The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 855: car fight

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The iron wheels of the train were rolling against the rails, and the entire carriage was filled with monotonous snoring sounds from outside. Fortunately, the scenery along the way was not bad, and Xia Ping'an would not be bored, so he looked at the scenery along the way.

There are countless mountains and forests between Slavin and Keland. The train will also pass through many tunnels and canyons. Only occasionally can you see the farmland and villages outside. The province of Brandy is called Red Ron. In his hometown of high mountains, trains have become the most important means of transportation here. If you take a horse-drawn carriage, it may take two days to get from Slavin to Keland. Xia Pingan remembered that when he was eleven years old, his adoptive father The magic stick took him to Keland once, Keland is indeed much more prosperous than Slavin.

Xia Ping'an went to the dining car for lunch, and it was the afternoon. After lunch, Xia Ping'an returned to the box and closed his eyes to rest in the box.

Suddenly, Xia Ping'an felt the cold hairs on his body explode one by one, a feeling of palpitations made Xia Ping'an wake up suddenly, and Xia Ping'an opened his eyes sharply.

Two seconds later, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

Xia Ping'an took a deep breath and glanced out the window. The train snorted all the way forward, and was about to enter a tunnel in the middle of the mountain. Then he took a deep breath and stood up calmly. Opened the box door.

A tall Caucasian male dressed as a flight attendant stood outside the car with a punch for ticket checking in his hand. As soon as Xia Pingan opened the door of the box, the man walked in naturally, "Sir, please show Get your ticket!"

The man who came in was half a head taller than Xia Ping'an, with broad shoulders and a hard stubble on his chin. This man had a gentle smile on his face, and everything seemed natural.

"Oh, okay, wait a minute!" Xia Ping'an said, and then made a move to take out the ticket in his pocket, and at the same time, his eyes quickly glanced at the hand of the other party holding the hole punch. On the man's mouth, there was a The arrow-shaped tattoos, the roots of the limbs on the back of the hands, and the long-term boxing and other training have left a layer of calluses.

At this moment, the carriage entered the tunnel, and the light in Xia Ping'an's box suddenly dimmed.

At the moment when the light went dark, the flight attendant who entered the carriage had a ferocious light in his eyes, and when he flipped the wrist of the free hand, a sharp dagger appeared in his hand, and then his face turned grim, and he was about to face him. He stabbed Xia Ping'an in the throat.

It was just that his dagger had just appeared, and it was only halfway through. The man felt his wrist tighten suddenly, and was directly grabbed by Xia Ping'an. The flight attendant was shocked, and the hand holding the hole punch slammed violently in the dark. He stabbed Xia Ping'an in the head violently.

"Bang..." With the man's muffled sound, Xia Ping'an's fierce and sharp knee directly hit the vital part of the flight attendant's lower abdomen, raised one hand, and blocked the flight attendant's punch with his elbow. At the same time as the blow, his other hand exerted force, and at the moment when the top of the knee hit the opponent's hand, the hand of the person who wanted to harm the person trembled, and he had already pressed the person's hand and stabbed the dagger in that person's hand into that person's hand. At the heart of the man, and while Xia Ping'an's other hand was blocking the man by one level, his elbow had hit the vital position of the man's temple, and the position of the man's temple was dented in an instant. go in.

Xia Ping'an's reaction in this narrow space was like that of a top-level fighting and fighting expert. At the moment when the two sides fought, Xia Ping'an's two deadly killing moves had already slammed into each other's body, swiftly and sharply. Kill it at the door of the private room.

Xia Ping'an tightly pressed the man against the wall of the box, and covered the man's neck with the other hand at the same time, muffled the man's last scream in his throat, unable to make any sound, his whole body Slowly losing strength.

Xia Ping'an slowly put the man with the dagger in his chest on the floor at the door of the private room, and then fumbled around the man's body, and found a gun holster and a runner under the man's left armpit. pistol.

Xia Pingan took the revolver and quickly closed the door of the box.

After doing all this, there was light in the box again, and the train drove out of the tunnel just now.

He opened the revolver magazine of the pistol in his hand and took a look. There were six yellow-orange-orange bullets in the magazine. Then Xia Pingan sat in his place, opened the hammer of the revolver, and used the muzzle of the gun. Facing the door of the box, crossed his legs, squinted his eyes, and waited quietly.

Xia Ping'an is not sure whether this person has an accomplice in the car. If he has an accomplice, as long as the person waits in the box for a while and does not go out, his accomplice will definitely come to check, and then Xia Ping'an can give that person a fair reward. bullet.

Firearms are also important prohibited and controlled materials that ordinary people simply cannot get.

His current identity is a pending employee of the Bureau of Investigation. He is not afraid to make a big difference. This killer has a gun on his body, but he chose to kill himself with a dagger just now. The favored person of the Investigation Bureau is not a trivial matter, and someone will definitely investigate it.

And if this person kills himself with a dagger, and then throws himself out of the window of the carriage, he will become a person who disappeared before he officially joined the investigation bureau. This situation is completely different. It may be that he is the "deserter" who is being traced.

The opponent's calculation is very accurate. The place where the hands are made and the place where the corpse is thrown are estimated to be well calculated, but the only thing the other party did not calculate is that he is not an ordinary favored person, but a person who has completely recovered his memory and fighting instinct. Reborn people.

Ordinary gods, even if the secret mandala and the kingdom of God awaken, their consciousness is still at the level of ordinary people before them, and their bodies do not have a decisive advantage over ordinary people. Under the circumstances, their secret mandala and various spells are equivalent to useless, which is why the Bureau of Investigation sends the newly awakened God-Blessed Ones to Andes for training.

The newly awakened God Blessed One is actually just a blank piece of paper. He still doesn't understand or master his own abilities. Many people even give him divine power and he doesn't know how to use the summoning technique.

He is just a rookie who has just become a favored person, who is going to kill him? This killer who came to kill himself, although not a top-notch person, is definitely a ruthless veteran. It is estimated that more than one life has been on his hands. Such a person should be more than enough to deal with a small security guard who has just become a favored person. of.

For some reason, Xia Ping'an thought of the gangsters who surrounded him.

"Interesting, it seems that someone knows that he has advanced to be a favored person, and he doesn't want to go to Andesburg to report..." Xia Ping'an smiled slightly.

After waiting for a full five minutes, everything was calm outside the box, no one came over, and no one knocked on the door. Xia Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief, put down the hammer of the pistol, and continued to check the things on the dead killer.

Because Xia Ping'an didn't pull out the dagger, the dagger was still firmly nailed to the killer's wound, so there was not much blood from the killer's wound, but his shirt was stained red, and it did not flow into the box. on the floor.

The guy also had a ticket from the car next to him, twelve bullets, a revolver loader, a bottle of quick-acting hemostatic, about 5 thalers of bills, and nothing else.

For seasoned killers, they don't carry any extras with them when they go on a mission.

Xia Ping'an left the pistol, bullets, hemostatic medicine and money behind, and then he opened the window, just at this time, the train passed through a steep canyon deep in the mountains. Below the canyon was a big river, and it was foggy in the daytime. Visibility is not high, when passing here, the train whistled several times in a row.

"Grandma, this guy is very familiar with this route, I guess he just wants to throw me from here..."

Xia Ping'an dragged the killer's body to the window, and simply and neatly threw the killer directly off the train and rolled into the canyon in the thick fog.

After closing the window and putting away the pistol, Xia Pingan continued to close his eyes as if nothing had happened.

But after a while, Xia Ping'an suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of surprise, "Ah, it's so possible..."

Because just now, Xia Ping'an felt a golden light of divine power suddenly appear from the top of the giant tower in his kingdom of God.

Three points of divine power have been added to his divine kingdom out of thin air!

Divine power is actually the divine power most needed by all the gods in the gods, and it suddenly condensed on the top of the giant tower. Although there were only three points, it also shocked Xia Ping'an all of a sudden. He didn't understand why this happened. Haven't done anything these two days.

Moreover, there are only three channels through which the secret mandala and the kingdom of God can condense their divine power. One is the caisson in the The caisson in the sky echoes the movement of the stars and celestial bodies in the universe, and will recover naturally every month. One is the divine power pool. The divine power of the divine power pool comes from divine crystals or insect crystals. In addition, only divine elixir can restore the summoner's divine power.

How could the giant tower gather divine power?

Xia Ping'an was inexplicably stunned. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility. Could it be... Could it be because... he just killed the killer? So this giant tower only rewarded himself with three points of divine power?

It's just that Xia Ping'an has never heard of this kind of situation. If you want to confirm it, it will be possible unless you kill another character like a killer.

With divine power, Xia Ping'an was instantly excited because it meant that his secret mandala could be activated.

Just when Xia Ping'an was excited, he suddenly felt that a portal seemed to open under the giant tower in the kingdom of God, and it seemed that he could go in...

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