Moira's Legacy of Treasures

Chu Hao's greatest pursuit after being reincarnated into the world of the gods.

A formula that is said to be able to sublimate the world of God's Domain and become an infinite world in the true sense.

"System, verify the result of this formula"

Chu Hao said while smiling and entering the formula he had obtained from Moira into the system.

After a short wait, the voice of the system appeared in Chu Hao's ears after a long absence.

"Formula structure is correct, but completeness is largely missing!"

"Cannot verify formula is available!"

"Sure enough, it's still the same result." Chu Hao took a deep breath and looked at the coordinates in the distance, that is, above the huge multi-world wreckage.

"No matter how much I try to complete the formula, it fails."

In this area of ​​the Chaos Dead Sea, it is almost in the darkness of eternal night.

Only on the wreckage of the multi-dimensional world, there are dozens of faint light spots.

Each of these light spots represents a secret realm world full of vitality.

Looking at these light spots, Chu Hao's eyes were extremely firm.

"But don't worry, because soon this formula will be available!"

After carefully using Shenhuo to wrap his own body, Chu Hao slowly moved towards the coordinates.


At this time, in a kingdom of gods that is extremely far away from the secret realm area of ​​the Chaos Dead Sea.

Jiang Ling, the new disciple of the Sequence Lord God, is communicating with a powerful being that is mysterious and indestructible even in the eyes of the gods through his own secret technique.

And the person she communicated with was her main god, the spiritual practitioner of one of the thirteen main gods of the sequence—Fantasy!

"Master, the secret realm test results for the third month have come out," Jiang Ling said half-dreamingly, sitting cross-legged on a futon.

After she finished speaking, countless transparent mists appeared around her, surrounding her.

And the real world she lives in has also become like a dream because of the appearance of these transparent mists. For a while, people can't tell whether this area is real or fake.

Moreover, these mists do not simply appear to be mists.

When your eyes try to penetrate the fog, you are likely to be surprised.

In these mists, images and sounds of mortals working in the fields sometimes appear, sometimes there are images and sounds of practitioners practicing self-cultivation or reciting poetry, and sometimes there are towering mountain landscapes and deep forest wonders.

They feel like a huge world that really exists but is on another level, stitched together with this reality through these mists.

Such a picture is both dizzying and immersive.

In fact, if there are angels of wisdom here, or other gods who know the secrets of some of the main gods, you can definitely guess that these transparent mists are the derivation of the dream world of the real world in the real world!

These mists are not false illusions at all.

It's a real world of God's Domain called the Void Realm of the World!

"I know."

Just when Jiang Ling was half asleep and immersed in the world of mood from time to time, a voice appeared in Jiang Ling's ear.

Jiang Ling, on the other hand, was talking about the follow-up data reports to his own master.

"Master, for the past three months, our gods have not detected obvious fluctuations in the number of secret realm worlds around the chaotic Dead Sea secret realm."

"As always, some secret realm worlds appeared, and some secret realm worlds were breached by the gods, or destroyed by random attacks of destruction rays."

"So, Master, will the information given to us by the Angel of Wisdom is false?"

"The so-called secret realm mutation has begun, is it just a conspiracy to let us waste our divine power?"

"Is there a possibility that the fall of the disciplinary angel Peter caused vigilance in Paradise Mountain, so this false information was given."

"That piece of minced meat with the potential to become a god is just an experimental creation inside their Paradise Mountain, a smoke bomb."

"After all, the Heavenly Mountain side has the highest level of technology in the world."

"With their technological means, it is not difficult to create a piece of minced meat with a divine breath."

With her own analysis, Jiang Ling gave her own conclusion, but unfortunately, as soon as she finished speaking.

The voice of the Lord God Illusionary Dream reached her ears again through the Void Realm of the World.

"No, Xiaolinger, the information that the Angel of Wisdom gave us is not fake. At least, most of the content is true."

"But it is indeed very possible that he deliberately withheld some intelligence in his speech, thereby causing a lie-like effect."

Fantasy, the mighty Lord God.

Her voice was very soft and warm, like an intellectual and gentle woman, which made Jiang Ling feel at ease every time.

But this feeling of comfort is also lost very quickly, because Jiang Ling's master once again said Jiang Ling's nickname, and Jiang Ling, who is strong and independent, hates this very much.

"Master, I'm already a mature god with hundreds of years old, don't call me by my nickname again, okay!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Xiaolinger."

In the fog, a pair of eyes full of smiles looked at Jiang Ling, making her a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, Jiang Ling suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Master, you said that most of the information given by the Angel of Wisdom is true, so that means that there may indeed be changes in the secret realm!"

"I've been your disciple for a hundred years. I've known for a long time that there will be a mutation, but I still don't know what the secret realm mutation in their mouths is like."

"I've asked you many times, but you've always been tight-lipped."

"And I asked my brothers and sisters, they never told me the corresponding things, why is this?"

Fantasia was silent for a while before passing the voice over again.

"Little Ling'er, don't blame your brothers and sisters for this matter, they didn't talk about it for your own good."

"The mutation of the secret realm is a terrible thing. Even if you are from God, you may fall because of the mutation of the secret realm."

"But I really want to know what the so-called secret realm mutation is. Master, don't you think that I have reached the stage of breaking away from your protection, so I can share your worries for you?"

In the mist, those eyes that were looking at Jiang Ling with a smile gradually filled with sorrow and joy.

It seems that he admired the youngest disciple, and finally took the initiative to share his worries. After hesitating for a long time, the voice of the dream slowly appeared in Jiang Ling's ears.

"Actually, the term secret realm mutation is somewhat inaccurate. The so-called secret realm mutation is actually the enemy's counterattack."

"Enemy, what enemy?" Jiang Ling didn't understand.

"Enemies of a bygone era!"


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