The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 937: fairyland

The state in front of him is very strange. This is the first time that Xia Ping'an has encountered such a situation when he fused the world beads. Xia Ping'an found that he has no body, but only a pure consciousness.

And this consciousness is connected with another consciousness, like a vast ocean, a trickle like a trickle, and the consciousness connected with his consciousness is connected with a body, and that body is closed eyes, standing on a huge In front of the wooden plate, the wooden plate is covered with a layer of fine sand. Above the sand, there is a metal circle. In the metal circle, there is a bamboo pen, and above the circle, connected to the circle, is a huge A cross-shaped wooden frame, one end of the wooden frame hangs high above the beam in the middle of the house, and the lower end falls down and is connected to the pen. It can move, like a huge mechanical arm made of wood and connected to the bamboo pen. Together, and under the bamboo pen, is the wooden sand table.

Next to the sand table, there are two people standing, one of them rests one hand on a wooden bar of the sand table, and stares solemnly and solemnly at the body that is connected with Xia Ping'an's consciousness. Another person was standing beside another table, holding a pen dipped in ink in his hand and paper in front of him, staring at the body that was connected to Xia Ping'an's consciousness with a serious expression.

In the room, in addition to the sand table and the strange wooden frame like a mechanical arm, there is also an offering table, which is lit with incense, and enshrined with fruits, lamps, candles and other items. The portrait of Lu Dongbin, the three, seem to be performing some kind of strange ceremony.

Is this the fuja?

Xia Ping'an immediately understood that the consciousness he was playing at the moment was actually... it was actually the spiritual sense that Lu Zu communicated with Fu Ni.

So surprising.

This is the first time Xia Ping'an has seen Fuyao. The source of the so-called pen fairy games in later generations is the evolution of Fuyao techniques, and Fuyao techniques originated from ancient Chinese witchcraft.

In history, as a folk belief, the fuja technique is very famous in China. It can communicate with ghosts, gods and spirits. . He raised his son to worship again, and asked, 'How could there be gods who do not know the truth? ' Xian Nai said: 'I don't know, I don't know, and I don't know. ' The crowd laughed, thinking that immortals were ignorant, and the subject of the year just happened to be the three verses of "I don't know my fate and I can't be a gentleman."

Because there are so many people who believe in Fuyi, Yutong and Immortals have become a profession, and there are even aristocratic families of Fuyi, making Fuyi a family inheritance. Of course, because this profession can make money, there are also many swindlers who pretend to be Yutong. At the beginning, when the west wind spread to the east, some charlatans even "invited" foreign celebrities such as Jesus, Napoleon, Washington, and Tolstoy who were gradually known to the Chinese people.

These thoughts only flashed in Xia Ping'an's consciousness. In the next second, with the cadence of Yin Hong, who was connected with Xia Ping'an's consciousness in the room, he sang "Lu Zu is coming". Ping An knows how this world bead should be integrated - this is to spread the "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" to the world through Yitong.

If there is no Spiritual Mind Crystal, the possibility that others will fuse this World Orb is completely zero.

As a conscious body, Xia Ping'an thought, and remembered the content of "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" in his mind, the body of the child who supported him trembled, he pushed the bamboo pen hanging on the wooden plate with both hands, and started The brush strokes left lines of text on the sand table.

"Lu Zu said: "Naturally, Dao, the name of Dao has no appearance, only one nature, only one original spirit. Life is not visible, and it is sent to the sky, and the sky is invisible, and it is sent to two eyes. Since ancient times, Xianzhen has been passed down by word of mouth, and one is passed on. get one..."

Seeing the bamboo pen start to write on the sand table, the copyist next to him who had been holding the ink pen, without blinking, immediately copied every word left on the sand table onto the white paper.

In the blink of an eye, the text on the sand table was full, and the man standing beside the sand table skillfully pulled the wooden strips on the sand table with his hands, and the neat wooden strips brushed over the sand table, leaving a mark on the sand table just now. All the characters on the sand table disappeared, and the sand table became neat and zero again. The hanging bamboo brush began to leave lines of handwriting under the unconscious push of Jitong's body.

With the change of Xia Ping'an's consciousness, the text of "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" kept appearing on the sand table.

"...In the process of Yuanhua, the sun is the master, the visible is the sun, the people are the eyes, and the spiritual consciousness is leaked, so it is very smooth. Therefore, the way of Jinhua, all use the reverse method. Those who return to the light are not the only one. The essence of it goes straight back to the true essence of creation, not just a momentary delusion, but a thousand kalpas of reincarnation. Therefore, one breath is like a year, a moment in the world, one breath is a hundred years, and nine long nights. When the environment is smooth, the old age does not look back, and the yang qi declines and disappears, which is the realm of the nine seclusions. Therefore, the "Yin Fu Jing" says: 'The machine is in the eyes'"


In less than two hours, when Xia Ping'an left the last sentence of "Taiyi Jinhua Aim", the world of the Jiezhu suddenly shattered in the golden light.

A full 297 points of the newly added supernatural power limit made Xia Ping'an's body three more divine bones, and the cultivation realm suddenly became the tenth-level six-star God Blessed One.

Of course, the biggest change is the secret mandala. The secret mandala floats in the sky. The Xiuzhen Temple in the immortal mountain has been expanded again. At the same time, in the Xiuzhen Temple, in addition to the original "Cultivation Picture", there are more A huge jade monument, the jade monument is as high as ten feet, stands in the hall, the brilliance flashes, and the jade monument is full of flashing golden words.

The characters who were summoned from the secret mandala seemed to be a little restless.

The first person to rush to the Xiuzhen Hall was Cui Hao.

A few days ago, Xia Ping'an summoned the crane in order to prepare for the run. Cui Hao saw that there was a crane in the secret mandala. After a long time, the crane carried Cui Hao into the immortal mountain of the secret mandala, and Cui Hao was also proud to enter the Xiuzhen Hall for enlightenment.

Otherwise, most people would not be able to enter this place.

Looking at the jade tablet inscribed with "Taiyi Jinhua Purpose" in the Hall of Cultivation, Cui Hao also lost his composure, his eyes glowed, his face flushed, his body trembled, almost drooling, "Lord, this is... Enlightenment. The secret method of the avenue...too...too extravagant...",

After staring at the "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" for a while, Cui Hao's eyes began to be puzzled again, and he seemed puzzled. In the end, Cui Hao simply sat under the giant monument in the Xiuzhen Hall and ignored Xia Ping'an. , begin to comprehend.

Xia Ping'an also stood in the Hall of Cultivation, looking at the jade tablet of "Taiyi Jinhua Aim", feeling a little shocked, "I don't know who can comprehend the mystery..."

Xia Ping'an knew that the things that appeared in the temples of the secret mandala, such as the Analects of the Holy Master, and the "Cultivation Map" in the Temple of Cultivation, seemed to subtly affect the attributes and growth of all summoned characters in the secret mandala. Potential, such as those farmers and warriors he summoned, seemed to be influenced by "The Analects", and their wisdom was higher.

If this "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" can make those people with higher qualifications in the secret mandala come to a realization, then their ability will go to a higher, then it will be great.

This immortal mountain and the Hall of Cultivation are in the sky. Ordinary people can't enter and understand the mystery. I don't know if there is any way or the realm beads can build a passage between this immortal mountain and the ground.

Xia Pingan felt that ordinary people should actually have the opportunity to understand the fate of immortals. These ancestors and sages of Huaxia left these things in the hope that they would be carried forward by the common people.

In short, this world bead made a lot of money.

With this question in mind, Xia Ping'an withdrew from the Jiezhu...


In the underground secret room, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes, then looked at his pocket watch. He just fused the "Taiyi Jinhua Aim" as the world bead, and it took less than an hour. Can advance to the first level.

Xia Ping'an left the underground secret room and returned to the study. After a while, another guest came to his home - the Consul General of the Ceylon Empire in Keland, who personally visited...

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