The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 484: Fight

For the members of the Blood Demon Cult who were gathering in the villa at this moment, even including the Lord of the Golden Moon, did not expect that suddenly, a thunderbolt in the clear sky would smash their heads.

   Liu's signing was too fast and too harsh. With a determination, his figure was looming in the air, with a few flashes, he had already reached the sky above the villa, revealing his figure in an instant.

"Who is it?" Above the villa, a blood demon master of the Six Suns realm who was on guard suddenly noticed that there was an unexpected guest in the sky. He just asked, in a place like Yundao, the master is like a cloud. , There are occasional masters flying over the villa, so the guards are not too nervous.

   But in the next second, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the six-sun master of the Blood Demon Cult.

   Because he saw three horizontal lines appearing in the sky, they were directly suppressed by the terrifying heavenly power.

   Those three horizontal lines, the upper two horizontal lines are continuous as yang, and the bottom one is interrupted as yin. If Xia Ping'an is there, you can know that it is a Xun hexagram.

   Liu Yixian explained in half a sentence, but his eyes were breathing fire, his teeth were gritted, and his face stared at the entire villa with a ferocious expression. Once he took the shot, he had already exerted his best effort, like Mount Tai, no room left.

The cyan wind blew down from the sky, and the watchful Gorefiend master had no chance to resist. The clothes, flesh and bones all over his body, like sand blown away by the wind, instantly weathered and turned into sand. The things in the space equipment exploded. The gold coins, equipment, medicine bottles and the like exploded from the space equipment were also a little bit sandy in the gentle blue breeze...

   Eight rounds of the sun rose directly from behind Liu Yiqi, and the cyan wind was like layers of veil, and instantly enveloped the entire villa of the Blood Demon Cult. It was so tight that no ant could escape.

   The cyan wind began to become violent. In that violent wind, everything became extremely slow.

"what happened?"

   Seven or eight six-sun masters of the Blood Demon Sect popped out of the house in the villa, and his body froze in the air, being blown by the blue wind, his body instantly turned into sand and was blown away...

   There are a few more flying out of the six-sun realm blood demon master's body protection spells bounced to pieces, and turned into flying sand in the wind...

The cyan wind blew over several tall osmanthus trees in the villa, and the osmanthus trees became sand and dissipated. The cyan wind blew across the houses, roofs, tiles, walls, and all these things in the villa. The sand is dissipating, like a relic that has been weathered for thousands of years.

   This process seems to be long, but it is actually very fast. From Liu Yi's signing to the present, it is a matter of blinking an eye.

"Boom..." A secret room in the villa burst open, like a volcano erupting, and the figure of the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace flew out of the secret room. At this moment, the face of the originally evil and handsome Palace Lord of the Golden Moon was green. , Seeing the blue wind blowing towards him, the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace didn't even think about it. The same eight rounds of scorching sun flew behind him, three horizontal lines appeared on his head, and a diffuse golden water was in that blue color. Roared in the wind.

"Who are you?" The face of the head of the Blood Demon Cult Golden Moon Hall has become very terrifying at this moment. His eyes are blood red, and there are scaly scales on his handsome face, which looks extremely ugly. When he opened his mouth, the voice roared rudely. , Like a crazy demon.

   The Lord of the Golden Moon Palace was already angry, because just under his nose, he saw the masters of the Blood Demon Cult in the villa, just under the domain of Liu Yiqi, one by one, the sand dissipated.

   Within the domain space of the Eight Suns Realm powerhouse, other Seven Suns Realm and Six Suns Realm masters can only be crushed ruthlessly.

The six-sun masters of the Blood Demon Sect, one by one, frightened and helplessly dissipated in front of the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace. Only a few masters of the seven-sun realm are still struggling to support them, but they are also crumbling, but they seem to be frightened. It won't last long.

The current situation, to the masters of the Blood Demon Cult in the villa, is a group of people sitting at home, falling asleep, and then suddenly a person flies up, starting to detonate the explosives without saying anything, and not giving you anything at all. Any response time.

   "Hand over Xia Ping An..." Liu Yiqi roared in the air. At this time, Liu Yiqi seemed to be cautious, but he was extremely domineering, with golden light flashing all over his body, and his eyes flashed like electricity.

Upon hearing Liu Yisign’s words, the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace felt that he “understood” something at once—the guy in front of him was most likely Xia Ping’s comrade, even if it’s not Xia Ping’s comrade, he is also of the Blood Demon Sect. The enemy, wanting to pierce the bar, ruined his good deeds.

Looking at the elite backbones of the Blood Demon Cult who died under Liu Yi's domain, facing such a mortal enemy, where is there any room for relaxation, either you die or I live, the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace is not too lazy to talk nonsense. , But roared, "Death to me..." As soon as the voice fell, the violent golden water swept up from the ground and drifted towards the sky.

   The words of the Palace Master of the Golden Moon Palace, when heard in Liu Yixian's ears, were another kind of feeling-the blood demon sect really refused to give up Xia Ping An, so he could only fight it.

   The blue violent wind blew across the golden waters, and the golden waters scattered and combined, combined and scattered, and it was difficult to be blown away by the wind.

   While the golden Mizusawa swept towards Liu Yiqi, in the gust of wind, waterspouts appeared on the golden Mizusawa, and two completely different forces were in fierce confrontation, which was indistinguishable.

   The domain space of the two Eight Sun Realm powerhouses collided fiercely here.

   The Lord of the Golden Moon Palace was also forced to face Liu Yi's domain space, he can only fight against Liu Yi's domain space, other methods are useless, if he hesitates, does not go all out, it is himself who will die.

And under the squeeze and collision of the domain space of the two powerhouses, the remaining masters of the Blood Demon Cult in the villa are miserable. Originally, those people struggled to face the domain of a powerhouse of the Eight Suns realm, not to mention the two. One——When the two giant elephants are fighting, the short animals on the ground are undoubtedly the worst. The giant elephant squeezed its foot and was trampled to death.

"No, the lord..." An old man from the Seven Suns realm of the Blood Demon Cult saw the golden light of his body collapse, but with a scream, he screamed towards the lord of the Golden Moon Palace, upper body It was blown by the blue wind and turned into sand in the blink of an eye, while the lower body was swept by the golden water, suddenly like melting ice, but also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The lord of the Golden Moon Palace can’t control that much. The dead old man is his powerful altar master, but at this time, if he hesitates, it is himself who will die. In terms of life, the Palace Master of the Golden Moon Palace can only choose to save his life first.

   Seven suns realm masters could not persist in the collision of the two realms, let alone those blood demon masters of other six sun realms.

   Wherever the waterspout went, all the masters of the Six Suns and Seven Suns of the Blood Demon Sect in the villa were completely wiped out in a moment, and none of them survived.

Seeing such a situation, the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace spurted blood in his eyes. The first batch of elite elites he brought to the Immortal Sea was wiped out If Zu Motian knew, this is a heavy responsibility, there is absolutely no him. If you don’t kill the man in front of you, he will not be able to explain it.

As for Liu Yixian, watching the elite elites of the Blood Demon Cult in the villa collapsed in the collision between the two, he became more and more firm in his guess-the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace was determined to want The blood sacrifice swallowed Xia Ping'an, these blood demon sect people died, perhaps right in the arms of the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace.

  The opportunity to enshrine the gods is right in front of us, and the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace cannot be allowed to succeed!



   Liu is full of thoughts of conferring the gods, even if he takes the second place, even if Xia Ping is about to die, he can only die in his own hands, and kill him by himself, and then he can get the body of immortality.

"Hand over Xia Ping An..." Liu Yixian roared again. He bit his tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood on the scorching sun rising behind him. The scorching sun suddenly became blood red and rumbling. Falling towards the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace, it seems that the sky is falling.


   The complexion of the Palace Lord of the Golden Moon Palace also changed. This is to use the original blood to stimulate the power of the eight suns in the realm.

   The Lord of the Golden Moon also bit his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the scorching sun behind him.

   Two rounds of scorching sun violently collided in the domain space...

   Just for a moment, Liu Yixian and the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace bleed at the same time, their faces are terrifying and stern as a ghost.


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