The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2242: Luo Feng, Qian Qiushui

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"do not know!"

"There is no Qin Yi here!"


"Hahaha, I want to kill a million miles of blood!"

The magic sound is vast and shocking.

The whole world of Xuanhuang was in a state of panic, and the masters sent out masters to try to behead that Vanguard Head, but unfortunately, they were eventually killed by Vanguard Head.

The Yongye Holy Pilgrimage also took action, but, still there was no way for the ancient demon head, after dying several batches of masters, he had to let it go.

Luo Feng took Ling Yu'er and quickly found Van Gogh's Demon Head. Van Gogh's Devil Head will take away his magical energy and turn into a tall and handsome man who will fall from the sky.

"Who is Qin Yi?"

Qin Yi stared at Luo Feng with a pair of immortal magic pupils, staring at Luo Feng with uncontrollable killing intention, as if he would suddenly shoot Luo Feng at the next moment.

"You are Qin Yi."

Faced with the murderous intent on Qin Yi, Luo Feng looked calm.

"Who am I?"

Qin Yi took a step forward, his face full of confusion and confusion.

Obviously, he, with his magical hair, didn't know who he was anymore, he didn't know how he appeared in this world of Xuanhuang, he didn't know his mission, and even Ling Yu'er, who was connected to his blood, didn't remember Too.

As for Luo Feng, it is even more needless to say.

"Brother Qin Yi ..."

Ling Yu'er whispered, the exquisitely carved smiley face was a color of worry that could not be concealed.

At the next moment, she could no longer control her and ran to the past in desperation, struggling into Qin Yi's arms: "Brother Qin Yi, are you okay? Yuer is worried about you."

But, brother Qin Yi in her arms just looked down at Ling Yu'er indifferently, and Mei Yu frowned: "Who are you again?"

Ling Yu'er hasn't spoken yet. Luo Feng behind him already smiled lightly: "She is your sister, um, she is a sister."

"I have a sister? Why don't I remember anything?"

Qin Yi's expression was more and more confused. A pair of ancient magic pupils faintly filled with a magical energy, looking at Luo Feng: "What the **** happened?"

"Something must happen."

Luo Feng grinned and said, "As for yourself, a person with a mission."

"Then what is my mission?" Qin Yi's magic pupil narrowed slightly.

"Kill the Evil God."

Luo Feng waved at Qin Yi: "Come on, now, I will take you to kill another person you should kill."

"Another ... the one I should kill ..."

Qin Yi's upright body stood there, somewhat stunned.

He now has nothing more than to fill his heart with killing thoughts and some extremely old and fierce memory fragments in his mind.

He really remembered nothing.

"Oh, brother Qin Yi, let's go."

Ling Yu'er was so intimate that he lifted Qin Yi's arm, raised his exquisite smile like a smile, and smiled at Qin Yi Yan.

"You seem to trust the person in front of you?"

Qin Yi glanced at Ling Yu'er indifferently, and there was something different in the depth of the pair of ancient magic pupils. Ling Yu'er is Qin Yi's jade spirit beast, and their blood is connected.

"of course."

Ling Yuer nodded a cute head of seeds: "He is Brother Feng, everyone calls him Brother Feng, brother Qin Yi, at that time, you also called him Brother Feng, you said before, the person you admire most, Brother Feng! "

"is it?"

Qin Yimeiyu pressed tightly, and his expression was confused and suspicious.

"Haha, Qin Yi, it turns out that I am the person you admire the most, a little interesting."

Luo Feng laughed happily, saying: "No need to doubt, this is absolutely true, I believe in my charm."

He patted Qin Yi's shoulder: "Don't be stunned, let's go."

After he finished speaking, he no longer delayed, and suddenly the body's profound energy surged into the sky, looting toward the sky.

"Luo Feng ... Brother Feng ..."

Qin Yi stood on the spot and looked up, looking at Luo Feng's disappearing figure in the sky, a pair of ancient magic pupils, as if deep through all time and space.

"Brother Qin Yi ..."

Yuer snuggled close to Qin Yi's side. Qin Yi wouldn't leave, he would not follow Luo Feng to leave.

After a while, Qin Yi finally withdrew his gaze, looked down at Yu'er, and said nothing, but jumped into the sky suddenly, following Luo Feng's footsteps, and swept towards the sky.

The goal of the three people is obvious, that is: Yong Ye Gambling Ground!

Qian Qiushui, the Yellow Emperor's eagle claw, has let him live long enough, it is time to kill him.

Obviously, in this game between the Yellow Emperor and the Qing Emperor, the Yellow Emperor is completely defeated!


Yongye Gambling Hall.

Customers with some gambling stones are standing at the gate of the mountain, waiting for Qian Qiushui to come out and pick them in.


Suddenly a shadow fell from the sky.

Those customers looked at it and saw that this one was a young man in a black robe. The young man was tall and tall and handsome.

"Let's go back, today Yongye Gambling Hall will not do business."

The young man in black robe smiled at the customers in front of him and waved his hand.

There is no doubt that this young man in black robe is Luo Feng.

"How is this going?"

"You are also a member of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage? Not doing business?"

All the customers were immediately confused.

"There are not so many problems, Yongye Gambling Hall will not do business today if it doesn't do business."

Luo Feng smiled a little apologetically: "You guys please come back, sorry!"

"You can guess without answering, and it will be the people of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage."

"Ce, the people of the Yongye Holy Pilgrimage are amazing? If you don't do it, don't do it, let's go!"


These customers are all proud and arrogant. They will no longer be delayed immediately and will soon leave.

They just left, Qin Yi and Yu'er, turned into two white awns, landed from the air, and stood beside Luo Feng.

"Oh, Yongye Gambling Hall, I'm here again."

Looking at the huge sign in front, Yu'er set a pair of smart eyes, and slowly completed two intoxicating crescent moons, obviously remembering the previous scene.

"Brother Qin Yi, you have been here before, and you have also obtained a total of three hundred cubic meters of black source soil.

Yuer raised her small face and asked Qin Yi with a smile.

Qin Yi stood there motionless, his face covered with blankness. Obviously, he did not have the slightest impression of the last time he entered this Yongye Gambling Hall.

"Yu'er, your elder brother Qin Yi is doing his best at this moment, how can he remember the past?"

Luo Feng laughed: "Don't worry about it, now you just call his father and mother in front of him, and he doesn't remember who he is. When his magical sleep is over, he will remember everything naturally. Well, Now, the three of us are here waiting for Qian Qiushui to come out. "

The three stood on the spot, waiting for Qian Qiushui to come out of the Yongye Gambling Hall.

Luo Feng and Yu'er had a gossip without a word, but Qin Yi stood there motionlessly, saying nothing. Now it is the demon of the ancient devil that controls his body and consciousness. Said that they are all strangers. He is no longer interested in anything but killing.

At a certain moment.

A white shadow appeared leisurely on the opposite hill. The white shadow was slender, with white hair, and fluttered in the wind. The facial features were beautiful and almost fair-faced, and the face was white and pure.

"Huh? Luo Feng?"

In Qian Qiushui's hand, there was an extra silver short sword out of thin air, a powerful killing intent, which instantly emerged from his slender figure, and forced the air around him to float violently. .

Undoubtedly, with the appearance of Luo Feng, Qian Qiushui concentrated all his attention on Luo Feng's body. Instead, he directly ignored Qin Yi and Yu'er beside Luo Feng.

"Qian Qiushui, I heard that you have been looking for me all these years?"

Facing Qian Qiushui's body, the violent murderous intention, Luo Feng did not care, grinning.

"You still have a face to say."

Qian Qiushui's voice is no longer indifferent, but it is obviously full of excitement.

He and Luo Feng have always been ranked first in the Kyushu Holy Guard side by side, and they can be regarded as a natural enemy.

For a long time, Qian Qiushui has determined to compete with Luo Feng, take a look at who is the real number one on the Shenwei list.

What's more, the people behind them are the Qing Emperor and the Yellow Emperor, respectively.

How can Qian Qiushui do it, facing Luo Feng calmly?

"It's unbelievable. As the first guardian of the Kyushu Holy See, he would hide like a shrunken turtle in this world of Xuanhuang, and it would be for so many years."

Qian Qiushui's complexion was full of disdain.


Luo Feng suddenly laughed happily: "Interesting, interesting, I said Qian Qiushui, which eye of you actually saw me hiding? Haven't I been active all these years? Once, this Xuanhuang World There is an undercurrent in it, and the assassination is constantly unfolding, you can't know it, Qianqiushui? "

"That undercurrent, you really control it!"

Qian Qiushui stunned, his eyes shining brightly, looking directly at Luo Feng.

He had long guessed this matter.

Now Luo Feng's remarks have verified his conjecture.

"Luo Feng, I don't understand. What are you going to do to control the undercurrent and carry out so many assassination activities? Do you want to stir up the chaos in the world of Xuanhuang?"

Obviously, Qian Qiushui was extremely confused about the matter.

"Haha, stir up the chaos in the world of Xuanhuang?"

Luo Feng laughed: "Qian Qiushui, do you think I'm so bored?"

"Then you assassinated so many people, what is it for?"

Qian Qiushui's eyebrows were tight, and the eyes refracted in his eyes had become as sharp as two swords with substantial swords.

Stop laughing, Luo Fengwu shook his head: "Anyway, you are also a dying person. It's okay to tell you, it is a list of assassinations of the Qing Emperor."

"Qingdi's assassination list?"

Qian Qiushui was stunned. The word "Qing Emperor" was a taboo for him. He opened his mouth and asked what he wanted to ask, but he didn't ask anymore because he knew that since the assassination The list is owned by the Qing Emperor, so he will keep asking him, and Luo Feng cannot tell him more.

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