The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 326: Ranking match

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So powerful!

Only then did everyone recover from Nalan Yunfang's beautiful and sharp offensive.

Those high-level officials in Zongmen also nodded in praise of Nalan Yunfang's performance.

"Sister Naran is awesome!"

Hong Qiu was excited, looking at Nalan Yunhuang's eyes, full of worship.

Na Lan Yunfang's excellent performance also made Master Elder Yang Yuqing happy, nodding his head in satisfaction, and feeling quite bright on his face.

"Howard, come on, I want to compare with you."

The fifth-ranked historical plan, leap to the ring and waved towards Howard at the bottom of the ring.

Howard, ranked first among inner disciples, is the chief disciple of Zongmen!

As the historical plan challenged him, the whole field was suddenly in an uproar.

Shi Ji is also his personal disciple.

Then Howard slightly froze for a while, and even though he smiled helplessly, he didn't say much, jumped lightly, and went to the ring.

"Howard, you have always been the object I want to surpass. Today, I must challenge the position of your chief disciple."

Shi Ji's body is not tall, but at this moment, it shows the incomparably powerful pressure, but Howard, without the slightest breath, just like ordinary people.

"I want to shake my position as chief, no problem, it depends on whether you have this practice."

Howard smiled faintly: "Shoot."


In the eyes of the historical plan, raging fighting intentions were burning, and the whole person was directly transformed into a residual image, rushing towards Howard, regardless of the moves or the inner strength of the sect, they reached a height that ordinary people could not reach.

Howard was quite calm, impatient and impatient, and the whole person was impeccable, fighting with the historical plan.

As time went by, the two people's figures alternated faster and faster, and finally it was like a gyro, so that the people under the ring could not distinguish who was who.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

As the two kept on fighting, the sound of continuous air bursts on the ring.

"Worship the fairy, that historical plan, it seems that you are your own disciples, yes!"

Gongzu He will look at the immortal worshipers among the elders.

"Return to Sect Master, historical plan, it is my personal disciples."

The immortal worshipper reverently replied. His fair face clearly had a touch of arrogance, and the other elders also cast envious glances at him.

"The three proselytized disciples who worshiped the immortal were slightly stronger in this historical plan, and the other two really couldn't mention it."

A slightly disdainful voice came slowly, it was Elder Jiang who ranked third.

"Elder Jiang, at least two of my three personal disciples are in the top ten, but your three personal disciples are not even qualified to challenge?"

Immortal worshipers are dissatisfied in their hearts and sneered.

"Worshiping immortals, this is a bad word. My three disciples are not qualified to challenge, but the old man has told them that there is no need to be exhausted by the false name. It is better to practice hard." Elder Jiang smiled.

Seeing that these two people are consumed again, the other Zongmen seniors can't help but smile. These two people are really enemies of their previous lives.

Above the ring, the fierce battle between Howard and Shi Ji continues.

At one moment, the two entangled figures suddenly separated.

The burden is divided!

Huo Hua was calm and calm, and there was a strong breath in his body, looking at the history of the violent ups and downs in the front of the chest, and a small smile: "History, I want to shake my position as the chief. Continue to work hard. "

"Howard, just let you stay longer in the position of chief, then why not? I will compete for it one day."

In the eyes of the historical plan, there was still a raging war intent, not willing to show weakness.

"His plan failed to challenge Howard, the ranking of the two is temporarily unchanged."

The voice of Linghu Tang Hongliang echoed on the Yanwuchang.

The historical plan challenged Howard's failure. This is the expected result. Howard, the chief disciple of Magical Wizard, how powerful is it. It is conceivable that he is completely close to some high-level Zongmen.

The historical plan will be defeated by such a disciple. Not only does he not lose face, it is a glory to be able to hold on to Howard for so long.

Looking at the ring, Howard Howard, the elders of the eight elders, all at once, suddenly thought of something, and looked down.

"Two years ago, if the accident did not happen, Zong Men's chief disciple should be him ..."

Big Elder sighed, and in a moment, the whole person seemed to be a few years old.

The ranking game continues.

On the field, the top ten disciples from the beginning challenged each other. Slowly, there were also other inner disciples. It was a pity that none of the top ten disciples succeeded.

At a certain moment.


A white shadow leaped lightly into the ring, Shen Yuluoyan was not enough to describe her appearance, and her manners were not enough to describe her style.

"Xue Bichen!"

The eyes of the male disciples under the stage suddenly turned fierce when looking at the ring, the young girls flying like a fairy, like a fairy.

"Challenge, ranked ninth among Iraqi upgrades."

The soft voice spit out slowly from Xue Bichen's mouth, a pair of beautiful eyes of the peerless girl, burning a clear sense of war.

The ninth-ranked Yi Shengjian was a young man in his twenties, and his cultivation practice had already reached the early stage of the second realm of Zongdao. After hearing Xue Bichen's words, he was a little stunned for a while, and then he showed a hint of fanaticism: "It's clear that God can be challenged by such a beautiful girl, and the envy of heaven is to me, others can't envy me."

His body exploded into the ring, and in that moment, he stood in front of Xue Bichen.

"Xue Bichen, challenged by you, can I regard it as an honor?"

Yi Shengjian put his hands on his hips, a picture of Dang Erlang.

Xue Bichen's expression was indifferent, without any waves. She suddenly pulled out her long sword and slashed fiercely towards Yi Sheng: "Return to Nine Swords!"

The dazzling giant swordmang, with her struggling, when even the sky broke away, slamming toward Yi Sheng, the fierce sword gas instantly raged the audience, shaving people's cheeks.

Yi Sheng was taken aback, not afraid to neglect, and suddenly a Fangtian Huaji in his hand: "Tianzhu spectrum!"

In an instant, the two fought together.

Sprite's morning breeze is peerless, even if it is a fatal attack, it is full of beauty, pleasing to the eye, and it is a kind of enjoyment. She has one sword, nine swords in total, one sword is stronger than one sword, and the sword energy is higher than the waves.

And Yi Shengjian, as a top ten disciple of Zongmen, is naturally not weak. A Fangtian draws a halberd, almost crushing a side of the void.

However, with the passage of time, Sprite Chen gradually gained the upper hand, and Yi Shengjian gradually felt strenuous, losing ground, and sweating.

This book was first published in the book


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