"Lord, these gods really gave up their own God's Domain World!"

"It all happened as you predicted."

At the bottom of the abyss, the goddess of annihilation, through the power of the abyss, saw what happened above the abyss, and said to Chu Hao.

After Chu Hao nodded silently, he started another preparation.

Countless dark condensations poured out from all directions at the bottom of the abyss, entwining little by little on Chu Hao's body, gradually transforming his body into a huge dark monster.

And, at the very bottom of the abyss, Chu Hao is not the only one who has such a "treatment".

Beside him, the goddess of annihilation, the fallen angels, as well as Daemon and the other Devil princes, also took away the divine fire he gave from Chu Hao, and let the darkness condense, a little bit for himself. sexual body.

Among them, the goddess of annihilation, who is already the goddess of the abyss, just received a large amount of divine fire.

Unlike the above fantasy disciples who will never share their own divine fire with the backward and inferior mortals, Chu Hao is a downright combat faction.

In his eyes, Shenhuo is just a relatively rare resource.

What abilities are worthy of being possessed by gods, these are just mutual praises between gods.

Therefore, Chu Hao has always been less concerned about his own divine fire consumption.

Compared with other old-fashioned gods, Chu Hao is rare, willing to create a divine body for his own hands.

Of course, creating such a divine body is not a wasteful act.

The reason why Chu Hao does this is because in his plan....

At this moment, it is the time of the fall of these twelve gods!

These enemies who abandoned their own God's Domain World, when making this decision, found a tombstone for themselves.


"Great Creator, we have been counterattacked by the enemy in front of us!"

Below the abyss, a high-rank psionicist informed the twelve Illusionary disciples of the battle below the abyss.

And these gods were obviously shocked after hearing the news.

Finally, that mysterious god is no longer hiding, but is going to come out desperately?

Thinking of this, these gods immediately took over the control of this magic circle and looked down.

But when they saw clearly the enemy of fire fighting, they couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it, I knew the previous worming pollution was weird!"

"The source of this pollution turned out to be below, and there are entities..."

Before they could finish speaking, the enemy below them had already passed on its influence.


The terrifying singing started from below, resounding throughout the endless abyss.

This is a deadly song made of various insects biting each other and sings about eternal hunger. It is a song of survival in which various insect races have survived from generation to generation and used all means to preserve their own life information. This ancient, deep and deep race has engraved its own terror into the soul of the rest of the creature's soul!

All mortal beings without divine fire and divinity immediately began the irreversible process of insectization the moment they came into contact with this song!

All the psionicists screamed and begged their own gods to help them relieve this pain.

But their creators just killed them one by one indifferently, and then recovered the remaining spiritual energy of the magic circle.

Then, these twelve gods rushed towards the "worm" that, to some extent, transcended the boundary between gods and mortal things!

"Kill him, and then take part of it for Shizun to study."

"Sure enough, there are a lot of valuable things around this guy!"

"Yeah, both the bug monster itself and the rules he has that can bring us into his world are of high value!"

A wriggling monster covered with various worm-shaped limbs and eyeballs, surrounded by twelve gods.

Although this new "worm", with the help of Chu Hao, devoured a lot of resources and ate a lot of divine fire, its own strength also surpassed the first "worm".

But the combined strength of these twelve gods is too terrifying.

Together, they are the ultimate "power"!

The first worm that had grown up for a long time before could be directly destroyed by the first angel Pete, and this one was no exception.

But what makes these twelve gods strange is that this giant "bug monster", for some unknown reason, suddenly "exploded" shortly after they attacked!

This self-destruction came very quickly and unexpectedly.

As soon as these gods approached, none of them could react to what happened, and the giant worm-shaped monster exploded into countless small bodies.

At first, these gods thought that this was the behavior of insects knowing that they could not defeat them and preparing to run away.

But strangely, none of these bodies escaped their attack range.

They are like this, floating quietly in the air, as if waiting for something.

And at this time, Chu Hao, the main lord, finally appeared.

Incarnated as a giant dark monster, he opened his scarlet eyes and came to the front of the twelve gods.

And these twelve gods naturally sneered and said to Chu Hao, who had been "hidden for a long time".

"You despicable fellow, finally appeared."

"Why don't you hide? You know that your own death is coming, right?"

Facing the ridicule of the twelve gods, the dark monster just laughed, and then asked the twelve gods a question very strangely.

"No no no, I want to ask a question more than my life and death."

"I want to ask, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Facing Chu Hao, who had no hope of escaping, the twelve gods were naturally in no hurry, so they were naturally curious as to what the question Chu Hao asked meant.

Chu Hao laughed again.

"Of course, have you heard these voices?"

"what sound?"

The dark monsters circled around the twelve gods and looked at them playfully, as if it surrounded the twelve gods alone.

Then, in his scarlet eyes, there was naked malice and greed.

"Lots of voices..."

"There are mortals who are regarded as nothing in your world and regarded as livestock for a lifetime, and the angry cry of the truth of the ruling before they die."

"There are also those relatives who have been abandoned by you, begging for mercy and begging in the dark, begging you to drop the voice of gift and liberation!"

"And those..."

Beside Chu Hao, countless souls who had just been captured by the abyss appeared beside him one by one.

"Surrounding around me, accusing you of the gods above, betraying the voices of countless people who support you!"

"All of them are screaming and begging for me to pull you off the altar and let your souls suffer forever in the abyss!"

"Shut up, you lunatic, what are you talking about?"

The gods are finally hairy, and they don't know if all this Chu Hao said is nonsense after going crazy.

But they have made a decision, that is, at this moment, get rid of this nonsense auditory madman!


"Ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the wild laughter of dark monsters.

The information blockade of the Endless Abyss to the outside world is over.

The existence of "worms" was perceived by the secret realm of the Chaos Dead Sea...

. .

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