
As a melodious bell rings, the whole southern school college is quiet.

Students and all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine entered the conference.

The onlookers entered the audience one by one.

Because it's a traditional Chinese medicine assessment meeting, we must keep quiet, but people are flushed and fidgety. At the moment, we can't suppress the excitement.

Of course, the most exciting is the students.

They are rubbing their hands, looking forward to doing their best.

At this time, the gate in the middle of the conference opened and a group of people came in.

This group of people is very strange.

In addition to the first four people wearing a little more formal, the rest of the dress is more ordinary, not like the southern school, and everyone has a sick face, some are still coughing.

Some of the students knew the first four men and immediately got up and bowed to them.

"Yuwen, Bixian, Jinding, liziyun, Hello!"

When he called, others were shocked and bowed in a hurry and said with a smile:

"Hello, four teachers!"

"Hello, four teachers!"

The voice is rapid, competing with each other, for fear that he yells late several teachers are not happy.

As soon as the audience heard this, they immediately understood that these people were the chief examiners of the medical King conference.

As for the group behind them, they are the patients for the examination.

They sat directly in a special seat on the side of the venue.

"Let's all sit down, call the number and come forward to be examined." Cried the woman who called Bixian.

The woman is about 40 years old. She is dressed in a cheongsam. She is not smiling. She looks serious. She looks more strict than Mao Aiqin. When people look at her face, they can't help but show a sense of fear.

"Is this Bixian?"

"Yes, this is the most famous lecturer of the southern school, and she is known to be strict. However, her medical skills are so high that she has reached the level of Yanjing great doctor."

Someone whispered.

"I, Yu Wenmo, Dr. Bixian, Dr. Jinding and Dr. Li Ziyun are the examiners of this assessment. I hope you can give full play to them." Yu Wenmo also opened his voice.

"Yes, teacher!"

People yelled.

At this time, Liu Rushi and the apprentice of Kou Guan and other big doctors came and sat near the examiner. They came to watch the competition and would not participate in the assessment of the southern school. After all, people like them would compete with each other, and they could not easily stand in the line.

Kou Guan's big apprentice is called Nanxing. Although he is dressed in plain clothes and looks ugly, he is full of pride in his eyes.

From time to time, he looked at the side of the fairy like Liu Rushi, with a touch of hot in his eyes.

It's a pity that Liu Rushi didn't look at him at all. He just looked at the young talented doctors at the scene, as if he were observing them.

"Now I declare that the medical King's assembly will begin."

Li Ziyun stood up and yelled.

In an instant, the bell of the southern school rang three more times, and then two rows of people came out of the doors on both sides.

They line up, standing on both sides of the examiner, one by one standing upright, very imposing.

The atmosphere was also solemn.

Those who are ready to take part in the examination are all swallowing their mouths.

Have they ever seen such a gesture?

At this time, a member of the southern faction took out a cylinder and placed it in front of the four examiners.

Yuwenmo turns inside the cylinder, takes out a card and reads the name on it.

"Chen Kai."

"Come on

In the examinee's seat, a man of about twenty-eight years old and wearing glasses immediately stood up and walked quickly to the judges.

There are operating tables, prepared silver needles and medicinal materials, but they are limited.

Southern school requires candidates not to carry their own medical tools, only use the silver needle medicine they provide, and the amount of silver needle and medicinal materials is limited.

At this time, Jinding also took a card and read out the name: "Zhang Fugui."

When the voice fell, an old man who was nearly 70 years old stood up at the patient's table over there.

The old man came unsteadily with his stick.

When the man named Chen Kai saw the old man, his heart suddenly cooled.

Among these patients, the most difficult to treat is the old man, because the old man's physical condition is poor. If the examiner's examination questions are too harsh, he will be very likely to lose the election.

Chen Kai was terrified.

A lot of people on the examinee seat are laughing in secret.

"This old man has liver problems. I want you to check out the main liver problems in 10 minutes and control the disease." Li Ziyun over there said lightly.

Chen Kai was dumbfounded on the spot.

Many people are also stunned."Ten... Ten minutes?" Chen Kai said.

"Any questions?" Li Ziyun took a look at him.

"No... no problem." Chen Kai's face was ugly, so he went to get the silver needle for treatment.

The examinee seat is boiling.

"Ten minutes? Is this... This too difficult? "

"I may not be able to diagnose it even if I give me one hour with the materials sent by Nanpai."

"I feel that this test is much more difficult than before."

"Friend, have you been here before?"

"I'm 50 years old this year. I've participated in several medical King's conferences."

"What? Do you want to join the southern school when you are 50? "

"Of course, going to the south is my dream!"

A little sound came out.

Bi Xian's face was black, he clapped the table and roared, "shut up all of you!"

The examinee seat was quiet for a moment.

But listen to bi Xian Lenglie way: "who is noisy again, roll out to me!"

For a moment, everyone was silent, and even their breathing was relieved a lot.

The venue was silent again, with only Chen Kai's busy figure.

But ten minutes is too short, although he is busy with sweat, but the time is still not enough.

"The time is up, the examination is over, the examinee Chen Kai, the examination has failed!" Jin Ding's face was expressionless.

When Chen Kai heard this, he was in a hurry and called out: "four teachers, please give me a little more time and give me another chance. I can diagnose it immediately. Please."

Chen Kai, however, carries the hope of the whole village. He is the one who was finally sent to attend the doctor King's Congress in their hospital. We should know that the reference qualification of the medical King's Congress is not available to everyone, and it can only be achieved through great efforts.

Chen Kai prepared for three years.

Now, however, it's all broken.

In this ten minutes, my dream was broken...

"please leave here immediately, do not affect the examination, otherwise we can only send you out!" Bixian cold road.

"Teacher Bixian, please give me another chance, please!" Chen Kai still shouts.

"I don't know good or bad!" Bi Xian drinks and shouts and waves his hand.

From the members of the southern faction on both sides, two strong men immediately came out to hold Chen Kai, dragged him out and threw him out of the southern faction.

Chen Kai's unwilling cry is still ringing.

"Listen, put this man named Chen Kai on the blacklist. You can't take part in the southern school examination in this life!" Bi Xian drinks and shouts.

All the people turned pale.

That's the death penalty?

"Next!" Bi Xian hummed.

The examination continued.

But at this time, the pressure of every examinee becomes huge.

And as the examination went on, they gradually realized that the content of the examination was simply abnormal to explosion.

No matter what type of patients, their diagnosis time is only 10 minutes. If they fail to fulfill the requirements of the four examiners within 10 minutes, they will be judged as failure.

For a moment, the venue was filled with grief.

Until then, yuwenmo called out a name.

"Next, Cheng Changsheng!"

As soon as this word fell, everyone on the scene was shocked.

Genius doctor... Finally on! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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