The Goddess Signed In For a Year, and I Turned Over

Chapter 316: Computer Genius Liu Hui, Plan

Chapter 317 Computer genius Liu Hui, plan

"The third thing, while you and Xuanxuan are young, it's best to have a younger brother for Tangtang and Guoguo. Now they have already given birth to a second child."

Halfway through Lu Kun's words, Zhou Huiying took over the topic.

Although the two were busy in the future, but now there are three people who still have so many babysitters to take care of the children.

Although they don't have a patriarchal mindset, they always think that the family can be lively.

"Ah! Mom, this, this matter, we really haven't thought about it!"

Qi Xuanxuan's face flushed when she heard this, and she replied shyly.

She and Lu Yunqi are living happily in their world now, I really never thought about having children again!

"Hey, Dad, Mom, I'll try my best to do this kind of thing, then we're almost done talking about what we should talk about, so let's go down and rest early!"

Lu Yunqi scratched his hair and replied with a smirk.

My parents have paid so much for themselves, and the idea of ​​having a second child is also excusable.

It's just that they don't care about having boys or girls.

Several people went back to the room talking and laughing.

Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan both drank some wine today.

The hormones in the body are even more out of control. As soon as I returned to the room, I went to the bathroom to take a shower without even taking my pajamas.

After a while, there was a rude exhalation sound.



the next day.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the morning that the couple woke up from their sleep.

After chatting with their parents last night, the two felt that although they had more capital, they also had a heavier burden.

Because the Spring Festival was approaching, the other guests were sent off by Lin Wanxin and Zhou Huiying.

The two got up and had dinner.

Qi Xuanxuan accompanied her two daughters to do their homework, and Lu Yunqi came to the study alone and turned on the computer.

All he has to do today is to look for,

In China, are there any kind of high-tech students who come to form their own companies?

Also make a detailed plan for your company.

Now I have a lot of high-end technology in my hands, but Lu Yunqi alone is definitely not enough.

I have browsed a lot of domestic entrepreneurial websites, and there are some projects of college students themselves, but many of them are imaginative and have no substantial effect.

Lu Yunqi naturally disliked these.


On a website, I saw a message posted by an account named Yudu University of Science and Technology.

The general content is that the school has a group of computer science students who form an interest group called Aixin Language, mainly to study computer systems. They also made a framework for compiling domestic operating systems in Chinese. Now due to funding problems , the project was forced to stop.

In the main post, there is no mention of attracting investment or looking for investment.

For Lu Yunqi, who doesn't visit these forums very much, he is not very familiar with it.

But there are a lot of comments and threads below this post, and many people feel very sorry.

After all, the operating system compiled in Chinese, if this can be done successfully, it will break the monopoly of Microsoft in the United States!

After reading the entire post.

Lu Yunqi probably understood one thing.

The leader of the all-Chinese compilation of domestic operating systems is a top genius in the Department of Computer Science of Yudu University of Science and Technology, named Liu Hui.

When he was a junior, he participated in a paid bug finding activity organized by Microsoft. He found 5 critical vulnerabilities in total, and won a bonus of 2 million M from Microsoft. At the same time, he also received Offer from Microsoft.

At that time, as soon as the news came out, not only Microsoft, but also companies such as Fruit, Guge, Guwen, etc. also threw an olive branch to Liu Hui.

Not only did he invite him to study at MIT in the United States, but he also expressed his willingness to apply for a green card in the United States, and the salary was also very high.

During that time, this Liu Hui can be said to have become a man of influence in Yudu University of Science and Technology.

Not only did foreign technology giants take action one after another, but several large domestic companies also noticed it. Ali, Tengyi, etc. also sent invitations to Liu Hui.

But, unfortunately, these two domestic Internet companies were not able to invite this person.

Liu Hui later founded a company by himself to make this all-Chinese compilation operating system.

He used the $2 million he got to get his company through the start-up stage, and has developed this operating system to a certain scale without raising an angel round of financing.

However, research on this kind of technology is very expensive.

Before the system was formed, the company experienced a financial breakdown.

When the news was known by foreign companies such as Microsoft, they all wanted to come in and get a piece of the pie, and then completely control the genius of the computer.

However, in the end, when Liu Hui knew the disgusting purpose of these capitals, he directly announced the bankruptcy and dissolution of the company, and the system was also in a semi-finished state.

At that time, there were still many people on the Internet who questioned that this so-called Chinese compilation of boxing was a game of words and used the Chineseized English compilation to fool people.

Some people also say that it is based on the Linux kernel magic reformation.

Anyway, everyone doesn't believe that the Huaguo computer genius can really research the system kernel by himself.

However, Liu Hui did not come out to explain, the whole person seemed to have evaporated from the world.

"Haha, it's kind of interesting!"

After Lu Yunqi read the entire post, he read the following comments, and finally got a general understanding of Liu Hui's entrepreneurial story.

Maybe for others, it is Liu Hui's talent in computing, but for Lu Yunqi, although he is also interested in his computer talent, he is more interested in his personality.

Lu Yunqi, who has god-level hacking skills, may still have a little say in the computer.

I have made up my mind.

I opened the long-lost dark web and went up to find out about Liu Hui's personal information.

In this world, basically the dark web can find information about any person, and some are even more complete than the official home.

Soon, there were more than 10,000 people named Liu Hui in Yudu, Huaguo, on the dark web.

After entering the keyword of the computer department of Yudu University of Science and Technology, Liu Hui was left alone.

There is no doubt that this is the person Lu Yunqi is looking for.

Contact information and so on.

But unfortunately, his phone can't get through, but it can be regarded as a lot of useful information.

Moreover, Lu Yunqi also discovered a very interesting thing, that is, this Liu Hui is actually a member of the darknet.

Now everything becomes easier.

Lu Yunqi used the identity of No. 1 on the dark web and sent a message to Liu Hui on the dark web, asking him to contact him directly by email after he went online.

Then quit the dark web.

After this matter was settled, Lu Yunqi already had a rough company plan in his mind.

Stand up and stretch.

She walked out of the room with a relaxed body, and happened to meet Qi Xuanxuan and her two daughters in the living room preparing for lunch.

"Dad, you're done!" The sharp-eyed Guoguo shouted excitedly at the sight of Lu Yunqi's face full of spring.

Lu Yunqi walked over to his daughter, wiped the heads of the two sisters dotingly, and said, "Well, go and call your grandparents and grandma for dinner!"

At this time, the two little princesses had already washed their hands. Lu Yunqi didn't see his parents, so he ordered his two daughters to call.

At this time, Qi Xuanxuan also came out of the bathroom. Seeing the strong smile on Lu Yunqi's face, she asked, "What is it that makes my husband so happy?"

It's been a long time since I saw Lu Yunqi show such a smile!

"Cough, it's nothing, just reminiscing about last night!" Lu Yunqi replied with a smirk, and then said: "Wife, I found a very interesting project. After the new year is over, I will prepare to form a company. already."

"Irregular!" After Qi Xuanxuan laughed and scolded, she asked in surprise, "Oh? What kind of project is it, a technology company?"

Qi Xuanxuan naturally heard what Lu Kun said to Lu Yunqi yesterday.

And as the president of Haochen Group, she naturally knows the risks of the technology industry.

More importantly, Lu Yunqi did not show his business talent in front of her.

"Well, technology company, you'll know when the time comes. For the registration of the company, we have to ask the finance of the group to help, and then the company name. We can discuss it later."

Lu Yunqi walked to the bathroom while talking and washed his hands.

Recently, film and television production has been handed over to Wang Jiexi and Han Han. I don't have so much time to manage it, and I have also said that I will no longer manage other matters of Haochen Entertainment.

"Okay, let's wait until Mom and Dad come and finish dinner together!"

Qi Xuanxuan thought for a while and nodded in agreement.


Lin Wanxin and Zhou Huiying have also come down.

The whole family sat at the table for lunch, and the three parents discussed taking their two little granddaughters to go shopping together in the afternoon.

Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan didn't care, they had a cup of tea at home to discuss something.

After eating.

Lin Wanxin and Zhou Huiying took Tangtang and Guoguo to go shopping together to buy New Year's goods.

Now that the company is on holiday, Qi Xuanxuan doesn't have to go to work at the company, so the two of them went to the small bar on the roof of the manor.

"Husband, you can talk about it now, you have found some good projects!" Qi Xuanxuan was hugged by Lu Yunqi and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and asking.

Lu Yunqi held his sweet wife in his arms, and said with a low smile, "I saw a very good project on the Internet in the morning. It was done by a student from Yudu University of Science and Technology, and it was very appealing to me."

"What project?" Qi Xuanxuan asked in surprise.

"Compilation of domestic operating systems in Chinese!"

"what is this?"

Hearing Qi Xuanxuan's question, Lu Yunqi was instantly speechless.

The wife must not understand such a professional term, so she explained patiently: "Now our computers are not all using the WIN computer operating system, which is full of English code programming, and this student's work is done in Chinese. Assembled operating system."

"This can be said to be a first-of-its-kind move, and, in terms of computers, I also have a foundation of 100 million, so it shouldn't fail before I even start."

After listening to Lu Yunqi's explanation, Qi Xuanxuan suddenly realized.

My husband was originally a computer expert. If he really used computer technology as a pioneer to start a technology company, he might have a much higher chance of success.

"Husband, I support you!" Qi Xuanxuan said with a smile.

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