The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 932: Opportunity in danger

Looking at Helena's anxious look, Xia Ping'an found it interesting. After working with this woman for so long, although the cooperation between the two is based on a win-win situation, the relationship between the two has become like a long-term cooperation. like friends.


"What you said is indeed safe, but I have a question, since that Andrea is already a seventh-level Summoner, and his strength exceeds me by so much, I can refuse his challenge as a matter of course. I What I'm curious about now is, how can they force me to accept such a malicious contest?" Xia Ping'an asked curiously.


"Don't you know that the most dangerous duel of Summoners is the Roulette of Death?" Helena asked Xia Ping'an, staring at him.


Xia Ping'an blinked, "What did you say, Death Roulette?"


"Of course, this is how summoners of different levels compete!" Helena's face showed a look of recollection, "I saw it once in Andalia before, the death roulette of ordinary people, is to put a revolver inside a pistol. bullets, and then shoot at his head with a pistol, and the death wheel of the summoner is the two summoners in the duel, in a special magic enchantment, turning one with various world beads placed The roulette wheel, and then fuse the boundary beads rolled on the roulette wheel in front of you without the spiritual crystal. The danger of those boundary beads is very high. It's like a shot in the head!"


Helena took a deep breath and explained patiently, "Because the Summoner's death roulette game seems to be fair to every summoner, everyone is testing their luck and their own abilities, so the death roulette game The game is often used in the duel of summoners of different levels, and what Andrea asked you to challenge must be the death roulette game!"


What, is there such a good thing?


Xia Ping'an blinked and duel with himself in this way. This is not a fight with meat buns... bah bah... Doesn't this make it clear that he is giving himself a world bead.


"Cough, even if it is, I won't necessarily lose. Although his level is high, he is not necessarily more certain than me if he wants to integrate the world beads!" Xia Ping'an became serious.


Helena was a little mad, she rushed over directly, grabbed Xia Ping'an's shoulders with both hands, and shook Xia Ping'an vigorously, "You bastard, you usually look smart, how can you become stupid now, the Ceylon Empire's The royal library houses the handbooks of many powerful summoners, the books and the experience summed up by the fusion of various world beads in the past dynasties. Andrea's privilege as a royal summoner is to enter the royal library to browse those precious summoners. Classics, every Royal Summoner of the Ceylon Empire can enter the Royal Library as a Royal Scholar to study for three years after being sealed. Even if there is no spiritual crystal, his success rate in integrating those dangerous world beads must be higher than yours. Gao, do you understand?"


Because of the vigorous shaking, Helena's face was flushed and excited, and her hair was a little messy. When Helena calmed down, Xia Ping'an put his hand on Helena's shoulder to make Helena quiet down. Xia Ping'an used a deep Looking at Helena, she said calmly, "Don't worry, I cherish my little life more than anyone else. If you want to help me now, you can do one thing for me!"


"What's the matter?" Helena took a deep breath.


"The media of Colander and Brandy are expected to want to hype this matter, so you help to add fire and make this matter bigger. Of course, the focus of media public opinion is not me and Andre. Ya's personal duel, this is not a personal grievance, but a duel between the summoner of the Ceylon Empire and the summoner of the Redron Republic. I personally don't matter, but I represent the summoner of the Redron Republic and the Redron Republic. The honor of the Bureau of Investigation, if I lose, it means that the Summoner of the Red Ron Republic lost to the Summoner of the Ceylon Empire, understand?"


Helena looked at Xia Ping'an's deep and calm gaze, and opened her mouth slightly in astonishment. For the first time, Helena found that she couldn't see through this man, who was always so unexpected.


"What do you want to do?" Helena lowered her voice a little, "You are playing with fire!"


"I don't want to do anything!" Xia Ping'an smiled and moved his hand from Helena's shoulder, "I am also an official staff member of the Bureau of Investigation. Among Brandy's summoners, I am also a celebrity. For such a challenge, the Bureau of Investigation and Red Ron always have to give me a little support, are you right, otherwise if I lose in the duel, everyone's faces will not look good, are you right?"

Helena still frowned, "But there is no way for the Bureau of Investigation to improve your success rate in this kind of duel, there is no national-level database in Redron that is comparable to the Royal Library of the Ceylon Empire. , the important information and notes of our domestic summoners are all in the hands of various families, and those families can't show you their collections!"


Xia Ping'an shook his head, "I don't need those materials, the Bureau of Investigation should have a lot of world beads and spiritual crystals. My purpose is very simple. If the Bureau can give me some world beads and spiritual crystals, It should be enough for me to increase my strength by one level before the confrontation with Andrea, it should not be difficult for the Bureau of Investigation, at least it shows their support for me!"


"Jiezhu, another Jiezhu..." Helena put her hand on her forehead and looked at Xia Ping'an speechlessly, she didn't understand why the man in front of her would take such a risk, "Is it really worth it for a few Jiezhu? , if you do this, you will play yourself to death. If you take the Boundary Orb from the Bureau of Investigation, you will have no reason to shirk. If you really want the Boundary Orb and the Spiritual Mind Crystal, wait until the capital area. I can get a lot of your poison removal technique, and it's not dangerous at all, you can get everything you want!"


The prospect depicted by Helena is very bright, but for Xia Ping'an, time is the biggest variable. Xia Ping'an really doesn't know if he will be able to stand here again in a few months. With the improvement of his strength, Xia Ping'an has a faint premonition of a crisis. The Lord Demon God already knows that he is awakening, and the Lord Demon God's big move is coming.


The reason why he is so leisurely now is because the Lord Demon God has not locked his position in the huge galaxy cluster of the Gods Realm in just a few months, and this situation cannot last for too long.


"Sword Comes"


If the Lord Demon God makes another move this time, he will definitely gain experience, and it will never be as simple as issuing a killing order like in Yuanqiu World before, because he knows that he has the ability to avoid his killing order.


Only Xia Ping'an can feel this sense of crisis being watched and killed by the biggest villain BOSS in the universe, making Xia Ping'an walk on thin ice at any time.


Therefore, Xia Ping'an didn't want to wait, and he would never wait until tomorrow for what he could hold in front of him.


"I have my reasons. If you really want to help me and let me survive better in the future crisis, this is the greatest help to me!"


Helena finally understood Xia Ping'an's determination and what she wanted. Her brows gradually stretched, and her face became solemn. She nodded, "Since this is the case, you have already decided, well, let's leave the media. give me!"




"This is what I should do!"


Helena Xia Pingan sent Helena to the carriage at the door, and then turned back to the villa.


This time, for Xia Ping'an, it is the best explanation of the crisis. In a crisis and crisis, there is an opportunity. As long as the operation is done well, it will take a few days for him to have all the 99 bones on his body. At that time, There is only one last step left before conferring the gods - ignite the divine fire of the Great Dao of conferred gods, and once the divine fire is ignited, you will be able to confer gods! However, looking at my current situation, even if it is a conferred god, I am afraid it is not the end, because there is also a war between the gods, and when the time comes, the master demon **** will probably still not let him go.


Grandma, this universe is so vast, with billions of starry sky, if it is just for a small earth, the master devil will not stare at him like this.


In fact, Xia Ping'an was also quite depressed, and there was still a lot of confusion.


More than half an hour after Helena left, another carriage stopped at Xia Pingan's door. This time, it was Mrs. Caitlin who got off the carriage.


Lady Caitlin, who was wearing a snow-white mink fur, looked anxious. She had just entered the villa when she took out a wallet inlaid with gold and rubies, and handed it directly to Xia Ping'an, "I heard that tin The Summoner of the Lan Empire wants to kill you. Here is a cashier's check of 500,000 talers. You can quickly leave Koland and hide. You can use this money to buy what you want, Jiezhu, Spiritual Mind Crystals can…”




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