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I saw a team of armored soldiers, full of thousands of people, led by a middle-aged man, rushed over quickly.

"The lord is here!"

"We are saved."

The residents of the city shouted in unison, as if instantly finding the backbone of the main body.

The middle-aged man led thousands of soldiers, and soon rushed under the giant demon head, looking up, his face pale, very unsightly.

"It is said that in this great world of Xuanhuang, there is a vampire demon seal, sure enough."

The middle-aged soldier exclaimed and immediately tried to calm himself down. He shouted to the surrounding residents: "Don't panic, I will find a way to kill this ancient devil."

"Well, we believe that the city master, a little devil, also wants to set off storms here, which is really ridiculous."

"Demon, you belong to hell, come back to your hell!"

The inhabitants below gradually grew courageous and began to yell at the devil above the sky.

Above the sky, the thick magic energy is always surging, just like the end of the day, the sun can not only feel a little temperature, but also gives a cold feeling.

The entire ancient city seemed to fall into hell.

"Who is Qin Yi?"

Above the sky, the immortal demon head, which is as high as a thousand feet, has never left. Two huge magic pupils overlooked and captured the soul.

"There is no Qin Yi here."

Below, the middle-aged man yelled angrily: "Evil things, don't harass our residents, go to hell."

"So familiar, who is Qin Yi?"

The ancient demon head stayed stubbornly above it, and the huge magic sound kept falling down: "Who is Qin Yi? Tell me, who is Qin Yi?"

"I said, there is no Qin Yi here!"

The middle-aged man shouted: "Everyone is ready to shoot this ancient demon head!"


Thousands of soldiers, when they are about to put their long blades on their horses, take out their bows and arrows and use them to open their bows. These bows and arrows are specially made. How tall is the bow foot and the feather arrows are like spears.

In an instant, thousands of feather arrows were aimed at the sky above, the devil's head as high as a thousand feet.

The middle-aged man raised the long knife in his hand, and then suddenly, drew a dazzling light: "Let the arrow!"

咻咻 咻 ......

A branch of feather arrows suddenly resembled a group of locusts, densely facing the ancient demon head above, and shot wildly, stabbing a terrible sound of breaking the sky.


But the ancient demon head above the sky suddenly roared loudly, a huge devil mouth suddenly, and all the dense feather arrows were sucked into the mouth.

Click! Click!

The ancient demon head constantly stirred the big devil's mouth and shattered the thousands of feather arrows.


On the ground, the middle-aged man and the thousands of soldiers were all stunned, stunned there, to the extreme, his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was sinking.

It was terrifying. Thousands of feather arrows were chewed up by the ancient demon head, and they were not hurt.

"Tell me, who is Qin Yi?"

Thousands of thousands of ancient demon heads, looking down at the soldiers below, the huge shadows were stubborn and seemed extremely stubborn. Many people did not understand who is Qin Yi, so they would not leave.

"I said, there is no Qin Yi here."

The middle-aged man screamed and suddenly waved the sword in his hand: "I have always believed that evil can't win the battle. Thirty-six boys strangled the big formation, and strangled this ancient demon head!"

With his order, he saw thirty-six soldiers, carrying the long, swaying sword, rushed up from the back of the war horse and killed the demon head above the sky.

The strangling formation of these 36 soldiers was very good. The 36 people continued to shuttle and turned into a stream of mans, forming a big strangling net, which was shrouded towards the thousand demon heads. past.


It's just that this strangled net can't shake the devil's head at all. I saw a huge demon hand suddenly appearing in the billowing magic energy, striking towards the strangling net formed by the thirty-six soldiers. And go.

Immediately, there were more than a dozen soldiers who were photographed and fell directly, just like the leaves in the wind, one leaf after another fell down.

too horrible!

The middle-aged man below couldn't help but tremble. In his heart, he couldn't restrain the breeding of a fear, he suddenly gritted his teeth: "Three hundred and sixty boys strangled a large array, give me!"

咻咻 咻 ......

Another warrior, holding the dangling war blade, rushed from the back of the war horse and killed the demon head above the sky.

Thirty-six boys strangled into a large formation, and turned into three hundred and sixty boys strangled into a large formation, which directly increased their power tenfold!

Hula ...

A large stranglehold formed by three hundred and sixty soldiers, shrouded in the direction of the devil's head, constantly shuttled and strangled.

It's just that such power is obviously still not enough to see. In the magic cloud, two magic hands are protruding out and squeezing for a while.

"Click!" "Click!" ...

Individual soldiers, it is impossible to contend with the ancient demon head. If it is like a watermelon, it is squeezed and burst directly, the scene is **** to the extreme.

"Hahaha, I want to kill a million miles of blood!"

Van Gogh's demon was obviously stimulated to kill in his heart, and he suddenly laughed wildly, and he laughed devilishly.

"Speak, who is Qin Yi? Otherwise, you will all die."

The vast voice of the ancient devil's head, from the height of the sky, was as if it had been frozen for thousands of years. The human soul could not help but shudder for a while.

The middle-aged man stood on the ground, his clothes were blown loudly, and his face was terribly blue. Suddenly he gritted his teeth and waved a long knife in his hand: "Three thousand six hundred boys strangled a large formation, all gave me! "


With an order, he took the lead, carrying the dagger of the dagger, and rushed to the devil's head above the sky.

咻咻 咻 ......

The rest of the soldiers, at this moment, also regarded death as their home, following the footsteps of a middle-aged man, and quickly rushed to the Qianzhang Demon above the sky, and suddenly trapped the Qianzhang Demon.

Three thousand six hundred boys strangled the battle array, and the power was once again directly increased by ten times. Even if the ten emperor Dao Peak Cultivators were once caught in it, they would all be instantly strangled and smashed.

If you look closely, you will find that their strangulation is divided into three layers, the number of people is more than one layer, and the power is naturally one layer larger than one layer.

"Emperor Qiankun, go up!"

The middle-aged man waved his long knife and directed calmly.

Hula ...

The first strangulation, about 500 people, rushed up together, waved the long, swaying sword, and dared to kill the thousand demon heads.

Thousands of devil heads are surrounded by constant swimming, ramming, tumbling up a roll of magical energy, all the soldiers who are hit by it, can not directly hit the bones and bones.

"Six floors, go up!"

The middle-aged man waved the second floor and struck up.

But for a while, the second floor strangled six layers of the large array, and was also shocked by the devil's head.

"Birthplace, go up!"

The middle-aged man waved the third floor and struck up.

Obviously, this is a war without suspense. It is impossible for these thousands of soldiers to deal with the opponents of the ancient devil. The disparity between the two sides is too large. Strangling a large formation is also impossible.

Half an hour later, the middle-aged man and thousands of soldiers were all beheaded. On the ground were lying corpses, blood was flowing into the river, and the air was filled with a strong **** smell, and people choked.

"God, the city owner and thousands of soldiers were all killed by this ancient devil."


"Which other worldly figure came out and put this immortal devil into hell!"


The other residents in this ancient city have not left, just watching from afar.

Seeing that the thousands of soldiers led by the city master was actually a kung fu for a while, but it was completely slaughtered by your ancient devil.

Above the sky, the huge magic pupil of the devil's head looked down, looking at a corpse of sevens and sevens below, slightly distracted.



A magic light of several tens of feet rushed out of his body, suspended there quietly, revealing a monstrous murderous intention.

"Ah, magic light!"

"Is this magic light rushing out of hell? How do I feel so desperate?"

"It's true, this is definitely a magic light rushing out of hell!"

The world exclaimed, shocked to the extreme.

"Hahaha, yes, Kyushu Magic Knife, killing thoughts have gathered a lot!"

Qianzhang Detou suddenly laughed happily: "I want to slaughter millions of miles to condense the killing thoughts of Kyushu Magic Knife!"

I could see that in the billowing monstrous demonic energy, I suddenly stepped out a huge demon hand, and quickly grabbed towards the inhabitants in the distance. He found the sky above the residents, and then suddenly caught it.

"Qin Yi, don't!"

At this moment, in the distance, a sound of pampering sounded,

The demon hand that the ancient demon head was about to grab could not help but stunned slightly, and stopped there, the huge devil with a height of thousands of feet slowly turned over.

I saw a slender white figure, looting from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, I came to the side of the devil.

There is no doubt that this person Huo Ran is Yan Mei Niang.

"Huh, are you really not afraid of death? I have let you go before. Who would have thought that you still followed in a spirit."

Qianzhang Detou's face was confused.

"They are all innocent people, you can't kill them."

Yan Mei-niang shook her head and habitually touched her forehead: "Qin Yi, can we have a good talk?"

"Qin Yi? You said that I am Qin Yi? Who am I? And who are you? Why should you follow me like a ghost?"

There is a deep confusion in the words of the ancient devil.

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