The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 893: Task

Remember for a second【】

The night was dark, and several rounds of moons of different sizes hung in the sky, casting a cold and desolate brilliance.

The mangroves on the west side of Keland are closely adjacent to a swamp covering an area of ​​100 square kilometers. In the wind, except for the occasional chirping of insects and the cry of owls in the night sky, the swamp was silent.

A moonlight lizard in the swamp climbed to the trunk of a mangrove tree, widened its eyes, opened its mouth, and faced the moonlight in the sky, as if enjoying the energy brought by the moonlight in the sky, under that moonlight, The particles on the skin of the moonlight lizard's stratum corneum began to emit a faint brilliance, like finely shining moonstones inlaid on the body, showing a strange beauty, which was particularly obvious in the dark.

Suddenly, the moonlight lizard seemed to sense something, and just wanted to escape from the tree, a gust of wind blew, and in the rolling thick fog, the lizard suddenly turned into an ice sculpture and was frozen on the tree trunk.

Amidst the surging mist, Xia Ping'an, wearing a sterling silver angel mask with downcast eyes, wearing a black mage robe, and a pair of blood-red gloves on his hands, has appeared here flutteringly, with a powerful breath on his body.

This is the fringe area of ​​the mangrove forest. Several tall mangrove trees should have been struck by lightning many years ago. The trunks were separated from it, and it was charred black. Even the nearby mangrove trees of more than ten meters seemed to have been burned by flames, and there was no grass on the ground. , In this mangrove, this place is very special, for summoners, it is easy to find.

"Achero, you're here..." Mr. Coin echoed in the mist with a low, magnetic voice. This voice was changed by the mask. It sounded mysterious and stressful. As this voice appeared , Mr. Coin, also wearing a black mage robe, a sterling silver angel mask and red gloves, has come out of a rolling fog.

The face of the angel mask Mr. Coin wore was slightly fatter, and it looked slightly different from Xia Ping'an's angel mask.

"Sir, I'm here..." Xia Ping'an nodded slightly to Mr. Coin, and Xia Ping'an's voice also changed, extraordinarily low, with a hint of metal sound.

Mr. Coin's sharp eyes swept across Xia Ping'an, and he felt something at once, "Congratulations, Achero, I didn't expect you to become a second-level God-Blessed One so quickly..."

"Those who have just experienced the ordeal of death understand better the meaning of strength. Since the opportunity has been placed in front of me, I will naturally seize it as soon as possible!" Xia Pingan replied.

"Yes, the gods favor the humble and hard-working people!"

"Let me ask, is there any news on the whereabouts of the skinned butcher Georg?"

"Unfortunately, not yet!" Mr. Coin shook his head, "This person's cunning is beyond imagination, and he has a very rich experience in avoiding the tracking of other gods!"

"Does the Bureau of Investigation still have a reward?" Xia Ping'an's eyes moved.

"Of course, discovering the whereabouts of the skinned butcher Georg will still reward 700 divine crystals!"

"What about the kill?"

"Ten World Orbs, plus 3000 Divine Crystals!"

The two had just chatted a few words, and the surrounding black mist was rolling, and two night watchmen with angel masks and red gloves on their faces appeared here almost silently at the same time.

The two new night watchmen are slightly taller than Xia Ping'an, with broad shoulders and a blood-red giant crossbow behind him. The arms of the giant crossbow are as long as one person's open hands. It looks weird.

There is also a night watchman. Judging from her figure, it should be a woman. The woman has long ice-blue hair that looks very strange. It flashes magnificently in the moonlight, and it will change color. I don't know if it is Innately this is the effect of spell disguise.

"Mr. Coin, is there a new person joining tonight's mission?" As soon as the man with the blood-red giant crossbow came, his eyes turned on Xia Ping'an and asked in a deep voice.

"This is Acero, Keland's new night watchman, let's get to know you!" Mr. Coin introduced Xia Ping'an to the two of them. "The case of the Wax Museum was solved by Acero!"

Hearing Mr. Coin's introduction, the new night watchman looked at Xia Ping'an from behind the mask, and became a little more solemn. He nodded to Xia Ping'an, "The case of the wax museum is well done, you can call I'm an eagle!"

"My name is Moonlight..." The woman's mouth was concise and to the point, looking very cold.

Among the night watchmen, except for the convener such as Mr. Coin, who can know everyone's specific identity, everyone is not allowed to reveal their true identity, and can only be contacted by codenames.

Although everyone dresses the same, for the summoner, as long as they have met once, they can know who that person is from the voice and body shape of the other party, and it is impossible to confuse them.

"In the depths of the mangroves, there is a hidden church built by Life Muge. Tonight, about half an hour later, several Life Muge mages and a few Life Muge hidden in Koland will develop. The high-ranking members will hold a sacrificial ceremony in that church. Our task today is to enter the underground church of Life Muge and exterminate them. No matter it is the mage of Life Muge or those high-ranking members, none of them will be spared. !" Mr. Coin said coldly, the murderous aura on his body was

^0^ One second to remember【】

In the dark night, the blade began to unsheath, making the surrounding air inexplicably cold.


"This is the quest resource!" Mr. Coin said, and while waving his hands, fifteen divine crystals floated toward the three of them, each with five divine crystals, which is 500 divine power.

The night watchman is really generous! The process of releasing the magic crystal reminded Xia Ping'an of the same way that the special forces issued and received combat supplies before the battle.

Xia Ping'an muttered in his heart. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed five divine crystals and put them in his spatial warehouse, ready to be used at any time.

Seeing that the three of them received the divine crystal, Mr. Coin stopped talking. With a wave of his hand, a leopard was summoned by Mr. Coin.

The leopard glanced at the three of them, and all of a sudden it nimbly drilled into the mangrove forest, and quickly rushed towards the mangrove forest, and the three quickly followed.

"Mr. Coin won't take part in the action?" Xia Ping'an asked the eagle beside him through voice transmission as he shuttled quickly through the forest.

"No, he is responsible for commanding and cooperating. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Coin does not participate in the battle. If something goes wrong, he is the one who wants to take the blame!" Eagle said quickly.


After entering a few hundred meters into the mangrove forest, the moonlight waved his hand, and a large black python more than ten meters long was summoned. in front of people.

The eagle was not idle either. When the moonlight summoned his summoned object, between the eagle's wave, a Shen Xing assassin wrapped in black mist had already summoned it.

Shen Xing Assassin had already rushed to the side of the leopard, and the leopard was looming, just like a scout, clearing obstacles on the road.

"Don't be reluctant to give up that bit of divine power. Summon a powerful one, which can be used for a long time. Ordinary summons consume too fast. If you perform such a task once, you might lose money..." Eagle glanced at Xia Ping'an and reminded him .

Xia Ping'an didn't say anything, just pointed at the ground in front, and a black vine of the magic vine popped out from the ground with a snort, and then shrank to the ground again.

At this moment, Xia Ping'an doesn't have much divine power at his disposal. Xia Ping'an is going to save some flowers, but in fact, in addition to the magic vine, the boy Fushen is also beside Xia Ping'an at the moment, but Mr. Coin and the others can't detect it at all. Even if he can't directly participate in the battle, the role that Fushen Boy can play is like a super early warning aircraft in air combat, and its value is definitely far more than those summons that can participate in the battle.

The combination of the magic vine and the lucky **** boy is enough to deal with most situations.

After the three had advanced for several miles in the mangrove forest, they had reached the center of the forest, and the leopard who was leading the way had entered a hill near a dense fog.

At this moment, the Shen Xing Assassin summoned by the eagle had already come into contact with the enemy. In the blink of the Shen Xing Assassin's figure, a crow hidden on a branch had been pierced by a crow sticking out from the darkness. The dagger pierced, and all of a sudden it turned into a light spot and dissipated.

That crow was placed here by the Mage of Life Muge to be on guard here. As the Shen Xing Assassin made a move, it meant that everyone had been discovered, and the Mage of Life Muge had officially started to fight, and tonight's battle officially began.

Almost at the same time, the leopard had rushed to a big tree surrounded by five people, and roared at the big tree.

Eagle said took out the giant crossbow on his back, and shot an arrow at the big tree.

A red flame shot from the giant crossbow, and with a bang, the giant tree was completely shattered and collapsed. On the ground below the giant tree, a pitch-black hole was exposed. The hole was obviously built by humans, and there were steps. .

At this moment, there were screams below the entrance of the cave. The black magic vine branches slammed out of the ground first, and they guarded the two at the entrance of the cave. They were wearing strange white robes and armor, and there was life on the robes. The throat of the person marked by Mu Song was pierced, and the two of them were equipped with long swords and pistols. They should be the minions of the life Mu Song, who were guarding the gate of the cave.

After piercing through the two, the vines of the magic vine wrapped around the turntable on the gate, opening the locked gate from the inside.

Afterwards, the black giant python summoned by the moonlight drilled directly into the hole, opened its **** mouth and rushed inside. The figure of Shen Xing Assassin also jumped down from the tree in an instant, and rushed into the hole in the next second. From the underground cave, there was a scream.

The three night watchmen quickly followed and rushed into the ground...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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