Three old people just stood there.

Zheng Nantian was sitting on the chair with a gloomy face.

All four of them still have some problems.

"What's going on, Xiao Zhao?"

Zheng Nantian asked in a deep voice.

"I... I don't know, Shou chang..." Xiao Zhao wanted to cry without tears.

"How can Xiao Lin be connected with fake drugs and fraud cases?" Fang Hong frowned.

"If he sells fake drugs, international organizations can't recognize the two new drugs of Yanghua group. I'm afraid there is something wrong with them." Gongyu Lei sank.

He is a member of the Academy of Sciences. He is very concerned about this nature. Recently, he has paid more attention to Yanghua group. In his opinion, Yanghua group has no motivation to make fake drugs. After all, their new drugs are effective and have been recognized by many parties. What's more, Lin Yang even has two different prescriptions!

Fake medicine? Why do they make fake medicine?

Judging from the prescription given by Lin Yang, he is really talented and learned! It can't be a charlatan!

"It seems that there is an inside story here."

Shaoqiu's light road.


"Zhao's, a fierce way to beat the table


"Go, ask Zhou Gang to check. In an hour, I want to know the whole story."


Xiao Zhao ran down.

A few people sit here, no mood, no food, no wine.

An hour later, a blind man with a beard on his face came in.


"What the hell is going on?" Zheng Nan Tian asked.

The man lowered his head and said all the information he had found.

In an instant, several old people's faces were gloomy to the extreme.

"Asshole! Asshole! Blue sky and day, brilliant sky and earth! How could such a thing happen! Zheng Nantian! After you have been in Jiangcheng for three years, Jiangcheng has become like this? " Shaoqiu Qi is all over the body, pointing to Zheng Nantian's nose and swearing.

"How can such a thing happen? Is there any royal law? A bunch of assholes! I've eaten the gall of the leopard with bear heart Gongyu Lei is also angry.

Fang Hong was gloomy and did not speak.

Zheng Nan Tian was shivering all over his body. His hands were clinging to the armrest, which was almost crushed by him.

Although he is recuperating here, it doesn't mean he doesn't exist!

The God of war in the army has been in Jiangcheng for several years, but such a thing still happens in Jiangcheng. If this is spread out, will he have the face to see people?

"Lao Zheng, I see that you have been recuperating here for several years. The more people are raised, the more useless they are. All kinds of ghosts and snakes dare to go wild! You'd better have a good rest. I'll deal with this matter! You're not good. I have! I can't see such a good young man gone! " Gongyu Lei said in a deep voice.

"Fart! What do you count? You come here to teach Laozi a lesson Zheng Nantian directly scolded.

"You can't do it yourself. Don't you want us to interfere?"

"No way! I'll tell you, I'll tie you up now if I annoy me


"you all show me, who dares to do it, I'm not finished with him!"

Zheng Nantian yelled and glared at Xiao Zhao and said, "go, go and call Cai wennong that little animal and tell him! He didn't stand here for half an hour. I broke his leg

"Ah? This... Warden, that... That person is now in an important position. If you want to invite him, you'd better call him first... "Xiao Zhao shivered.

"Call his mother. When did I call him for so many years? Go away and shout Zheng Nan is getting up from his chair.

Xiao Zhao had no choice but to go and ask.

At last, the comrades of the Ministry and district knew Xiao Zhao, but they didn't embarrass him.

Soon, Cai wennong received the news and drove to the suburban sanatorium.

"Old guard chief!"

Cai wennong, in uniform, stood upright and saluted Zheng Nantian.

Zheng Nantian coldly glanced at him and said: "a batch of new drugs have been developed and are ready to be put into use. With these new drugs, our people's physical conditions can be greatly increased, and their survival ability will be greatly increased..."

"really?" Cai wennong was overjoyed.

"Mr. Gong is here, can I cheat you? Once the audit has been completed, the notice will come down. When the documents are approved, the new drug will be put into production. " Zheng Nan Tian Leng Dao.

"That's great! You don't know, old sergeant, those guys outside have become more and more dishonest recently. Every time we take action, we lose a lot. If this new drug really has such effect, it will be more powerful for us! " Cai wennong said with a smile.

"Is it? It's a pity that this medicine may be delayed. " Zheng Nan Tian said without expression."Why?" Cai wennong's smile froze.

"Because the factory we use to produce new drugs has just been closed down!" Zheng Nantian threw a piece of information in front of CAI wennong.

Cai wennong was stunned and went to see it.

A moment later, he turned black to the core.

"I'll take care of it, old guard! I promise I won't let you down! We must return the city of Jiangcheng to a clean place Cai wenong said.

"I look at you! Not good! Don't say it was taught by Zheng Nantian in the future! I can't afford to lose that man Zheng Nantian exclaimed excitedly.

Cai wennong shivered all over. He knew that the old guard chief was really angry. He even nodded: "yes!"

Out of the sanatorium, Cai wennong's face was always black.

"Captain, what did the old guard say?" Next to the guard carefully asked.

"I told you that you don't understand. Go ahead and call me the first, second and third guards to go out and immediately surround the Nanwan club and arrest the man named Chang Bo!"

"Captain, what are you doing with him?"

"He has committed a crime!"

"What did you do?"


Cai wennong glared at him and got into the car.

The guard shivered all over and hurriedly followed.

A moment later, green armored vehicles drove from the outskirts of Jiangcheng into the city center...

Nanwan club.

Chang Bo was sitting at a sandalwood table eating.

A woman dressed in revealing clothes poured him a glass of red wine.

"Chang Bo!"

A young man came in.

"Xiao Wu!"

Chang Bo swallowed the beef in his mouth, then wiped his mouth and said with a faint smile: "how about it? Has Fang Shimin started? "

"The court has issued a subpoena to Yanghua group. The court will hold a court session in the afternoon, and will not give Yanghua group any breathing opportunity! Now Kang Jiahao and they are very busy. Yanghua group has no chance of winning The young man called Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"Good! Good! When Yanghua falls, Gong Xiyun's cheap woman can't be my opponent without a backer? I summoned his men in the name of Ku long, and then attacked Gong Xiyun. Gong Xiyun certainly couldn't resist. At that time, the whole Jiangcheng was my world, ha ha ha... "Chang Bo laughed.

"Congratulations to Changbo." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"Happy with you! Xiao Wu, I'm old. The future of Jiangcheng is still for you young people. Do a good job. In the future, I will have to hand over the burden to you. " Chang Bo said with a smile.

"Yes." Xiao Wu nodded, but his eyes twinkled with malice.

Old man, when you take Jiangcheng, I'll find a chance to do it for you.

Xiao Wu was Chang Bo's adopted son. Chang Bo was unable to bear children, so he trained Xiao Wu. Although Chang Bo was infertile, he was in good health. It seems that he still has to live for at least 20 years.

Twenty years! Xiao Wu can't wait.

Just as Xiao Wu pan was thinking about how to solve the old man, bursts of noise and noise came from outside.

"What's going on?"

Chang Bo frowned and began to shout.

However, he did not wait for his men to come and pass.


The gate was suddenly kicked open, and then a large number of uniformed people rushed into the room, surrounded Chang Bo and others. A black gun muzzle aimed at Xiao Wu and Changbo.

The woman screamed with fear.

Chang Bo and Xiao Wu raised their hands in a hurry, both of them were stupid.

How did this happen?

How could they have seen such a battle..

"who is Chang Bo

At this time, a man in uniform with a resolute face stepped forward.

"I... I'm this comrade. What's the matter?" Chamberlain asked, trembling.

However, the man did not answer at all, only waved: "take it away!"


Before they went up, they took Chang Bo and Xiao Wu away directly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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