The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 942: bid farewell

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At this moment, Binhu Street was a little restless. Although the night was dark and it was icy and snowy outside, there were still many people walking out of the house with lights in hand, watching the vision in the sky in amazement from the courtyard. A burst of amazement.

Of course, at such a time, no one would notice that on the snow in front of the steps outside No. 169 Binhu Street, there was an extra footprint silently, and the footprint extended from the opposite side of the street, crossing the After crossing the sidewalk outside the villa, and finally at the door of Xia Pingan's villa, a figure wearing a black trench coat gradually revealed in the darkness.

Black trench coat, black hood, hands folded in the sleeves, this figure looks like an ascetic monk, but under the hood is the face of an old man with thin eyes, eagle nose and blond hair. This person was the elder of the Rabelais family whom Xia Pingan had met in Fort Condera that day - Capas Rabelais.

Kapas Rabelai, who showed his figure and was already standing at the door of the villa, took a deep breath, took off his hood, and revealed his face, and then at the door, respectfully pulled the rope at the door. bell.


Until the crisp rope bell rang in the villa, the terrifying throbbing feeling in Karpas' heart disappeared suddenly.

Just now, when he stepped outside the villa with the invisibility technique, Karpas suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of terror in his heart. That feeling made his soul tremble, and Karpas felt that he was in Being watched, if you take one wrong step, you will be doomed.

This feeling, only Karpas can understand.

Two minutes after the rope bell rang, there was no movement in the villa, but the dignified elder of the Rabelais family did not ring the rope bell again, but was very respectful like a primary school student standing outside the principal's room. Obediently waiting at the door.

After about two minutes, the door of the villa finally opened, light poured out of the villa, and Xia Ping'an's calm face was revealed behind the door.

"It's really surprising, I didn't expect it to be Elder Karpas?" Xia Pingan's face also showed a hint of surprise, "It's so late, what does Elder Karpas have to do with me?"

Elder Karpas showed a flattering, even flattering smile on his face, "Mr. Xia... Can we go in and talk?"

"Okay, Elder Karpas, please come in!" Xia Ping'an turned sideways, and after taking a deep look at Karpas, he let Elder Karpas enter the house. When the door was closed, he also glanced at the outside The vision in the sky, at this moment, the commotion of Kelander caused by the vision in the sky has just begun, and Kelander is destined to not be calm tonight.

Why did the elder of the Rabelais family come to him at this time?

Xia Ping'an had this thought in his mind. As soon as he closed the door and turned around, he was shocked to find that the Rabelais elder Capas had already knelt down on the ground facing him, touching the ground with his forehead, that's it. A very pious and grand gift, "Syon Rabelais, the most loyal servant of the God of Tricks, the thirty-seventh generation blood descendant, Capas Rabelais has seen the Lord of God!"

Xia Ping'an was stunned, but calmly said, "Elder Kapas, what do you mean?"

"Sure enough, it is the same as the divine decree left by the Lord of the Rabelais to the Rabelais. Because the time is too long, what the Lord has broken through is the taboo of the gods, there may be serious consequences, and the Lord may be forgotten when he is reborn this time. A lot of things!" Elder Karpas was still kneeling on the ground, and while he was talking, he had already taken out something from his space equipment, "But it doesn't matter, everything is under the control of God Lord. , God Lord has made arrangements for the current situation, and God Lord will soon be able to recall everything!"

The thing that Karpas took out of the space equipment was a strange magic tool - the magic tool was dark and looked like a compass, there were dense runes on the compass, but in the center of the compass, there was a A golden phalanx, which exudes a faint brilliance, like a compass, pointing to Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an was also surprised when he saw the phalanx, because he somehow felt that the golden phalanx had a blood connection with him. It was very familiar and close, as if it was something that fell from him. .

What the hell, how does it feel like this?

"This is the bone of the gods left by the Lord to the Rabelais back then. If the bone of the gods hadn't suddenly recovered a few months ago, I wouldn't have known that the Lord had returned again..."

Just as Karpas was talking, the phalanx of the **** in the magic weapon had already flown, and in the flash of light, it merged into the index finger of Xia Ping'an's right hand, and Xia Ping'an's hand. merge into one.

On the phalanx of the god, the huge amount of information left by the **** of tricks poured into Xia Ping'an's mind instantly.

The origin of everything is the body of the **** that Xia Ping'an once merged with.

That is the master with the body of a god, and it is the **** of tricks that has been conferred!

In the original plan of the God of Tricks, he did not fall, but was seriously injured, but he was still alive. The cemetery of the gods he built for himself was a bait. It is suitable for the goal of rebirth. All those who get the body of his **** will actually be taken away by him and become a sacrifice for his rebirth and resurrection. After that, the **** of tricks will once again embark on the road of cultivation and use him to hide. The resources in the tomb of the gods, after quickly advancing to demigods, come to the realm of the gods, and then the **** of tricks will be reborn as a god.

The God of Trick's plan for conferring the gods in Chencang's shadow is too grand and meticulous. The whole plan involves the three worlds of Yuanqiu World, the Realm of the Heavens, and the Land of the Divine Seal, and various arrangements have been made. According to God's plan, he is indeed very likely to be conferred a **** again.

There was nothing wrong with the plan of the God of Tricks, but something went wrong again. According to the plan of the God of Tricks, he had already crushed his soul and became his incarnation, but why is he alive, Tricks Does the **** seem to have really fallen?

Could it be that the **** of tricks had an accident in the cemetery of the gods, and he really fell, so he finally cheapened himself?

And because he has the body of the **** of tricks, he can react with a piece of divine bone left by the **** of tricks, so Karpas, who is kneeling in front of him, really regards himself as the **** of tricks.

In the plan of the God of Tricks, the most critical link is the way to enter the land of the gods. The **** of tricks originally had many enemies in the gods, and the land of the gods is the place where the power of the gods can come. , The God of Tricks has made arrangements to prevent him from being ambushed and plotted by his enemies when he goes to the Land of Divine Seal to complete the last link of consecration after his rebirth.

Xia Ping'an didn't expect that the God of Tricks made so many arrangements and preparations, and finally made a wedding dress for himself.

After Xia Ping'an saw the arrangement of the Lord of the Demon God from the picture on the back, he was still worried about how he could enter the land of the divine seal and not be discovered by the gods who were arranged by the Lord of the Demon God. Unexpectedly, the God of Tricks had already made arrangements.

Behind all this, it seems that there is a force beyond my imagination pushing and arranging, which is incredible. This is the power that makes Xia Ping'an truly in awe.

Xia Ping'an's thoughts are transferring...

Karpas, who was kneeling on the ground, could not detect Xia Ping'an's psychological activities. All he saw was that the **** of tricks closed his eyes after merging the divine bones he brought, and there was no superfluous expression on his face. It's hard to guess.

A few minutes later, Xia Ping'an's eyes finally opened, he glanced at Karpas who was still kneeling on the ground, his voice did not waver at all, "Thank you, did you bring what I left behind? "

"Already brought!" Seeing that "God Lord" had completely recovered his memory, Karpas breathed a long sigh of relief. With a move of his hand, he took out another thing and put it in front of Xia Ping'an. A pitch-black metal cube as tall as a foot, and Karpas didn't even know what was inside.

Xia Ping'an took the cube directly and put it away.

"I haven't forgotten my promise to the Rabelais family. When I consecrate the gods again, the Rabelais family will get the honor you deserve!"

A look of joy flashed across Karpas' face, but his head lowered, "Being able to follow the Lord of God is the greatest honor and pride of the Rabelais family!"

"I'm about to go to the Land of Divine Seal. I have many enemies. Don't reveal my identity, and don't let people know about the relationship between the Rabelais family and me..."

"Yes, I understand!"



Long Wu opened the door of the villa. After Kapas bowed to Xia Ping, his figure turned transparent and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next second, Xia Ping'an looked up at the vision in the sky, stood at the door and closed his eyes for a moment. With a wave of his hand, he sent Long Wu, the magic vine, the summoned horse, and the green-clothed messenger all received from him. In the secret mandala, and in the next second, his figure disappeared in place.


Helena was in the villa on Odin Street. Helena and Mrs. Caitlin had come out of the room and stood in the garden of the villa, raising their heads in astonishment, watching the vision in the sky.

All the villas on Odin Street were noisy at the moment, some people were excited, some people were afraid, in the dark, there were flashes of light, and some people in the villas were still taking pictures.

Suddenly, Xia Ping'an appeared next to the two of them, startling them, and immediately became happy.

"Don't worry, we're fine here!" Helena glanced at Xia Ping'an, and then at Mrs. her eyes were full of amorous feelings, "I don't know if you came to me or her!"

"I'm here to say goodbye to both of you!" Xia Ping'an said calmly, "Thank you for your help!"

"Farewell, what do you mean?" Helena was still stunned for a moment, then thought of something, her face changed slightly, "You don't want to participate in the challenge with Andrea, you have accepted the world beads they took out, and now you regret it. I'm afraid it will be troublesome, but let me think about it, there should be a way..."

"You... are you leaving?" For some reason, Mrs. Catelyn looked at Xia Pingan's calm face, and then at the vision in the sky. She seemed to feel something and her face changed slightly.

"Yes!" Xia Ping'an nodded to Mrs. Caitlin, "I hope there will be a chance to meet again in the future, but don't worry, after I leave, no one will dare to trouble you!"

Helena frowned slightly, feeling that Xia Ping'an's words were a bit strange, "Where do you think I can arrange it?"

"Where I'm going, only I can go!" Xia Ping'an smiled and said nothing. The next second, under the astonished gazes of Helena and Mrs. Caitlin, Xia Ping'an's figure had changed from The ground flew up slowly, the whole body glowed, and flew towards the stairs in the sky...

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