The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 920: seize

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At such a time, it is not clear whether the summoner who shoots first takes advantage or the summoner who shoots later takes advantage. For the summoner who shoots first, the champion of the beauty pageant in Brandy Province must be among those women. , they made the first move, and naturally took the lead. For the summoner who made the last shot, if the person in front failed, it means that a possibility has been ruled out for them. Among the remaining women, they have a higher chance of selecting a target.

The five impatient summoners in front of them shot and used various spells, but none of them selected the target, but excluded five targets.

The remaining summoners in the hall, looking at the women wearing masks, began to frown one by one, thinking seriously, the most difficult thing in this kind of game is that the spells they cast must not touch the target. Confirm the identity of the other party. If the spell can reach the target, it will be easy. A small charm or mantra can make the target speak out and stand up.

Just when Xia Pingan was about to make a move, Baron Mayer's voice suddenly remembered, "This show is interesting, I'll try it..."

Xia Ping'an looked at Baron Mayer. This guy seems to be fine at the moment. The Summoner's powerful physique that has been tempered by divine power is very resistant to toxins. According to Xia Ping'an's estimation, the onset time of those toxins on him is about It is three hours later, at least until the reception is over, the Baron Mayer will not feel unwell, but by then it will be too late, there is basically no cure, and the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire in Koland is unlikely to find any clues.

This guy is still proud now, but every second he is at the moment is a countdown to his life!

Under the gazes of everyone, Baron Mayer waved his hand, and the door of the summoning of black mist appeared behind him. A scribe in green with three long beards, who looked immortal, walked out of the door of summoning. When he came out, the scribe in Tsing Yi glanced at the women, and while walking around them, pinching his fingers, he actually started to count the hexagrams, which made Xia Ping'an a little surprised.

"Ah, fortune teller, Baron Mayer summoned a fortune teller..." Some of the onlookers were surprised.

"I heard that this fortune-teller's world bead is very rare..."

"As expected of the nobles of the Ceylon Empire..."

After turning around the women, the scribe in blue shook his head, just came to Baron Mayer's side, whispered something into Baron Mayer's ear, and then retreated into the black mist .

Baron Mayer's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that something was going to go wrong, and his eyes wandered among the women.

The divination scribe he summoned just now just said a word to him. The masks on those women's faces were blessed by the high-level summoner's magic, which could disrupt the results of his divination. It is not strong enough to break through the effect of the high-level mage's magic, so in the end, only eight directions were divination, and the target character is in these eight directions, and the eight directions are...

Only 1 in 8 chance?

In front of everyone's eyes, Baron Mayer didn't have the shame to drag it any further, he could only point his teeth at a woman.

The woman took a step from the crowd and took off her mask. She was still a model, so she didn't guess.

"Ah, the fortune teller can't fortune..."

"I heard that the fortune-tellers that can be summoned are also of different levels. It seems that the level of the fortune-tellers summoned by Baron Mayer is not high, and the fortune-telling skills are very limited..." There were whispers in the crowd.

Listening to those remarks, Baron Mayer did not speak with a dark face, he really had nothing to say.

"Aren't you going to try?" Helena looked at Xia Ping'an.

"Of course I have to try..." Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, stepped forward, and said directly to the housekeeper of Condela Fort, "I will try..."

"This gentleman please!" Conderraburg's steward made a gesture of invitation.

The eyes of everyone in the hall were suddenly focused on Xia Ping'an, including Mr. Coin in the crowd. Many people only now realized that Xia Ping'an was a summoner.

Xia Ping'an did not delay, but with a wave of his hand, a door of summoning appeared behind him, and under everyone's attention, two white goats pulled a well-behaved car and appeared in front of everyone.

This strange summoning immediately stunned the guests present, because everyone has seen summoning animals, horses and even carriages, but it is indeed the first time that this kind of summoning goat pulls the cart.

"Hahahaha, it's really pitiful, are you thinking about the realm bead crazy..." Baron Mayer, who just failed, laughed, "Are these low-level god-favored people summoning these funny things, because they can't I have to summon horses and carriages, so I can only summon two goats, and in the secret mandala, I will put the goat on a carriage. I have ridden a dog sled before, and this is the first time I have seen a goat-pulled carriage..."

Others also looked at Xia Pingan with strange eyes, and Baron Mayer's explanation seemed to make some sense.

Xia Ping'an gave Baron Mayer a contemptuous look, this idiot, does this idiot think this sheep cart is easy to sit on? This is the emperor's car, and the first generation hero Sima Yan rides this sheep cart to find beautiful women in the palace every day. The Boundary Orb of Yangchewangxing is also one of those Boundary Orbs that do not have spiritual mind crystals or are very rare, so there are very few people who can really master this technique.

Xia Ping'an used to think that this technique was a useless technique, but he didn't expect this technique to come in handy on such an occasion today.

Xia Ping'an didn't bother to explain anything like that idiot. Under everyone's gaze, Xia Ping'an calmly sat on the small sheep cart, flicked the reins, the sheep cart moved, and the two goats pulled it. The sheep cart, after walking around the standing women, walked half a circle and stopped in front of a woman.

Xia Ping'an got out of the car, put the sheep cart into the secret mandala, pointed to the woman who was chosen by the sheep cart, and said to the housekeeper of Condra Fort, "I'll choose her!"

"Sir, are you sure?"


"Okay!" The housekeeper of Condela Fort nodded and motioned the woman to come out. The woman took two steps forward, took off her mask, and immediately revealed a stunning face with sapphire blue eyes. The clever nose and snow-white skin are like a porcelain doll. On the mask, there is no longer the word model, but the word "correct".

"Hello everyone, I'm the champion of the Brandy Provincial Beauty Pageant, my name is Weena..." The woman smiled and introduced herself to everyone.

Those onlookers were suddenly in an uproar. They didn't expect that the strange sheep cart summoned by Xia Ping'an actually selected the champion of the beauty pageant in Brandywine Province.

Baron Mayer was like being slapped in the face in public, his face was even more ugly, and he gave Xia Ping'an a gloomy look. He took it to heart, but he didn't expect this "low-level favored person" to slap him in the face in a blink of an eye.

Even the female companion beside Baron Mayer looked at him a little differently now.

It's just, can that strange sheep cart really be able to lock the championship of the Brandy Provincial Beauty Pageant among so many goals? Baron Mayer expressed doubts, his eyes turned on Helena, and he began to suspect that what had just happened was just a "show".

"Sir, this is the reward for this event!" The housekeeper of Condela Fort personally brought the plate containing the three world beads and two spiritual mind crystals, and put it in front of Xia Ping'an, Xia Ping'an glanced at the plate The three world beads glanced at them, smiled slightly, and took all the things on the plate into their own space warehouse.

"Our game is not over yet. Next, there is another interesting game and activity, everyone can witness and participate together..." The butler of Condela Fort continued to speak to the people in the hall, he clapped his hands, and the two teams of waiters As soon as they entered the hall, the waiters were holding crystal-clear glass vases that were more than a foot high. The glass vases were all the same, and all the glass vases had numbers on them.

Those waiters put all the glass vases on the ground in the middle of the hall, and all the glass vases added up to exactly 360.

"Now, everyone has seen these glass vases on the ground. The positions of these glass vases are also random. If you are interested, ladies and can participate in the next activities together. Among them, you can go to the venue and place those glass vases in any changing position in the center of the hall. After you have placed them, the next activity is to select five non-summoners among the guests present. The volunteers, these five volunteers, will throw hammers at these glass bottles from 15 meters away, and see which glass bottles will be smashed!"

"Of course, if this is the only case, this game will lack a little challenge and fun. Therefore, the rule of this game is that after the glass bottles are all placed and before the hammer is thrown, the summoners present can Use spells to make predictions, write down the number of the bottle that you think will be crushed next, and put it in this transparent letterbox beside me, and see at the end, whoever has the most accurate prediction will get this time. The rewards of the event - 10,000 divine crystals, three world beads and a precious magic weapon..."

Compared with the game activity just now, this game and activity are more interesting. Almost all the guests present can participate. More importantly, the requirement of this game is to predict which bottles will be shattered. It's more of a prediction than a prediction, although the prediction is for a short time, only a few minutes later.

After the waiter in the castle took out 10,000 divine crystals, 3 divine power beads and a set of gorgeous magic cloaks, the atmosphere of the scene was pushed to a climax again, and almost all the summoners present looked at the gods. The eyes of the crystals, the boundary beads and the magic instruments all started to glow green...

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