The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 838: show up

Yuanqiu World, Mujiao Continent, Qianxing Province of the Great Court Kingdom...

Qianxing Province is located on the southeast coast of Dating Kingdom. It is the center of the shipping and metallurgical industries in the southern part of Dating Kingdom. The coastline of the entire Qianxing Province is more than 2,000 kilometers. Eighty-eighth of the top thirty shipyards in the Yan Kingdom are located in Qianxing Province. Near the wharf here, there are large and small chimneys, and metallurgical factories are everywhere.

Before, the headquarters of Tianhuomen was in this Thousand Star Province, and Tianhuomen had a huge influence here.

It's just that some time ago, the top level of Tianhuomen seemed to have completely disappeared overnight, shaking the Great Court Kingdom all at once.

As the night came, in a villa residential area near the largest Fulonggang shipyard in Qianxing Province, three black shadows descended from the sky and quietly entered a villa. The secret method is isolated, the whole villa is quiet in the dark, and people outside are unaware...


At the same time, in the basement of the villa, a heart-wrenching scream echoed in the basement.

The male owner of the villa was placed on a large wooden table in the basement by a restraint technique. The tendons of his hands and feet had been punctured, and blood kept dripping from the table, staining the ground red. .

"I really don't know the people at Tianhuomen... where are the high-level people..." The man wailed in pain, his body wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move, he could only writhe on the table like a shrimp, and seemed to be waiting The slaughtered lamb, because of fear and pain, the man's voice was extremely sharp, and the pale face was distorted, "I'm just a little technician, I have studied metallurgy with the elders of Tianhuomen before... But I didn't join Tianhuo. The door, because I want to join the Tianhuomen...the requirements are very high...I'm still in the inspection period...I am an administrator of the metallurgical plant...others, I really don't know...that's all I the way ...those metallurgical notes...all in my study in the safe..."

"Don't say yes...then go on...I'll see how many intact parts of your body you have. When the skin on your whole body is scalded, I'll peel off your skin a little bit, and you can enjoy it slowly. We still have a lot of time tonight..." As an icy voice sounded, a soldering iron that was burned red by the magic fell directly on the man's face amid the man's pleading.

In the sound of "chi...", smoke rose from the man's face, and a burnt smell of flesh sounded in the secret room. In the burnt smell, there was a scar on the man's face. Gorefiend's mark...

This kind of pain is almost unbearable for anyone. When the soldering iron fell, the man's body trembled and twisted, his spine arched, but he fell helplessly on the table.

The man was already in despair. He was lying on the table, his body trembling, his head tilted, looking at his wife and daughter who were **** and shivering on the ground in the distance, his eyes were full of pleading and despair...

A Summoner in a black robe with blood-red eyes and a thin face like a skeleton was beside his wife and daughter. He was licking his lips, holding a sharp sword in his hand. His chest muscles, his wife was howling, but the black-robed summoners were indifferent.

In order to find those people in Tianhuomen, the Gorefiend Sect has gone crazy in Dating Kingdom these days. They are collecting clues from the top leaders of Tianhuomen. More than one **** case has been created. Many people who were previously associated with Tianhuomen have been killed. After reaching the poisonous hands of the Gorefiend Sect, the Gorefiend Sect did not dare to be too presumptuous. After all, this is the Great Court Kingdom, and the Summoners of the Great Court Kingdom are not vegetarians, so they can only sneak in.

Seeing that the man had been tortured so much in this way, he was only begging, and he didn't know the whereabouts of the top leaders of Tianhuomen, and the men in black were a little bored.

The black-robed summoner who led the team waved his hand and said coldly, "Sacrificing them, we'll find the next target..."

"Altar Master, this man's wife and daughter are not bad, it's a pity, hehe, you can have fun..." The summoner with a thin face like a skeleton was staring at the man's daughter and wife with greedy eyes, his throat shaking, He seemed to be gulping.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's a big delay, do you and the hall master explain it yourself..."

"I'll just say it casually..."

The long sword was raised, and the summoner, whose face was as thin as a skeleton, muttered words. A blood-colored light began to appear on the sword, and a blood-red devil's eye began to appear in the light. Just as the long sword was about to be swung down, Mutations protruded, and a bright lightning flashed directly from the feet of the Gorefiend spiritualist holding a long sword. In just an instant, the lightning flashed like a scurrying silver snake in the basement. At the same time, it bombarded the three summoners in the secret room.

The Summoner of the Gorefiend who was holding the long sword was scorched black all of a sudden in the electric light, and he fell back with his whole body upright. The other Summoner of the Gorefiend who was holding a branding iron just now had a water on his body. Shield, but the lightning penetrated the water shield, slammed into the chest, and the whole person vomited blood and flew out.

Only the altar master, when the lightning struck, a **** rune appeared on his body, covering his whole body, blocking most of the lightning's power.

Almost as soon as the lightning came out, a figure had emerged from the ground. Between the wave of his hand, an ice pick directly pierced dozens of holes in the body of the summoner who was holding the long sword and scorched black, and nailed it to the ground. The long sword fell, the man kicked on the hilt, and the long sword turned into a brilliance, catching up with the Summoner who vomited blood and flew out like lightning, passed directly through the Summoner's forehead, and took the Summoner Nailed to the basement wall.

Although it was a glimpse, the man who came out of the ground had already killed two of his subordinates, and at the same time, the altar master could see the face of the summoner who had come out from the ground.

That face is very characteristic, young, handsome, with a bit of indifference, he will never forget it when he turns to ashes. In the past two years, all the people of the Gorefiend have to recognize that face again and again almost every day. The portrait is almost going to make people collapse.

"Xia Ping'an..." The altar master's voice was earth-shattering, and his eyes widened sharply. After shouting the name, and waving his hands, countless blood arrows shot towards Xia Ping'an, and his whole body suddenly retreated. Smashed the door of the basement and tried to escape as fast as possible.

Just at the moment of the fight, the altar master already felt that the breath of Xia Ping'an seemed to be in the Seven Suns Realm, and he was only the peak of the Six Suns Realm, and he had not yet merged with the Shenquan of the Seven Suns Realm. He wanted to stay. , is by no means Xia Ping'an's opponent, and as long as he can escape, discovering Xia Ping's whereabouts is a huge credit.

Lightning and flames chased the altar master, and the entire basement was like an earthquake.


Just two seconds later...

With a loud bang, most of the ground structure of the entire villa was reduced to ashes and fragments. The blood light quickly flew into the clouds and disappeared at once.

This loud noise completely alarmed Fulonggang. Within a radius of ten miles, several auras with fluctuations in divine power quickly appeared, and they were quickly approaching here.

Xia Ping'an watched the Gorefiend altar master disappear into the night sky, his eyes flickered, he did not chase, but quickly returned to the basement.

With a wave of his hand, the **** of the man's family in the basement was After Xia Ping'an threw an elixir into the man's mouth, the wound on his body immediately stopped bleeding and began to heal.

"Thank you, thank you...Thank you for saving your life..." The man also knew that his family was saved, so he was incoherently excited.

"The Summoner of the Great Court is coming, leave here, don't come back..." Xia Ping'an said coldly.

The man nodded hurriedly, supported his trembling wife and daughter, and quickly stumbled out of the ruins, running away in the blink of an eye.

The two summoners who were killed by Xia Ping'an exploded something on the floor of the secret room, among which was a shining mirror.

Xia Ping'an walked to the face mirror, looked down, and then stepped on the mirror, directly deforming the face mirror...

Then, Xia Ping'an disappeared without a trace...

That night, there were five Gorefiend teams killed by Xia Ping'an, and three Gorefiend masters escaped.

Then, in just one day, the news of Xia Ping'an's appearance in Mujiaozhou had already spread from all walks of life...

Xia Ping'an, who disappeared for several years, reappears, and has advanced to the Seven Suns Realm...


Today's update!


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