The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 309: The Truth of the Crane

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What surprised Qin Yi was that all the disciples present, including Makita, Princess Taiping, and Hongqiu, were more or less injured.

"You guys ... just now a foreign enemy attacked?"

Qin Yi frowned slightly, confused.

"Qin Yi, why are you not hurt?"

Princess Taiping looked at Qin Yi in surprise and asked rhetorically. The clothes on her body were ragged, revealing a large white skin, which caused some male disciples' eyes and a slight fever.

Everyone else in the room looked at Qin Yi with doubt.

"Why am I hurt?"

Qin Yiqi said: "I'm still wondering, why do you guys carry injuries on your body?"

"Don't ... you are not attacked by a spirit crane in the gathering of spirits?"

The appearance of Princess Taiping's alluring country was even more puzzled.

Attacked by a spirit crane!

Qin Yi was puzzled for a while, and instantly understood what was going on. It turned out that while in the Lingling Formation, the Linghe not only attacked himself, but also attacked all the disciples who had entered the Lingling Formation to practice.

It's just that he has cultivated "Fate of Life" to the top, and the scars left by the mad battle with the soul have been completely restored at this moment.

"It seems that you have all been attacked by the spirit crane. Of course, I am no exception. As soon as I entered, I was attacked by the spirit crane. After that, every time, the spirit crane will appear and come. Attack me. "

Qin Yi said frankly.

"Then you ..."

Princess Taiping suddenly stopped talking and looked at Qin Yi with a horrified look.

There is no need to explain more about the matter. Qin Yi fought the Linghe, and was not injured once.

The whole field was very quiet, there was only a heavy breathing sound, everyone had learned the fighting power of the spirit crane, it was simply abnormal, when it first appeared against it, it was weak, but when it appeared for the second time , You have already understood your martial arts, and the combat power has soared to an incredible level, which is difficult to overcome.

Faced with such a shocking spirit crane, Qin Yi actually left no trace of scars on his body.

Seeing the horrifying look on everyone's face, Qin Yi knew that they had misunderstood himself, but he was too lazy to explain that he could not say himself in order to cultivate "Fate of Life" to the top.

"Why, Sister Hongqiu, don't ... you were also injured by the spirit crane?"

Qin Yi looked at the red robe girl in the crowd, and was a little surprised. The red robe girl shot the brutal picture of the ancient spirit beast, and now it is clearly copied in Qin Yi ’s mind. In the face of the different Linghe, the combative girl was also injured.

"I'm injured, that Linghe is too strong."

Hong Qiu's cheeks were crimson, very shy and quite tempting.

Her voice was Yingyingyanyan, very beautiful, her clothing on one shoulder was scratched, revealing the delicate white and delicate shoulder, and a long skin wound was scratched on the shoulder.

"It's Brother Qin, you can be unscathed in the face of such a powerful Linghe."

Hongqiu said shyly, Shui Ling's eyes looked at Qin Yi, and there was a trace of admiration in his eyes.

"Sister Hongqiu, Brother Qin ’s fighting power, is very famous. The top nine bronze men who defeated the Tongrenguan, only lost the last 10th bronzeman, and defeated the three of Fengwen, Beimenguang and Xintang in a row. The big alternate inner disciple, this is the story among the sect, but relative to the combat power, his "five ring" potential is more famous. "

A murky voice came slowly from the side, and it was Makita who spoke.

He also suffered some injuries while fighting the Spirit Crane in the Lingling Formation. There was a paw print on his chest, which looked a bit embarrassed.

Hearing Makita's remarks, everyone in the room immediately balanced a bit in their hearts, and even some people couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Qin Yi smiled lightly, did not make any excuses, and was unnecessary.

"About the Spirit Crane, I will explain it here."

The "Tenth Biggest Bronze Man" who had never spoken, Shen Sheng said: "The Spirit Crane is actually part of this Spiritual Array. It is constantly challenging your purpose in order to stimulate your potential and improve your potential. Fighting power, that is to say, this gathering array not only has a lot of heaven and earth aura for people to practice, but also a spirit crane for people to continue fighting, inspire potential, and improve combat effectiveness. "


It turns out that the Linghe is part of this gathering!

Everyone stunned.

"It's just a pity that you don't seem to pay much attention to the constant challenge of the Linghe, seize this opportunity to fight it well, stimulate your potential, and improve your combat effectiveness."

"The 10th Tongren" said with regret, but his eyes glanced at Qin Yi obscurely, with a touch of imperceptible appreciation.

In the hearts of everyone, I regretted it suddenly. It turned out that the Spirit Crane was trying to inspire everyone's potential. It's a pity that everyone didn't seize this opportunity. Now, it's impossible to return to Gathering Array.

Qin Yi was also slightly amazed, but fortunately, he fought a battle with Linghe and realized that the fifth form of "Lingfeng Palm" was quite rewarding.

"Okay, now, you all report the progress of your cultivation in the ten days you have practiced in the Spirit Array. I have to count them."

"The 10th largest copper man" said.

"I'll come first. My cultivation base breaks through a small realm. Now my cultivation base is the pinnacle of Xuan Dao 9 Realm."

Princess Taiping immediately reported on her progress in the spiritual formation.

Within ten days, a breakthrough was made. Such an achievement is obviously not bad, which is enough to show that Princess Taiping has good potential.

Many Zongmen disciples on the field cast envious glances at Princess Taiping.

Princess Taiping smiled shallowly, and there was a little proud look in her eyes.

"I broke through half of the realm ..."

"I'm a little bit away from breaking through, a little ..."

"I broke through a small realm ..."


All the Zongmen disciples reported to the "10th Tongren" that they were in the Lingling Formation. The cultivation progress in these ten days was basically under a small environment, with some individual , And like Princess Taiping, break through a small realm.

Soon, only three people, Qin Yi, Makita, and Hong Qiu were left on the court, and they had not reported their progress in cultivation.

"I broke through half of the small realm, and the current cultivation practice is the early stage of the second realm of Zongdao."

Makita was unsmiling and said very seriously, that Mu Na's face was faintly proud.

"What? In ten days' time, I went from the second half of the sect road to the second realm of the sect road. It was really abnormal!"

All the disciples of the sect were present to take a breath.


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