The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 958: Island Exploration

Chapter 958 Island Exploration

The huge body of Fei Scorpio and the giant pincers that are staring at tigers give ordinary people an overwhelming sense of pressure. Ordinary people stand in front of Fei Scorpio, especially in front of the largest Fei Scorpion King that Xia Ping An rides. It was like an armored vehicle was pushed towards him, and he couldn't help but be oppressed and retreated.

The peasant soldiers who opened the city gate, at close range, saw the flying scorpion king, all of their faces turned pale and their footsteps were a little weak, and they quickly retreated to both sides, completely giving way to the city gate. Those who came to watch the fun did not dare to approach.

"My lord, this flying scorpion..." Xue Rengui stood on the road like an iron pillar, and looked at the giant flying scorpions that gave people a sense of oppression. Ordinary warriors were in front of these flying scorpions. I am afraid there is no way to fight back.

"These flying scorpions have been subdued by me, and they will be part of Lingxiao City in the future, and they can just be used as mounts for the Templars!" Xia Ping'an said.

Templar's mount?

Xue Rengui looked at the flying scorpions, and then at his white horse not far away, suddenly feeling that his white horse was not fragrant.

Xue Rengui's feeling at the moment is like a rider who is used to riding a motorcycle suddenly seeing that someone can still drive a tank. The impact, action, attack, and domineering power of this flying scorpion are unmatched by any horse. When a mount goes to the battlefield, that is the only way to be invincible.

As the saying goes, a treasured sword goes with a hero, and this powerful mount is naturally the's good to go with a hero too.

Thinking of the scene where he was riding on a flying scorpion and rampaging on the battlefield, Xue Rengui's eyes stared straight at the flying scorpions behind Xia Ping'an who were pouring into the city, and his saliva almost came out.

"Lord...I..." Xue Rengui's throat slid, trying to say something.

Xia Pingan just glanced at Xue Rengui and knew what Xue Rengui was thinking. He smiled slightly, "You can also choose a flying scorpion as a mount!"

"Thank you, Lord!" Xue Rengui was overjoyed all of a sudden, with a smile on his face.

"Take these flying scorpions to the camp of the Storm Cavalry, and notify the craftsmen of the craftsman camp to make saddles suitable for people to ride on for these flying scorpions, and then let the templars get used to it. After three days, these flying scorpions will go with us. "..." Xia Ping'an ordered to Xue Rengui, when he was talking, his whole body had already vacated from the back of the flying scorpion king, but his feet were a little on the back of flying scorpion, and the whole person had already moved towards the temple. The electricity shot away, and only the sound came back from the air.

"Yes!" Xue Rengui looked at Xia Ping'an's back and responded with excitement.

These little things really don't need Xia Ping'an to worry about, just explain them to Xue Rengui.

Thinking about it carefully, there are still few talents available in Lingxiao City, and there are only three people who can take charge alone. Xia Ping'an feels that when he has more divine power available, he should summon a few more available people. , If you are a general, you can summon a few more, especially those who are good at defending the city. A general like Xue Rengui is a general of meritorious deeds. Letting him defend the city is like hiding a treasure bow in a bag and not using his abilities. .

When the troop that kills the Gru Kingdom this time, it will have divine power.

After a moment of effort, Xia Ping'an was flying all the way, and he had already arrived at the temple. Cui Hao, who received the news, just came out of the temple, and happened to meet Xia Ping'an.

"My lord, you have already subdued those flying scorpions?" Cui Hao's face was both excited and surprised. He originally thought that Xia Ping'an was just going to inquire about the information about those flying scorpions. Hi from the sky, the flying scorpion's lair that was originally a hidden danger in Lingxiao City has actually become the arsenal of Lingxiao City, and the Lord has actually subdued those flying scorpions.

"Yes, the flying scorpion nest is now owned by Lingxiao City, and there is another barrier in the southwest of Lingxiao City. I have asked Xue Rengui to bring those flying scorpions to the camp of the Storm Cavalry. If you want a mount, you can also choose one. , can both travel and protect himself, the flying scorpion's combat power and ability to get out of trouble should not be underestimated."

"Thank you, Lord!" Although Cui Hao was not as excited as Xue Rengui, he was still very happy to have a flying scorpion as a mount. However, seeing Xia Ping'an's appearance at the moment, he hurried back to the temple, not knowing what he wanted to do. "By the way, my lord, this is..."

"There are still three days before the expedition. Prepare yourself. I don't have anything to do here for now. I will go back to the Land of the Divine Seal to explore. After three days, I will go to the expedition, and I will come back!" , and then the soul suddenly turned into a ray of light, submerging into the caisson of the temple.

Looking at Xia Ping'an's disappearing back, Cui Hao could only shake his head with a wry smile.

As a summoner, the channel for the soul to enter and leave the world of the kingdom of God can only be the temple of the secret mandala.

There are still three days, you can make good use of it, the island has just explored a small part, and the rest of the time is just enough to explore the island and see if there is any gain on the island.

In the cave of Shenyin World, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and saw that Heilong and Xuanwu were still faithfully guarding the cave. He touched Heilong's head, "Thank you for your hard work, I will always let you and Xuanwu be your companions to guard. I!"

Heilong wagged his tail, ""

"I will find you a female companion anytime, let you have a family, and give birth to a bunch of little black dragons, then it will be lively!"

Heilong understood Xia Ping'an's words, and his tail wagged more happily, "Wang... Wang Wang Wang..."

"No, the island outside is too dangerous, the situation is I can't take you out!" Xia Ping'an patted the black dragon's head again, and didn't say much, and left the cave in a flash. , came outside again.

At this moment, the snow on the island is a little smaller, but the sky has become darker. The sun behind the thick clouds is about to fall from the sea to the west. It seems that it is almost evening. Fortunately, the light does not affect Xia Ping'an. Big, even in the dark, he can see things like day, Xia Ping'an once again transformed into a crane, flew into the air, used illusion to hide his figure, and then flew directly in the direction where he found the frigate bird before.

Flying near the frigate bird's nest, Xia Pingan just remembered one thing, and wanted to pat himself on the head, "I'll go, those frigate birds live on this island, and their range of activities is larger than those of the killer bees, what is there on this island? There are special things, those frigatebirds must know. These frigatebirds also need to hunt in winter, how could I forget about this, it seems that I am still not used to using these new summons!"

After muttering a sentence in his mouth, Xia Ping'an's mind moved, and a cloud of fog appeared behind him in the air, summoning the strongest frigate bird.

"What special places and special things are there on this island, take me to see them!" Xia Ping'an passed on an idea to the frigate bird, and the frigate bird called out in the air and headed directly towards the central mountain range of the island fly away.

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