The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 903: smooth sailing

"Retired... Retired... Those golden dogs have retreated..."

"We won..."

Seeing that the remaining ships of the Jinmen on the river did not dare to fight again, the remaining ships fled like rabbits, and the countless Song Dynasty soldiers and civilians on the river and on the shore suddenly cheered.

"Sir... We won... We won..." Cai Shiji, Xia Ping'an stood on the mountain and looked at the scene on the river in the distance. Shi Jun, who was covered in blood, came with a few guards who were also stained with blood. In front of Xia Ping'an, he wiped the blood on his face and said excitedly.

Even if the victory was already in sight, even after a **** battle for most of the day, no one in the Song army here dared to believe that it was such a victory. They were less than 20,000 people, and they actually took out the hundreds of thousands of golden soldiers on the opposite side. beat back.

"Everyone has worked hard, Jin Ren is only temporarily retreating, Wanyanliang's army is still there, Xianming Jin withdraws..." Xia Ping'an said calmly.


The Song army warships on the river heard the signal to withdraw troops from here, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. The oars of the treadmills and loach boats rolled over the snow-white water waves and returned directly to the south bank. None of the treadmill and loach boats were lost, but some soldiers on the boat were shot by arrows, and the casualties were minor.

Without Xia Ping'an's order, the people who watched and supported the riverside watching the battle saw the Song army defeated the Jin people, and they had already slaughtered the gongs and drums.

Xia Ping'an ordered that tooth sacrifices are allowed, but alcohol is not allowed. All wounded soldiers will be properly cared for and appeased. Doctors and doctors within a hundred miles have been summoned long ago. Xia Ping'an also personally inspected the wounded soldiers' camp and arranged everything. It is well organized, and people are also arranged to patrol the riverside.

After the victory, the morale of the Song army camp was high, sweeping away the previous decadence and laxness, and everyone was busy counting the results.

In the evening, Xia Ping'an met the generals of Song Jun again in the tent.

Zhang Zhen, Wang Qi, Shi Jun, Dai Gao, Sheng Xin and other Song army generals who participated in today's battle wore armor and came to the tent. Looking at Xia Ping'an's eyes, they were completely different from before, and they were all convinced.

"Generals, in today's war, we beheaded more than 6,000 Jin Army people on the river and the shore, among them killed 3 heads of thousands of households, 7 heads of thousands of households, and captured more than 400 Jurchen alive. ..." Looking at these excited generals of the Song army, Xia Pingan first reported the results of today's battle, and then bowed his hands to the generals, "Yunwen congratulates you here, these credits are all made by you, wait for the war. At the end, in terms of reward for meritorious deeds, the fame and wealth I promised to the generals at that time are not a problem!"

Hearing what Xia Ping'an said, these generals were all overjoyed. They had been fooled by Xia Ping'an before, so they stayed. I didn't expect that they really made great contributions today. Ping An bowed, and said in unison, "It's all Master Yu who has a good command and strategizing, and can lead the way today, and we will only have today's victory!"

After all the Song generals got up, Juncai knelt down on one knee again with a face of shame, "Shi Jun was a little hesitant when he was standing by the river today, and let the adults take the lead in attacking the enemy's line, Shi Jun was ashamed, and asked the adults to punish !"

Xia Ping'an hurriedly helped Shi Jun up, and said with a stern face, "Where is the case, General Shi fought bravely today, and he led his troops to wipe out the first batch of the golden soldiers who landed on the shore, and repulsed the golden soldiers several times to attack, in my opinion Come on, General Shi only deserves credit, how can there be any, if I challenge General Shi on the battlefield today, General Shi should not take it to heart!"

At that time, the Jin soldiers landed on the boat, and Shi Jun led the army to wait in formation, but he was a little hesitant to fight. "When he finished speaking, Xia Ping'an was the first to rush out. At that time, Shi Jun was so embarrassed that he was shocked when he saw Xia Ping'an rushing out, so he tried his best to lead his subordinates. Out and the Jinbing **** battle.

Shi Jun glanced at Xia Ping'an gratefully.

"I didn't expect that the adults also have exquisite swordsmanship and martial arts, which is admirable!" Zhang Zhen also said admiringly next to him.

"My swordsmanship and martial arts were taught by a different person in the early years. I didn't expect to be able to fight the enemy with the generals in Caishiji today. Right, "Wanyanliang suffered this defeat today, I'm sure he will not be reconciled, and he will definitely want to make a comeback. Generals, don't be careless!"

Several generals of Song Jun listened and nodded.

"I don't know what countermeasures Mr. Yu has?"

"I see that the Jinbing ferry has all gathered at Yanglin Ferry in Jiangbei after today's collapse. Wanyanliang definitely wants to send the ferry to battle tomorrow!" Xia Ping'an pointed to the map on the table and said to several generals, " Those Jinmen invaded all the way from the south, and they were arrogant and arrogant. They had almost never encountered an active attack by the Song army, so I concluded that Wanyanliang would not have thought that we would dare to attack, and the defense of the Jinbing would be slack. We will prepare for it tonight. , let the treadmill, sea loach and boat bring more gunpowder, rocket and kerosene. Before dawn tomorrow, we will take the initiative to raid Yanglin Ferry, completely destroy the boats of the Jinren crossing the river at Yanglin Ferry, and cut off his crossing. Jiang's hope..."

Xia Ping'an looked at Sheng Xin, who was commanding the navy to fight today, and said to Sheng Xin, "The warship is still under your command. Tomorrow I will board the ship with you to fight against Yanglin Ferry!"

"Please rest assured, sir, I will do my best in this battle, and please wait for my news in the camp, don't take any more risks!" Sheng Xin said quickly.

"Also, please don't take any risks, my lord!" The other generals of the Song army also quickly persuaded them.

"The lives of the generals and soldiers are life, and my life is also life. Everyone is raised by their parents, what is the difference, where you can go, I can also go, you can go to danger for the country, how can I The reason to avoid it, since this strategy was proposed by me, I naturally dare to live and die with you all!" Xia Ping'an laughed, and the blood of several Song army generals was boiling with enthusiasm.

Xia Ping'an knew that this tactic would be successful. In addition to boosting morale, he actually found the opportunity to take a close look at the so-called "I have three ambitions, and major national affairs are all made by me. To fight far away, to hold his monarch and superior, and to ask his sins before him, two things; no matter how close he or she is, he is the best wife in the world, three things." What did Wanyanliang look like?

Wanyanliang's words are more profound and domineering than Louis XIV's famous saying "I am the country". Louis XIV only had one third of Wanyanliang's ambition.


It was not yet dawn, and there was still a layer of mist on the river shrouded in the night. Xia Ping'an and Sheng Xin stepped on the treadmill and sea loach boat. Song Jun's treadmill and sea loach boat was under the cover of the night, and once again out.

At this time, the power of the treadmill sea loach boat is once again shown. No matter whether it is upstream or downstream, whether there is wind or no wind, the treadmill sea loach boat is flexible and maneuverable on the river surface, which is almost comparable to that of a ship.

On the treadmill and loach boat, in addition to the Song Jun soldiers on board, there are more than 100 daring and young fishermen who grew up by the river that Xia Ping'an had recruited by Sheng Xin.

These fishermen grew up by the riverside. All of them are white stripes in the waves. They can cross the Yangtze River with their eyes closed. Under the stimulation of rewarding and defending their families, they heard that they can play golden dogs. These selected young and strong The fishermen, one by one, are gearing up for a big fight.

The treadmill and the loach boat went down the river, and in less than an hour, they quietly came to the outside of Yanglin Ferry.

As expected by Xia Ping'an, Jin Bing was arrogant and arrogant even though he had already suffered a defeat. He did not arrange for anyone to patrol the river, and was completely ignorant of the arrival of Song's warships.

This time is before dawn, and it is the time when people are most sleepy and relaxed.

"Everyone, please, Guangzong Yaozu killed the enemy for the country, just today, after I go back, I will celebrate for you..." Xia Ping'an held the wine bowl and drank the wine in the bowl.

"Sir, just take a look, on the shore, we can't beat the golden soldiers on horses, but in this water, one of the golden soldiers is counted as one, and I can catch them all and feed them to the loach in the river. Is it just to light a fire and throw a jar on the boats of those golden soldiers..." A dark-faced fisherman grinned at Xia Ping'an after drinking the wine, threw the wine bowl into the river, and turned over from the boat. The deck dived into the water silently, without even stirring up the waves.

After Xia Ping'an toasted a bowl of wine to the more than 100 young and strong fishermen on the boat, after the fishermen drank the warm-up wine, they slipped silently from the boat into the river one by one.

These fishermen are all wearing fish-skin water pads, with threads tied to their wrists, and a blown sheepskin bag is tied at one end of the thread. There are also wax-sealed fire books. The task given to them by Xia Ping'an is to order the boats of the Golden Soldiers parked at Yanglin Ferry.

This task is absolutely difficult for others to complete, but for these fishermen living by the river, it is completely trivial.

In the darkness of the night, after the frogman fishermen got into the water from the treadmill and loach boats, they swam to the boats of the golden soldiers at Yanglin Ferry in just five or six minutes. The sheepskin bag that floated on the water took out the kerosene can in the sheepskin bag, and then took out the wax-sealed fire fold. Once the fire fold was opened, lit the match rope outside the kerosene can, and then put the fire can to the gold beside them. The man's flat-bottomed boat was thrown, and with a bang, the golden man's ferry burned into the night and turned into a torch.

As the boats moored at Yanglin Ferry were ignited, the entire Jinren camp was shocked by the sky-high flames.

The parked boats were constantly set on fire, that is, within a minute or two, more than 100 Jinbing boats were all set on fire, and the fishermen and frogmen on the riverside who completed the task ordered Jinbing’s boats. After that, instead of going back to the treadmill and loach boat, he swam directly back to the south bank.

Under the light of the lit fire, one by one screamed. "No, Song Jun's night attack..."

The Jinbing camp was in a mess, and saw the boat beside it being set on fire. At this time, the sky was almost bright, and the sky in the east was already bright. Some Jinbing got on the boat and wanted to drive the boat out of the ferry. , but head-on hit the Song Jun's treadmill and loach boat that had been waiting for a long time.

The roar of thunderbolt cannons sounded on the river outside Yanglin Ferry, and the boats of Jinbing who were lucky enough to get out of the ferry reenacted the scene of yesterday's daytime. They were either crashed by treadmills and loach boats, or were torn apart under thunderbolt cannons. , become burning driftwood.

The god-armed crossbow on the treadmill and the loach also opened fire on the cavalry of the golden soldiers who were running around on the shore.

Xia Ping'an stood at the top of the treadmill and loach boat, looking at the Jinbing camp. Unfortunately, the river surface was still a little far from the center of the Jinbing camp. Going to the location of the main account of the Jinbing Camp and the flag of Wanyanliang, you can still see the location of the main account. It seems that a person, surrounded by many people, has boarded the mountain bag next to him. Looking here, it must be that person. It should be perfect.

There are still many heads hanging around Wanyanliang's main account. Those heads are the heads of his subordinates, thousands of captains, ten thousand captains, ten thousand captains, and centurions, and the nobles of the clan army who were enraged by him after the defeat in the battle yesterday.

"This guy Wanyanliang probably won't have a few more days to live. In a few days, Wanyanyong will rebel and abolish him, and then Wanyanliang will be killed by his subordinates..." Xia Ping'an shook his head. Shaking his head, Wanyanliang may be a powerful character in Jurchen, but Wanyanliang has one of the worst problems, that is, when he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to go to sleep. This is one of his three major aspirations in life. , so the wives and daughters of his ministers, as long as they are a little more beautiful, have been insulted by him, so how can others bear him.

So when he came out with soldiers this time, some people in the old nest immediately rebelled and cut off his back path, and when these people who followed him saw Wanyan Liang being crippled by Wanyan Yong, plus the defeat in the war, Wanyanliang was extremely tyrannical. If he couldn't cross the river, he would cut off everyone's heads. His subordinates united and directly chopped off Wanyanliang's head and took it to Wanyanyong for merit.


This time, the raid was very beautiful. Almost all of Jinbing's ferry was destroyed at Yanglin Ferry. Wanyanliang's plan to cross the river at Caishiji was completely lost.

If you can't do it with martial arts, you will write a letter.

Wanyanliang saw that his boat crossing the river was destroyed, and the next day, he even wrote a letter of persuasion, asking the messenger to cross the river and deliver it to Xia Ping'an.

In the camp, Xia Ping'an and the generals of the Song army looked at the letter of persuasion sent by Wanyanliang, and they couldn't help laughing. That Wanyanliang, until this time, thought that Wang Quan was the one who was commanding the Song army in Caishiji. Egg, the letter of persuasion to surrender was sent to Wang Quan, and the 18,000 Song troops in Caishiji were also regarded by Wanyanliang as the main force of the Song army in Huaixi...


The latter thing is the same as in history. The Jin army was defeated in quarrying, but another way, the Jin army made a breakthrough in Guazhou. After Wanyanliang heard the news, he decided to lead his army to Yangzhou, and then in Guazhou. The state crossed the river, and it was not until this time that Li Xianzhong, the battlefield coach, finally arrived at the quarry.

Facing the great victory of quarrying, Li Xianzhong was stunned. After Xia Ping'an and Li Xianzhong handed over, they rushed to Guazhou again to snipe the Jin army with a team of men and horses and treadmills and loach boats.

In Guazhou, facing Song Jun's main Huaidong force and Yu Yunwen who rushed to Guazhou, Wanyanliang's repeated attempts to cross the river resulted in the loss of troops and the loss of generals, and they did not take any advantage.

On November 26, Wanyan Liang, who wanted to destroy the Song Dynasty and then return to the division to quell the civil strife and achieve a "double victory", gathered his troops in Guazhou and ordered the Jin Army: "If you can't cross the river in three days, the minister will do everything you can with the army. Beheaded." In order to frighten the entire army, Wanyanliang also practiced the method of sitting in a row in the army, killing several ministers Liwei, and as a result, the Jinjun people were in danger.


The next day, when Yan Liang was being strangled during the mutiny at the Golden Army Camp in Guazhou, Xia Ping'an was carrying a poem and went to visit the sick Liu Qi again with ease. These days in Guazhou , In addition to continuing to block Wanyan Liang, Xia Ping'an and Liu Qi also became good friends, and the two cherished each other.

"Father Bin came to see me again, the battle on the front line in Guazhou can't be delayed. Father Bin is now as prestige in the army as a mountain. As long as Father Bin is in Guazhou, the soldiers in the army will feel at ease, knowing that Wanyanliang won't make it. ..." Liu Qi was very happy to see Xia Ping'an come to see him again, but he still persuaded Xia Ping'an a few words.

Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, "It's okay, the big change in the Jinbing camp is imminent, and the troops will retreat soon. Wanyanliang has stepped into the gate of **** with one foot. I know that Uncle Xin likes poetry, and you also write a lot on weekdays. I am today. I got a poem and specially sent it to Uncle Xin to see!"

"The last time you came to see me, I said that the state of the Jin Dynasty has changed a lot, but now the Jinbing camp is not good!" Liu Qi shook his head with a wry smile, but he couldn't help but ask, "What is the word!"

Xia Pingan handed over the words in his hand.

"Shui Tiao Song Tou, Wen Quishi defeated..." Liu Qi was shocked when he saw the name of the word, and then continued to read, "Xue washes the dust and the dust is quiet, and the wind is about Chu Yunliu. Who writes the tragic and the horns of the ancient city? Lou. The lake and the sea were full of arrogance, the current scenery of Guansai, cut the candles to see the hook of Wu. There is a place where the rhinoceros is burning, the waves and the sky float. Recalling the past, Zhou Yuxie, Fuchunqiu, Xiao Qiao's first marriage, the sachet is unsolved, and the honor is Therefore, it is good to travel. The top of Chibi is falling, and the grass is fading by the fertile water bridge, which makes people sad. I want to leave the wind and hit the middle of the oath."

"Good words, good words, this is what Father Bin wrote?" Liu Qi looked at Jijie and praised.

"I can't write it, this word was written by Zhang Xiaoxiang..."

As soon as Xia Pingan finished speaking, the world of this world bead suddenly shattered.


In the secret room After the fluctuation of divine power on his body subsided, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and smiled slightly, "Another divine bone was added, this is already the 19th divine bone, this is an advanced practitioner. Speed, it is estimated that there is no one else..." At this moment, Xia Ping'an, after merging the previous sixteen world beads, has more than 18 divine bones on his body, and has steadily become the third-level divine guardian. By.

Looking at the time in the secret room again, the time at this moment is already past eight o'clock in the morning of the next day. When he came back last night, he began to fuse the boundary beads, and it was not until this morning that the boundary beads in his hands could be fused together. complete.

He looked at the Boundary Orbs beside him. In the end, there were two Boundary Orbs that hadn't been fused, one was "Mountain and Flowing Water" and the other was "Like Glue Like Paint". It wouldn't take long to fuse the two Boundary Orbs.


Forty minutes later, Xia Pingan was already eating breakfast in the restaurant. He was still thinking about whether he should go and claim the 10,000 thaler prize today. Then, the doorbell of the villa rang, and the carriage of Mrs. Caitlin, who had not been there for many days, rang. already parked outside...

Xia Pingan felt that something good was coming again...

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