"How come there are so many!?"

"No, it's not this that should be sighed now!"

When the flesh-and-blood snake's body was split into countless pieces of flesh, the operation that really shocked Chu Hao had just begun!

I saw that the flesh and blood smashed down from the opponent's body actually started a strange mixing procedure.

Some flesh and blood began to mix with the soil on the ground, and from it grew huge and strong earth beasts.

Some flesh and blood are fused with the sea and mud that have not dried up in the ocean, and various marine beasts grow out of it.

If it is not an exaggeration to say that flesh and blood can be integrated with the earth and the sea, then the one thing that makes Chu Hao feel the most exaggerated is.

These flesh and blood can actually merge with a series of existences such as the atmosphere and clouds above the sky, and merge into a bunch of existences that Chu Hao does not know how to describe.

In the end, from these twisted things, powerful flying beasts roared and circled from the sky.

And that's not the thing that makes Chu Hao the most amazing.

What really attracted his attention, some single, extremely rare pieces of meat, actually began to try to merge with some more bizarre things.

And those things refer to the rules, energy, and even concepts such as time and space in this secret realm world!

Despite such fusions, most end in failure.

But the alien beasts, who have a very small number of people, really have mastered every bit of "ability".

But how is this possible!

Don't forget that alien beasts are themselves "beasts"!

Alien beasts and beasts, in which alien refers to abnormality, while beasts refer to their form and way of thinking.

They are beasts, just abnormal beasts!

This is not because Chu Hao has "racism" or something, and looks down on the life form of alien beasts.

In Chu Hao's own knowledge, every alien beast, no matter how powerful or not, should have and should only have powerful physical abilities.

Among these physical abilities, whether it is sharp teeth and claws, can tear the enemy's body apart, or the organization and bones are so strong that the enemy is desperate, as long as it appears in a group of creatures such as alien beasts, it is normal. Phenomenon.

Because alien beasts are such an existence.

But rules, energy, and time and space are not things that alien beasts can touch!

Chu Hao looked at the alien beasts that kept proliferating in the secret realm world in front of him, and was a little stunned for a while.

He admits that his previous thinking had quite a few mistakes.

And the biggest mistake is.

The research value hidden in this secret realm world of alien beasts is not only the alien beasts themselves!

Chu Hao even felt a little regretful, regretting that he should not have been emotional before, thus killing any of the alien beasts.

He should wipe out these alien beasts!

But just when Chu Hao secretly made up his mind.

The number of these beasts can be said to be almost endless, starting the counterattack against the invader Chu Hao.

Although the black giant incarnated by Chu Hao is terrifyingly large, the huge number of alien beasts successfully makes up for this.

All the alien beasts hated Chu Hao, the invader.

Therefore, they directly launched a suicide attack on Chu Hao, using their huge numbers to drown him in this endless group of alien beasts.

Moreover, among the countless alien beasts, the pair of erect pupils quietly began to be reborn.

In this vertical pupil, the eyes that hated the intruder Chu Hao before were completely different.

There was fear in his eyes.

"Dark Fall?"


the other side.

Among the remaining twelve secret realm worlds.

The Devil princes under Chu Hao also showed their own value.

They first broke the crystal wall rules outside the secret realm world one after another.

Then, according to the basic rules of the endless abyss invasion, the dark and depraved breath represented by the endless abyss was injected into these secret realm worlds to pave the way for subsequent invasions.

But it's different from the previous endless abyss invasion of the rest of the secret realm world.

Although such a set of practices for changing the internal environment of the secret realm world is still effective, the follow-up process of the invasion has, without exception, encountered problems!

The thirteen secret realm worlds parasitizing on the bodies of the multiple worlds have shown their own power and terror to these Devils!


This is like an invasion operation, in a secret realm world numbered 03.

A fierce battle is underway that has virtually destroyed more than half the continent.

This terrible fierce battle has been going on for two days, but until now there is still no winner.

The two sides in the battle are the Devil Prince Pratt who represents the endless abyss.

On the other side, is a mysterious warrior in the secret realm world of No. 03!

Although it is said to be a fierce battle, such wording is actually not very strict.

Because, before Devil Prince Pratt received his report, this mysterious warrior had slaughtered an entire Devil army!

The bodies of the Devils lay at the feet of both sides, piled up into a hill.

"Damn, why are you still not dead! And what is the source of your power? What kind of creature are you!"

Devil Prince Pratt looked at the opposite side helplessly and hatefully, and roared.

At this time, he, who has no rivals in his own ruling plane, is already injured and tired.

It's rib, I don't know how many, have been broken, and every time I move it, I will feel extreme pain.

One of its twelve arms has also disappeared by nearly half.

Even its hearts were shattered several times without being attacked.

It can be said that if he hadn't had the authority of the abyss, he would have really fallen here long ago.

And the enemy who confronted Pratt, Prince of Devil, turned out to be just a single person.


A swordsman wearing a black cloak and holding a great sword.

However, even though the opponent was wearing a cloak, during the two-day battle, Devil Prince Pratt still noticed the mysterious pattern engraved on the opponent's body.

Moreover, the structure of this secret realm world is very special.

In the secret realm world of Nuoda, there is actually only one door.

Besides the door, it was this swordsman who lived alone for an unknown time.

Of course, the meaning of this swordsman's existence is to guard this gate, which is somewhat similar to Pete who guards the gate of Paradise Mountain in Paradise Mountain, but is somewhat different.

However, the mysterious swordsman did not give a direct answer to Devil Prince Pratt's question.

He just said to Devil Prince Pratt indifferently.

"Get out of here, monsters born in the dark!"

"As long as I leave here, I promise that I won't hunt you down again. I swear in the name of the long sword in my hand!"

After hearing this, Devil Prince Pratt gritted his own teeth viciously, looking at the swordsman, wishing to kill him directly.

But Devil Prince Pratt knew very well that with only his own words, it was impossible to defeat the opponent in a short period of time without support.

Therefore, Devil Prince Pratt can only put all kinds of grievances back into his stomach, ready to use other methods to find his way back.

"Why, are you still not ready to leave here, monster from darkness?"

"I don't really mind, I'll play with you here for a while!"

After finishing speaking, the swordsman pointed the black giant sword in his hand straight at Pratt, Prince of Devil.

Two days later, the Devil Prince Pratt, who found that the swordsman was still so aggressive, felt that he was almost mad.

However, I don't know if it was good luck or not, Devil Prince Pratt suddenly moved his head.

Or to put it another way,

The Devil Prince Pratt, who has always been chaotic and brutal, suddenly became cunning, and he remembered a very important thing.

That is, he doesn't seem to need to really beat the opponent!

He didn't really want to invade this damn secret realm world!

Because the great master of the abyss, the task given to him, these Devil princes, is to find out the secrets of each secret realm world, not to occupy this secret realm world.

Since this is the case, then that is to say, as long as the Devil Prince Pratt himself has enough secrets from this swordsman, then he can go back.

Anyway, staying here is to be beaten, and also to lose the Devil army in his own plane, so why didn't the Devil Prince Pratt himself choose an easier way to end this mission?

Having figured this out, Devil Prince Pratt suddenly dropped the weapon in his hand and smiled at the swordsman.

What he originally meant was that he was going to talk to the other party.

But to be honest, most of the wise abyss creatures in the abyss would think that the Devil Prince Pratt's smile was too terrifying.

However, Devil Prince Pratt himself insists that his own smile is not scary, but the muscles on his face are not very harmonious, that's all.

In a word, under the influence of his arrogant face, the swordsman holding the black giant sword almost thought that Devil Prince Pratt was going to attack like the villain in those anime novels with a smile before releasing his ultimate move.

But Devil Prince Pratt, after throwing down his weapon, remained motionless patiently, expressing that he no longer had any malice now.

Then, Devil Prince Pratt said to the swordsman holding the black giant sword.

"Hey, swordsman, let's talk!"

"Talk about it?"

"Yeah, let's talk!"

Devil Prince Pratt really doesn't want to waste time on this guy, so he is going to use the way of talking to find out some of the secrets of this secret realm world, and then send him to the great Lord of the Abyss.

Although such a plan may sound unreliable, it is still much easier than directly fighting the opponent.

"Look, between you and me, we can completely avoid becoming each other's enemies."

Hearing Devil Prince Pratt say this, the swordsman looked at the Devil's corpse all over the floor, and his eyes couldn't help but squinted.

"Of course, I know that you and I have been fighting for two days, and you have also killed a lot of my precious blood descendants (fake, Devil Prince Pratt has countless descendants, it will not feel bad at all ), it stands to reason that you and I have already made a vengeance, but"

But two words, Devil Prince Pratt aggravated his tone.

"But as long as you tell me what exactly you are guarding, and where your source of power comes from, I will leave here immediately, how?!"

"Actually, I'm a scholar!"

"My greatest interest is not to invade those worlds. My greatest and only pleasure is to see the speciality of each world!"

"Even if I just hear how special the world you are guarding is, I can satisfy my own selfish desires, and I swear by the fate of my descendants!"

Hearing this, the swordsman shook his head hesitantly.

Although he has not personally experienced Devil's shamelessness, he is still very vigilant instinctively towards a dark creature like Devil.

Seeing that the opponent was hesitant, Pratt, Prince of Devil, decisively increased his own chips.

Because it is very clear, since the other party is not decisively rejecting, then it means that there is still something to talk about with the other party!

"I know what you're worried about"

Devil Prince Pratt once again showed his harmonious and beautiful smile and said.

"You're worried that my proposal is actually a hoax, isn't it?"

The swordsman holding the black giant sword nodded. Although he was not deeply involved in the world, his instinct to be vigilant against dark creatures still existed in his heart.

"Then you can do this first"

In the scarlet eyes of Devil Prince Pratt, the bloody light was fully revealed.

Its whispers are causing the swordsman to step into the quagmire little by little.

Devil's favorite abyss quagmire!

"You can, just tell me some trivial information, a little information is enough."

"A little bit of information?"

The swordsman was shaken, and the black giant sword in his hand was put down and hung on the ground.

While the other party was hesitating, Pratt, Prince of Devil, had actually been unable to hold back several times and wanted to sneak attack on the other party. ,

This kind of dog can't get rid of the problem of eating, which is found in every chaotic Devil.

But now, Devil Prince Pala has forcibly held back.

Finally, under the good performance of the Devil Prince Pratt, the swordsman compromised.

He raised his head and said to Pratt, Prince of Devil.

"Okay, since you swore to leave here after hearing some information, then I'll give you the information you want!"

The swordsman said calmly, he was also tired of fighting, especially the fight with Devil.

"What I guard is not a world, but a gate."

"Our Lord, the door of Moira's laboratory!"


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