The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 783: opportunity

100 million military points in exchange for a chance to get the Jiutian Shenquan?

To be honest, this made Xia Ping'an's heart pounding, because this was his main goal in coming to the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, but Xia Ping'an also noticed that the military lord said "opportunity" instead of directly obtaining "Nine Heavens Divine Spring". ", the difference is big, one is likely to get, one is absolutely, one is to give you a lottery ticket with the possibility of winning a lottery, the other is to give you five million, isn't that the same thing?

"Your majesty means... With this hundred million military points, I can exchange for the Nine Heavens Divine Spring?" Xia Ping'an asked tentatively.

Xiong Bi shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "There is no Jiutian Shenquan, even the Heavenly Dao Guards do not have the Jiutian Shenquan. These 100 million military merit points just give you a chance to get the Jiutian Shenquan!"

"My lord, I don't understand a little bit. I have already entered the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao. There is a Jiutian Divine Spring in this secret realm of the Heavenly Dao. Do I need another opportunity?" Xia Ping'an asked.

"Yes, there is a Jiutian Shenquan in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao. Anyone who enters the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao may get the Jiutian Shenquan anywhere. This is true, even if you buy one in the market of the Blood Front Base now. God's Secret Treasure, after the God's Secret Treasure is opened, there may also be Jiutian Shenquan hidden inside, but the chances of getting Jiutian Shenquan are not balanced, just like we can also find something to drink in the desert. Water, but it would be easier if we could go to the mountains where we could hear the sound of waterfalls and streams, but they are completely different!"

[First release on this site, fastest update]

Xia Ping'an suddenly understood, and he frowned slightly, "What does your lord mean, the 100 million military merit points can let me go to a place where I can hear the sounds of streams and waterfalls to find the Nine Heavens Divine Spring?"

Xiong Bi looked at Xia Ping'an with deep eyes and nodded, "Such an opportunity is not easy to get, do you know how many people in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao have spent hundreds of years at the peak of the Taiji realm and still haven't found it? Are you a master of Jiutian Shenquan? Let me tell you, there are too many such masters. Thousands of such people can be found even in the Blood Front Base. They come from different planets and different worlds in the universe. The secret realm of the Void, I came here for one purpose, but the preciousness of the Nine Heavens Divine Spring is beyond your imagination. This is the most important thing for all summoners on the road to conferring the gods. The abyss, without the Nine Heavens Divine Spring, this abyss will never be able to cross the realm, and some people spend their entire lives searching for the Nine Heavens Divine Spring in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, and they find nothing!"

"May I ask, what exactly is this opportunity?"

"The Heavenly Dao Guards control the entrance to a top-secret and rare place in the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm. This opportunity is the ticket. As long as you can enter that place, you will have a hundred times more chance of getting the Nine Heavens Divine Spring inside than outside. Ten people have the opportunity to enter that place. There are probably three people in the secret realm who have the opportunity to get the Nine Heavens Divine Spring!"

"Ten people in the secret realm go in, how many people can come out alive?"

"Six to seven can come out. Although there is a Nine Heavens Divine Spring in that place, it is not a good place. Some strong people of different races can also enter it. Danger and opportunity coexist!"

Xia Ping'an understood that this so-called chance means that there is a 30% chance of getting the Nine Heavens Divine Spring, and a 30% chance of failing. This chance is really not something that ordinary people can grasp.

For a 30% chance to let myself go to death... it seems... it's not the time, except for that place, other places may not be able to obtain the Nine Heavens Divine Spring, and I haven't reached the peak of the Nine Suns Realm yet, then The upper limit of divine power points required for the peak is 15,750 points, and he is still a thousand points short of the upper limit of divine power, and he needs a lot of rare boundary beads.

Thinking that he had just integrated the responsibilities of Emperor Yao's Jiezhu, Xia Ping'an had already made a decision in his heart.

Xia Ping'an pondered for a moment, and said cautiously, "Thank you very much for your interest in me, but I just arrived at the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, and I am not very familiar with it, and my strength is still far from the peak of the Taiji realm. Before I reach the peak of the Great Silent Realm, I will not consider going to the Giant Abyss Realm!"

Xia Ping'an didn't say anything to death, but left a little leeway and didn't block the road.

Xiong Bi nodded slowly, "You're right, this task must be done willingly, and I won't force you, but since you are at the Blood Front base, don't waste your ability, you don't need it now. I have an errand here, there is no danger, I can get two rare world beads as a reward every month!"

There is no danger, can there be two rare world beads every month? And this good thing...

Xia Ping'an blinked, showing a hint of interest, "I don't know what the errand your lord is talking about?"

"There is a place called Heyun Mountain 1800 miles to the southeast outside the Xuefeng there is a divine crystal mine, and the Heyunshan divine crystal mine is currently lacking a mine owner, the mine owner's responsibility, That is, 700 miners need to be summoned to mine in the cave of the God Crystal Mine, and the collected God Crystal Mine will be sent to the Blood Front Tower for storage every month!"

The so-called divine crystal ore is a special resource in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao. The divine crystal mine produces divine crystals. The function of this divine crystal is to store and transfer divine power. It is similar to insect crystals, but it is not insect crystals, but natural. Produced, worm crystals can be obtained from the body of the zerg, and there is inherent divine power inside, and the divine crystals produced by divine crystal mines are divided into several types. There is no divine power inside ordinary divine crystals, similar to blank batteries that can be recharged repeatedly. There is also a kind of divine crystal, which inherently contains divine power that can be used by the summoner, which is an important resource for the summoner, but the latter is relatively rare.

This errand sounds like it is not difficult at all, and you can get two rare world beads every month for nothing.

Although this mine is 1,800 miles away from the Xuefeng base, this distance, in the secret realm of Heaven, is basically equivalent to the door of the Xuefeng base. Before Shi Buyu, they said that the deterrent distance of the Xuefeng base is very large. Generally, within a radius of 200,000 miles of a human base war castle, it is difficult to see aliens and enemies appear.

Xia Ping'an was a little moved.

"Ahem, isn't there a mine owner before this mine?"

"Yes, it's just that the mine owner and the mine supervisor at this mine had conflicts before, and they fought each other so badly, so I removed them all!"

Chapter 783 Opportunity

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