind of arrogant capital this bastard has!"

Bixian and others drink deeply, and then they all come forward and stare at the visitors.

The appearance of this scene caused a sensation.

Four examiners join hands!

What a terrible thing this is?

"Four teachers, can I help you?"

At this time, Wang Gang, one of the examinees, cried out.

He is the sixth in the genius doctor. His strength is much higher than that of Ning tu. although Ning Tu is defeated badly, he is not afraid. And it's a great time to stand up and talk to nanpaila.

"Don't worry, Wang Gang. You can watch it by the side."

Bi Xian nodded, her eyes showing a touch of appreciation.

This is a sign of determination!

When Wang Gang talks at this time, it means that he is a Southerner and can be recruited as the backbone.

"Well, I wish the four teachers a victory Wang Gang laughed.

"How serious is it to deal with such an idiot who does not know the height of heaven and earth?"

The Golden Summit hums a way, then rushed to the person to shout: "say, how to compare this time?"

"If there are not so many patients to treat, we will be better than others."

The visitor said lightly.

"Than what?" Yu Wen asked silently.

"A needle." It's a light way to come.

"Needle? What can be compared to this? Better than whom? " Bi xianleng hum.

"No, no, no, it's better than whom." It's a light way to come.

"What do you mean?"

There was a look of bewilderment.

But listen to the man said: "there are 36 dead holes in the human body, there are 15 hidden holes, a total of 51. Let's compare who can pierce each other's dead holes. The four of you can go together. As long as you stab my dead hole, I think it's no use even if I don't admit defeat. Of course, if I stab your dead hole, you should know the consequences, OK? Do you dare to compare? "

As soon as this word fell, Yu Wenmo's four people's faces changed.

People around were in a state of shock.

"Is this a game of life?"

"It's more exciting than fighting!"

"Is that how Chinese medicine fights with each other?"

"This is beyond the scope of ordinary medical fighting, but in the realm of Yu Wen and Bi Xian, this method is indeed used to solve problems."

"But what if it's a human life?"

"Don't worry, this is the southern faction. If anything goes wrong, it's not just a bunch of dead bodies."

Many people's eyes are hot and full of expectation.

Yuwen Mo Ben also want to say what, see this scene, can only sink a way: "good, we compare this."

"Then you must be careful." It's a light way to come.

"Well, the four of us can't fight you alone? Ridiculous

Li Ziyun said coldly: "Yuwen teacher, Bixian teacher, Jinding teacher, let's go!"


Several people immediately untie the needle bag on the body, pinch out the silver needle, and walk towards the man.

"You should be careful. This man is proficient in Qi acupuncture. Don't be attacked by him." Yumo said.

"Don't worry. I don't need an air needle."

To be humane.

"Then you're going to lose!"

Bi Xian drank and yelled, and stabbed the needle at the man's chest.Her technique of applying needles is extremely swift and fast, like a meteor in the night sky, and her accurate heart is very stable. If the person doesn't move, the needle is bound to be stabbed.

But he is a step back, and backhand toward Bi Xian's hand.

I don't know how much faster than Bixian.

Bixian slightly trembled, she caught the twinkling cold light between the hands.

Traditional Chinese medicine needling must be slow to maintain stability and accuracy, but in the southern school, the use of silver needles is varied, not limited to one pattern.

Bi Xian's face was tight, the brain quickly measured it, and immediately pulled the hand back.

She knew that if she was touched by that man's palm, she might have a silver needle on her arm.

The arm is also a dead hole, if he pierced, even if he will not die immediately, it is likely to have soft paralysis on the ground.

But she was not in a hurry.

Because at the moment when she closed her hand, Jinding, Li Ziyun and yuwenmo were all close to the man. They all put out their hands and each hand held a silver needle. Under the electric light and flint, the six silver needles were like six poisonous snakes running out, biting at the man.

There are anterior, posterior, left, right, waist and arm.

This is a complete encirclement.

At the moment, the man wanted to escape, afraid it would be too late.

Everyone around me was stunned.

Is this the technique of TCM?

It's really eye opening!


just as their silver needle was about to plunge into the man's hole of death, he suddenly turned his body, and his hand turned horizontally, and there was a cold light shining at the fingertips of that hand.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A series of slight and crisp sounds came out.

The three of them trembled, fixed their eyes and looked, only to find that all the silver needles in their hands were broken.


Jinding is cool.

Yu Wenmo is also stunned. He looks at the broken silver needles in a hurry. He is shocked to find that these silver needles are not broken from the transverse surface, but from the tip of the needle. They are directly broken!

This man... Actually stabbed their silver needle with silver!

How can this be done in a terrible way!


Yu Wenmo's scalp was numb and he called out in a hurry.

The three retreated.

But it's too late.

However, the man's pace moved, and he shuttled among the four people like a dragon.

After Yu Wenmo, Jin Ding, Bi Xian and Li Ziyun retreated to the back and opened up a distance with the man, they were shocked to find that there was a silver needle gently shaking on each arm.

It's like being stabbed by magic.

The four were in a daze.

There was a complete silence in the audience , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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