Lin Yang frowned.

"What does the old man want? Yan'er, let's not go. He deserves to be in such a state of Su's family! " Zhang Qingyu said angrily.

"Mom... Grandma has reached this point. Let's not worry about it. It's just that people are dying and their words are good. Let's go and listen to what she wants to say." Su Yan sighed.

"Listen to her? What can she say? Don't you think what this old woman has done to our family over the years? Your father is her son, but what did she do to your father? Your business ability is so good, the financial management of Su family company is in good order, but what is the result? She also wants to give the power to Subei and Su Hui! Let's hang you aside, daughter. We don't owe the Su family any more. We have a clear conscience! "

Zhang Qingyu tried his best to persuade him.

She wanted the Su family to die.

"Mom, please don't say it. I'm just going to have a look. I'm not doing anything. Dad, let's go."

Su Yan insisted on seeing it and got out of bed.

Zhang Qingyu was speechless.

Lin Yang didn't follow.

Su Yan looked at him, her face drooped slightly, and her expression was a little nervous.

"What did your grandfather tell you?" Lin Yang asked lightly.

Su Yan breathed hard and said, "no... nothing..."

"there are some things you can tell me."

What do you tell me? What can you do for me? Do you think we're dealing with people who were a little bit powerful this time? You don't understand! "

Su Yan whispered and hurried out of the room.

Lin Yang is silent.

After confirming that Su Yan is free, Lin Yang returns to the company.

In Su Guang's mind, Lin Yang is still his son-in-law, but Su Yan doesn't think so.

Lin Yang doesn't know why Su Yan's temperament has changed greatly, but he believes it must have something to do with Zhang Zhonghua.

After returning to the company, Lin Yang called ma Hai and asked him to send people to stare at the three big men in Jiangcheng.

Ma Hai was a little surprised, but soon returned to calm. Obviously, he also received some news from Xu Tianna.

Ma Hai retreated from the house to do it.

But a moment later, he turned back.

"Anything else?" Asked Lin Yang, who was reading the document.

"Mr. Lin, there is someone outside who wants to see you."

"See me?" Lin Yang had some accidents.

Since he became famous, there are countless people who want to see Lin Dong every day, such as the Qing of the river.

Mahai will basically refuse, why does this Mahai agree.

"Who is it?"

"He claims to be your housekeeper."

"My housekeeper?" Lin Yang Leng next, suddenly, he seems to think of what, frown a way: "let him in immediately."


Ma Hai retreated again.

A moment later, an old man with white hair and a brown suit came in and sat down at Linyang's desk. His old eyes were watching him deeply.

The old man is very dignified, well-dressed and unpredictable. It can be seen at a glance that he is definitely coming from a noble family.

"Young master." He spoke slowly and calmly.

"How did you come?"

Lin Yang closed his cool eyes and looked at the documents in his hands again.

"It's been three years since the young master came to the Su family from his side. I thought it was time to come and see the young master."

"Is that what they mean?"

"Old man, it's not personal. Few people in the family mentioned you, after all... "The old man stopped talking.

"After all, I am a wild seed, a waste, a shame on the family, and a stain that most of the Lin family shouldn't have, right?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

The sound was very harsh.

But there was no change in the old man's face.

"It can't be blamed on the master. In short, when you see that you are safe and sound now, you will be relieved."

"So you're really just looking at me? If you have anything, just tell me! Don't waste my time Lin Yang light road.

The old man sighed and said hoarsely, "young master, I heard by chance that there was a miracle Doctor Lin in Jiangcheng. He was young but skillful. He also found that there was a Yanghua group in Jiangcheng. Because the young master was here, I made a little investigation and found that these seemed to have something to do with the young master."

"Dr. Lin is me."

"That explains, young master, if these are just your hobbies, it doesn't matter, but I hope you don't think about your mother, because you don't have the qualification. With these, it is impossible to compete with the Lin family. You should know yourself well! "

The old man said it really.

In the face of that huge giant, Lin Yang is indeed not qualified, even think of the qualifications are not.

Lin Yang was not angry, but dumbfounded: "so my mother should have died so unjustly. As a son, I have no qualification to ask for justice?"The old man did not answer, only a light answer: "your brothers are very good, you are not as good as them."

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and did not speak.

The old man got up and turned to the layman.

"Young master, I call you that for the sake of the master, not your mother. Your mother is not worthy of giving birth to the Lin family's offspring. Now that you have left the Lin family, I hope you can have a good life. Remember, don't think about it again, and remember that you are not a member of the Lin family outside! Because you don't deserve it

The old man is not abusing Lin Yang.

Because in the Lin family, Lin Yang does not deserve to say that he belongs to the Lin family.

With that, the old man was leaving.

There's no stopping at all.

"I'll go to the Lins." At this time, Lin Yang called out.

The old man's pace was stiff, and he gave a long sigh: "is it not good to live well?"

"I'll get justice for my mother, too." Lin Yang said again.

The old man shook his head again and again.

"You will understand how stupid, how ignorant, how pitiful, how can ants fight people?"

Then he left the room.

"I'm not an ant! You'll soon know that, from the beginning to the end, you've been wrong about me, and everyone... Has been wrong about me! "

Lin Yang quietly watched the closed door and whispered to himself.

For a long time, he sat back in his chair, closed his eyes and thought about something.

At this time, Ma Hai once again entered the office.

"Is the man gone?"

"Go, Mr. Lin, who is that?" Ma Hai asked carefully.

He only saw that the old man was sitting in a Rolls Royce from Yanjing. Looking at the license plate number, he was obviously not an ordinary person.

Lin Yang shook his head.

Ma Hai is also interested, not asking.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, just got the news that Mrs. Su has given most of the property of the Su family to Miss Su Yan unconditionally. Subei and Su Hui will share less than 10% of the property of the Su family."

"Oh? How could Mrs. Su do this? Didn't she hate Su Yan and Su Guang's family very much? " Lin Yang was quite surprised.

"Maybe it's because old lady Su thinks Su Yan can save the Su family."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know, Mr. Lin? Now the whole Jiangcheng is spreading, and Lin Dong of Yanghua group is pursuing Su Jia that Su Yan. " Mahaido.

Lin Yang is a little speechless.

"Old lady Su thought that Su Yan could have something to do with the mysterious Lin Dong, so she gave the Su family to her, hoping that she could lead the Su family to a great success."

"This old lady, really is a fine..." Lin Yang laughed.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, his eyes slightly tight, busy low voice asked: "how about old lady Su? Are you dead? "

"Not yet. I've been in the intensive care unit. It's said that I don't have a few days to live."

"How did the Su family react to Mrs. Su's decision?"

"It was strongly opposed at first, but by now, it should be tacit."

"Is it? Ha ha... This old lady Su is really cunning! I didn't expect it was this time. She still wanted to make use of Su Yan! It's a pity that she made a wrong calculation. "

"Mr. Lin, do you mean that Mrs. Su pretended to be ill on purpose?"

"Yes, it's just taking advantage of Su Yan's sympathy. If I guess right, the actual controlling person of Su family enterprise should be in the hands of Su Guang, and Su Guang is the most soft hearted. Once Su family gets big depending on the relationship between Su Yan and Yanghua group, Mrs. Su will definitely let Subei or susian quickly take the shares in suguang's hands! Then kick Su Yan away

"Is Su Guang really the old lady's son?" Ma Hai sighed.

"Go ahead and count how many industries the Su family still has."

"Is Mr. Lin planning to buy the property of the Su family now?"

"No, I won't touch them now! That's boring. "

"Mr. Lin wants to...

" in the name of Su Yan, allocate 30 million yuan from Yanghua to Sujia company, so that they can taste the sweetness. When the time is ripe, they can do it again. If they hold it high, they will be more ruthless! " Lin Yang said without expression.

Ma Hai's eyes lit up and nodded: "I know what to do."

"Go ahead."

Lin Yang waved and Ma Hai left the office.

At this time, Lin Yang's mobile phone quivered.

Lin Yang glanced at the mobile phone, opened the text message, eyes a Lin, spin and dial Xu Tian's number.

"Mr. Lin, can I help you?"

"Take a bus to Jiangcheng immediately."

"What's up to Jiangcheng in the evening?" Xu Tianhu asked suspiciously.

"I'll take Jiangcheng for you!" Lin Yang light road, then hung up the phone.

It's eight o'clock at night.

Xu Tianxin startled meat jump will stop in front of the building of Yanghua group, waiting for the arrival of , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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