The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 896: made money

"The World Orb you got is one of the most difficult to fuse. The God-Blessed One who fails to fuse is either completely insane and becomes a lunatic, or bursts like a detonator in his head, a missionary mage who sings of life. The reason why this world bead was not fused is because the risk of merging this world bead is too great!" Before parting, Mr. Coin told Xia Ping'an seriously, "For your safety, before you get the Spiritual Mind Crystal, what you get It's best not to fuse this world bead easily, you still have a long way to go, and only the patient God-Blessed One can go further!"

"Okay, I understand!" Xia Ping'an nodded, and then asked again, "What spells can I master after fusing this world bead?"

"This world bead can master powerful spiritual spells, which can remove the effects of all negative spiritual spells including nightmares, hypnosis, puppets, divine control, evil spirit possession, etc. It also has powerful blessing effects. Let people regain their sanity and freedom of mind in any environment!" Having said that, Mr. Hidden turned his head and looked in the direction of the city, "Well, the people from the Investigation Bureau will be here soon. I can see that the comparison between Eagle and Moonlight is very high, and there should be no problem with your cooperation in the future..."

"I just did what I was supposed to do!"

"Yes, we have all done what we should do. Many tragedies in this world are that many people do not understand what they should do. Take a good rest for two days, and the night watchman will no longer have tasks in a short time!"

Xia Ping'an nodded, and then saw Mr. Coin's figure turned into a cloud of mist, slowly disappearing in front of his eyes.

Eagle and Moonlight had already left after taking the world beads, and they were neat and tidy, just like clocking in on time after get off work, without a single word of nonsense.

The mangroves shrouded in dense fog regained its tranquility and tranquility. Except for the low chirping of insects, there was no other sound. No one knew that just now, the night watchman had a **** battle with a group of cult members here, destroying the Once a cult's stronghold was established, a huge crisis hidden in Koland disappeared, and some dirty and harmful poisonous insects were quietly eliminated.

Xia Ping'an looked up at the moonlight in the sky, and then at his blood-red gloves, and suddenly felt something in his heart, "Maybe... this is the meaning of the existence of the night watchman, standing in the dark, guarding the light, embracing the blood, Stay quiet!"

The sound of birds flapping their wings came, and the green-clothed messenger had already flown down from the sky, standing on Xia Ping'an's shoulders, combing his feathers, "Someone is coming...Someone is coming..."

Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, and his figure gradually disappeared in the thick fog.


More than ten minutes later, Xia Ping'an, who had returned to the appearance of an ordinary person, walked out of the shadowed alley and appeared outside a tavern in a town more than 3,000 meters away from the mangroves. Long Wu drove a carriage and waited on the side of the road. There were lights and noises coming from inside, and anyone who saw the carriage thought it was the coachman waiting for someone in the tavern.

Seeing the arrival of Xia Ping'an, Long Wu opened the car door for Xia Ping'an. After Xia Ping'an got in the car, Long Wu drove the carriage towards the city.

"It's convenient to have your own carriage. You don't have to run back to Binhu Street in the middle of the night..." Xia Ping'an, who got into the carriage, touched the head of Heilong, who was quietly waiting in the carriage, and smiled. Taking a look at the giant tower in his secret mandala, the newly added divine power on the giant tower has a full 981 points, plus the 500 divine crystals given to him by Mr. Coin, the divine power gained from this mission is 1481 points, and With less than 60 points of divine power consumed, plus the more than 800 points of divine power available to the Secret Mandala before, the divine power that Xia Ping'an can use at this moment has once again reached more than 2,200 points.

At the same time, there are 26 more members of Life Muge in the Divine Prison of the Giant Pagoda. These people have not yet been interrogated. After the interrogation, the old bottom of these people can be cleaned up, and there may be new harvests.

Coupled with the whereabouts of Bodhidharma's An Xin Dharma door and the whereabouts of the missionary master who was locked by Fushen Boy, this task is a big profit!

Xia Pingan is in a good mood!


By the time Long Wu drove the carriage back to Binhu Street, it was already late at night. Except for the street lights, there was no one on the street. The sound of the wheels of the four-wheeled carriage turning on the road was exceptionally clear.

Long Wu went to park the carriage, and the magic vine quietly emerged from the flower bed by the roadside. The aunt who was guarding the house was not asleep yet. The light in the living room of the villa was still on. Hearing the sound from outside, the aunt had already turned it on. At the door of the villa, the messenger in green flapped his wings and flew into the house, and the black dragon followed.

Auntie has prepared clear water for the summons, and at the same time prepared a bowl of noodles for Xia Ping'an for supper.

Eating the fragrant noodles, Xia Ping'an suddenly felt that this kind of life was very good, much better than him alone. This is the life a Summoner should live.


After eating the noodles, Long Wu, who had set up the carriage and horses, also came in. After talking to Long Wu, Xia Ping'an entered the underground secret room and prepared to fuse the world bead of Patriarch Bodhidharma that he had just obtained.

If there is no spiritual mind crystal, it is impossible for others to fuse this world bead of the An Xin method, but for Xia Ping'an, it is not difficult for him to fuse this world bead.

At that time, because of the "Mahayana atmosphere" in China, Bodhidharma traveled eastward and traveled thousands of miles to China to preach the Dharma and become the first ancestor of Zen Buddhism. It is the fundamental method of Chinese Zen Buddhism.

Zen Buddhism is the treasure of the peak of Chinese civilization and culture, and it stands out in the world.

Therefore, for Xia Ping'an, this world bead is of great significance to Xia Ping'an, allowing him to incarnate Bodhidharma and leave behind the secret methods of Zen Buddhism.


In the secret room After the blood dripped, Xia Ping'an's whole body was surrounded by a layer of illusory light cocoon in the blink of an eye.


Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and found that he was sitting cross-legged in a simple cave. In front of him, there was a boulder with a faint shadow on the boulder. The image of the shadow was cross-legged with him. The sitting image is the same.

Looking at the environment in front of him, Xia Ping'an knew that this was the rock cave on the northwest peak of Mount Song. Bodhidharma came here and faced the wall for nine years, leaving his shadow directly on the rock wall of the cave.

With the recovery of spiritual consciousness, Xia Ping'an did not turn around, but "saw" the mountains and rivers outside the cave covered in silver, the cold wind whistling, a monk in a single-clothed, kneeling reverently in the snow outside the cave , The snow is up to the waist, and the eyebrows are frozen, like a piled up snowman, motionless.

The person kneeling outside the cave is Hui Ke...


I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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