The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 304: See you again

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Princess Taiping is the current princess of the Chinese Empire and has a distinguished status. Naturally, she will not be too afraid of a supervisor of Zongmen.

"It's just a general manager, what if he cares about Brother Qin?"

A murky voice rang slowly among the crowd, Huo Ran was Makita.

Qin Yi frowned slightly and did not answer.

Makita continued: "Even if Mr. Shi is authorized to practice Qin for ten days in the Lingling Formation, the Qin Shi's five-potential potential will not improve much. Sister Hongqiu, do you say that?"

Makita looked at the girl in the red robe with a shy and ruddy face.

"Ah, there are only five potentials?"

The red robe girl was taken aback and blinked in disbelief.

As Makita said this, other Zongmen disciples immediately showed their disdain to Qin Yi, and a soft sigh of sigh slowly diffused from it.

The potential of the Five Rings is undoubtedly the bottom of the transcendental sect such as the magical fairy trail. I am afraid that some people who take care of chores will have a higher potential.

She was originally called Hong Qiu!

Qin Yi knew it.

"Sister Hongqiu."

Qin Yi ignored the disdainful glances around him, looked at the red robe girl, and smiled lightly: "Thank you, once, you not only let me send a cross, but also help me get out of trouble Only then will I have the opportunity to participate in the Shimen Wuhui, and let me defeat my opponent in one fell swoop, so that I have a chance to enter this magic trail. "

Hongqiu's cultivation is higher than Qin Yi's, and the time of entering the sect is also longer than Qin Yi's, but he is younger than Qin Yi, so Qin Yi called her a sister.

"Ah, what are you talking about, did we ... know?"

Hong Qiu heard the mist in the clouds, and the eyes of Shuiling kept blinking, confused and confused.

The disciples around Zongmen, including Makita and Princess Taiping, also looked at Qin Yi and Hong Qiu in doubt.

"I don't know."

Qin Yi shook his head gently, and said slowly: "Sister Hongqiu, do you remember that once you and your master went to the depths of the magic wind mountain to practice?"

"how do you know?"

The red robe girl was more and more confused.

In the past, she did go to the depths of the Magic Wind Mountain with her master, and she was impressed because it was only once.

"I also know that at that time, you also killed a barbarian elder beast. In fact, I was trapped in the cave that the barbarian elder brutally guarded at that time. Will be brutally killed by the ancient spirit beast, after that, you and your master come, you will kill the ancient spirit beast brutally with one move, I got out of the trap, and later, I take out the ancient spirit beast Dan, sold 1.5 million two silvers. "

Qin Yi said the whole thing again.

"Ah, how could it be so ..."

The ruddy little girl in the red robe opened her mouth in amazement.

Everyone around them also showed incredible looks.

"Oh, I didn't expect my unintentional blow that day, it would save your life."

The girl in the red robe is obviously quite innocent and kind. After a long pause, she smiles happily and looks a little happy. She does not care about Qin Yi's potential of "Five Rings".

She could inadvertently save Qin Yi's life, and she was even full of sense of accomplishment.

"It's just a pity that the sister Hongqiu rescued was a man who had only five potentials and no future at all."

The voice of Mu Tian Mu Ne came from the side: "A Zongmen disciple with only five sound potentials, but at this moment, he wants to join us to practice in the Lingling Formation, which is a waste of places."

In the face of Makita's sharp words, Qin Yi didn't care and ignored it.


At this moment, a golden figure didn't know where it came from, and in an instant, it came to the crowd.

When the golden figure stood still, everyone looked at it, and they were all stunned. The one who came here turned out to be a bronze figure.

The copper man carried a copper rod in his hand. Without a word, he came between the two stone tablets and lifted it up.


A loud sound of metal collision came.

Between the two stone monuments, the originally vague golden space pattern is slowly swaying to both sides.

The entrance to the Juling Formation is opened!

A bronze stick smashed the space pattern sealed at the entrance of the Juling Array. Such a force made everyone present stunned.

"The entrance to the Gathering Array has been opened, and you can go in for cultivation. The period is ten days. If anyone does not come out after ten days, they will be trapped in the Gathering Array. They can only come out when the next time the Gathering Array opens. . And the next opening time of the Juling Array is unknown. "

Tong said, his voice was extremely heavy and old.

If you do n’t come out after ten days, you will be trapped in the Gathering Array.

There was a sigh in the hearts of everyone, remember this point.

The bronze man glanced at Qin Yi in the crowd, his eyes were quite meaningful, and then his body flashed and disappeared directly in place.

Qin Yi was stunned. In an instant, he judged who the bronze man was. He was the "tenth largest bronze man" of the Tongrenguan.

At the moment, he was unbelievable. The old man in gray robe appeared here and dressed up as a bronze man.

"What is the identity of the old man in grey robe?"

Looking at the disappearing direction of the old gray robe, Qin Yi became very interested.

The entrance of the Juling Array has been smashed open by a "copper man" with a copper stick.

"Sister Qin, I hope you do n’t waste these ten days of spiritual gathering practice. If you do n’t even have a breakthrough in ten days, I ’m afraid it will become a joke for Zongmen."

Before entering the Juling Array, Makita looked at Qin Yi's meaningful smile, and immediately, without further delay, she entered the Juling Array without looking back.

With a slight smile, Qin Yi didn't care about it, and rushed in.

As soon as they entered the Lingling Formation, everyone hurriedly spread out, each looking for a place to practice, only ten days, not much, no one wanted to waste.

Qin Yi also did not delay, came to a cliff, meditated cross-legged, and slowly breathed out, slowly closed his eyes.

This gathering is completely a small world. From the outside, this gathering is not very large, and the area will not exceed 1,000 acres, but once you enter it, you will find that there are 100,000 acres here. Wide.

This is the wonder of the spatial pattern. Not only can it be a world of its own, but the outside world cannot see its true appearance.

According to the narrative in "In-depth Analysis of the Formation Method", Qin Yi also learned that some super formation masters can perfectly integrate the space pattern and the time pattern. The layout of the array is not only different from the outside world, but also the velocity of time. It is also different from the outside world.


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