The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 939: dominate

Unknown place, unknown space, rich dark energy, mixed with endless anger, frustration, disappointment, fear, sadness, worry, annoyance, hatred and other emotions, piercing through the endless void of the universe, such as strips of It washed down like a black waterfall and was absorbed by a huge figure like a mountain.


This huge figure like a mountain has a pair of huge horns on its head, three blood-red eyes on its face, and a body covered with scales that stretches for thousands of miles in this space. It is entrenched in a blood-colored palace. The breath that can make all planes and universes tremble and surrender.


Countless densely packed gods were half-kneeling in front of this huge figure, humble as dust and silent as sculptures.


At this moment, this mountain-like figure and those half-kneeling gods, all attention was on a huge star map in the void below the palace. The star map was a huge galaxy cluster, like a giant tree. Slowly turning in the universe, with an unspeakable mysterious color, all the existences in the palace are looking down at the huge star cluster.




The stars in the star cluster are too many and endless, just like the water droplets in the sea, too many to count. There are countless blood red and black magic patterns and demon eyes. The huge star map shuttled back and forth, swallowing the twinkling stars in the star map back and forth, dyeing those stars blood red.


But the process of devouring was not smooth, and it was greatly disturbed, because in the star map, strange lightnings and storms would appear from time to time, shattering the magic lines and eyes, those originally arranged in the star map The stars, sometimes under the influence of a strange force, are beating playfully, creating new orbits, countless black holes, and white holes are swallowing those stars, and then the magic lines and magic eyes become confused. .


In the star map, it was like a battle and war that even the gods could not understand.


The gods who were half-kneeling on the ground looked down at the changes in the star map, with awe in their eyes.


They know why there is such a scene in the star map. It is a silent and fierce confrontation between the two masters. The spiritual thoughts and means of the two masters can spread throughout the entire heavens and gods in an instant. Hundreds of millions of duels and collisions, the star map in front of them is just an intuitive display in front of them, but in fact, they can only vaguely feel the confrontation between the two masters in the realm of the gods. Compared with the two masters, the divine sense is not an order of magnitude.


"I can feel that he has awakened again, just in the realm of the gods, just a few months ago..." The huge figure opened his mouth, and with a simple sentence, the whole space was shaking, those half-kneeling The body of the **** is like being under enormous pressure, causing the surrounding space to crack like a spider web, "but he, being well protected by that guy, made my spiritual sense and vision still unable to complete the final Locked, but, it is coming soon, there are less than one third of the worlds and planets suitable for human survival in the Gods of the Heavens, and soon, I will be able to use my divine power to demarcate the specific coordinates of that person..."


"The Lord is above, we have made preparations for all believers and forces in all the worlds and planets in the God Realm..." A half-kneeling **** with a crocodile head said, "Once the Lord locks that person's position , let the eye of the master appear on that person, that person is like a fire exposed to the darkness, and what greets him will be a monstrous torrent that can easily destroy a planet, and millions of people want to destroy him. The person and power will continue to rush towards him, turning the planet into a death star, even if our power cannot come to the mortal world, this time, he will not be able to escape..."

"That guy already has a strength that is not inferior to mine, this is the biggest variable!" The Lord Demon God spoke again, and syllables jumped out of his mouth, with despairing emotions and energy, "He has been interfering with my sight. With Shennian, I'm buying time for that person, and I feel that this time, he already knows the means I want to use, and he won't be willing to fail like this..."


"It's just a few months in the Divine Realm. Even if that person has awakened again, he is only a low-level God Blessed One, and he must not be able to escape the lock of the Lord. According to the records of the God Realm, a God Blessed One The fastest time from awakening to being able to ignite the fire of the Great Dao is ten years..." A **** with a face full of vicissitudes and eyes as dark as a black hole opened his mouth softly.


"The power of the Lord is beyond your imagination!" The Lord of the Demon God was silent for a few seconds before speaking, "Arriad, my son, your power can completely descend on the Divine Seal that is connected to the God Realm. Earth, within the next three months, I need you to lead your Chaos Legion, burn your Divine Wheel for me, and block all passages from the Gods of the Heavens to the Land of Divine Seals..."


Among the half-kneeling crowd, a **** with two horns and three eyes stood up and replied with a bang, "Yes!"


"Go, the final war has begun..."


The door of darkness opened in the palace, and in the blink of an eye, all the gods poured out of the palace like a flood and disappeared.


The passage to the Land of the Divine Seal is blocked, and every inch of space in the Divine Realm is about to be searched by himself. The awakened person is unavoidable. This time, he must be completely crushed...


"See where you can hide?" The Lord Demon God roared In the star map below the palace, the number of those magic lines and magic eyes doubled again, and they began to shuttle through the stars like mercury pouring down the ground. In the space of the map, the lightning and storms in the star map also suddenly increased, which was dazzling for a while.




Xia Ping'an didn't hide, he just waited patiently in the villa. As he expected, the Jiezhu that the Investigation Bureau promised to give him was delivered by Mr. Coin himself the next morning, watching Mr. Coin bring it to him. For the twenty-five boundary beads in the box, Xia Ping'an licked his lips and put them away first.


"This matter is the internal affairs of the Bureau of Investigation. I don't want other people to know what it means. After all, the Ceylon Empire and us are allies!" Mr. Coin explained with a serious face.


"Understood!" Xia Pingan smiled.


But then, Xia Ping'an suddenly said again, "Sir, I remember that the Bureau of Investigation still offered a reward for the skinned butcher Georg, and there are also bounded beads in the reward?"


"Yes, what do you want to ask?"


"Cough, it's nothing, I just want to cash out the reward!" Xia Pingan said, and Georg, the skinned butcher who turned into a lump of ice, appeared in front of Mr. Coin.


Mr. Coin almost choked on the tea, he looked at Xia Ping'an, and then at the ice sculpture of the skinning butcher Georg, his face was shocked, and for a while, he was speechless...




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