The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 191 Life and Sadness

Although killing a few mimetic aliens is something to brag about for the Alliance on which the Sun Never Sets, the mimetic aliens in the distance are so densely packed that you can't see the end at a glance, all of them are rushing here.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Angel poked a hornet's nest.

We must know that the reproduction ability of the mimic aliens is astonishing. They have been lurking for two months, and their number has reached a terrible number.

Right now, through their special communication, some lairs that are still hidden underground are no longer concealed, so there is the current scene, and countless mimic aliens come here.

Only when the ruler of this planet is eliminated, they will occupy this planet.

A steady stream of mimetic aliens came from afar.

At this time, Michelle and other drivers felt their scalps tingling unconsciously. It is estimated that there are thousands of mimic aliens already!

The couple of their drivers wanted to turn around and escape, but after all, it was live broadcasting. With so many people watching, they all felt unspeakably miserable.

Brother Michel encouraged several companions: "Don't panic, the Angel is made of super hard chrome, those mimic aliens can't hurt us."


Mimic aliens have attacked.

It was like thousands of troops rushing towards the four angel mechas like a tide.

The advantage of the Angel is its huge body like a mountain, while the advantages of the mimic aliens are endless, and the advantages between the two sides will start a battle at once.

The mimetic alien roared up to the sky, seeming to launch a needless charge, galloping with all four limbs, rushing towards the Angel one after another.

The scene once surpassed all the previous scenes of mechs and monsters fighting.

"Guys, back to back vertical shield defense!" Brother Michel shouted.

The four Angels quickly pulled out their shields and handed their backs to their comrades. As long as they survived this attack, it was time for the Angels to fight back.

In a very short time, the four Angels have completed the defensive formation.

The attack of mimic aliens also followed.

Mimic alien pedestrians one after another swooped onto the Angel, enveloping it, and the tentacles on the back stabbed at the aircraft frequently.

Although their tentacles are sharp, they are far from enough to break through super-hard chrome.

"ding ding ding"

A series of crashing sounds.

"Great, the body's defense is invincible!" Brother Michel was overjoyed.

But soon, mimic aliens one after another enveloped the Angel, and then restricted the power of the mecha.


Four mechs fell to the ground one after another, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

Now, the four pairs of drivers panicked.

Lost mobility, what is the difference between this and the fish on the knife board?

Those mimic aliens have firmly trapped the Angel on the ground, and at this time, the Angel is like a turtle hiding in a turtle shell.

After a while, the weak joints of the mecha were breached first.

One entire lower leg was badly damaged.

The driver screamed.

These mimic aliens are now like a group of ants, constantly nibbling away at Angel's body.

Soon, a mecha was completely scrapped from the joints.

The pair of pilots inside showed a strong sense of unyielding, and they died immediately.

"???" The people of the Alliance on which the Sun Never Sets are in disbelief.

The atmosphere froze, and this feeling was like being slapped severely.

One second, all kinds of invincible and bragging mechs were broken down into a pile of scrap metal by mimic aliens the next second.

Fortunately, the death of the companion made the other three Angels see and feel the approach of death.

For the time being, the pilots of the three teams who were lucky enough to be alive burst out with unparalleled potential, and they all turned on the power of the mechs to the maximum, and miraculously stood up.

Like a dazzling giant,

Break through the darkness and let the light shine down!

The three mechas waved the Holy Light Angel Sword in their hands, and drove away one mimic alien after another.

There are signs of a reversal in the situation.

Those mimic aliens didn't dare to take a step forward for a while.

"Cool!" The people of the Alliance on which the Sun Never Sets were greatly encouraged.

And at this moment, the mimic aliens opened their fiery red mouths one after another.

No teeth or tongue can be seen in the big mouth. There is nothing but fiery red, like magma, but these big mouths like magma eject fireballs one by one.

Each fireball will also cause an explosion when it hits the Angel's body.

Obviously the energy generated by these Mars must not be underestimated.

And this is the only long-range attack method of the mimetic aliens, the fireball bomb.

"Boom boom boom"

A burst of dense fireball bombs directly blasted the Angel's mecha into pieces.

And this process took less than ten minutes, and the four mechas that the Sun Never Sets Alliance was proud of and boasted about every day were all scrapped.

The people of the Alliance on which the sun never sets: "..."

His face changed from joy to surprise, from surprise to anger.

They seem to have stepped into the footsteps of the strong empire, and were deceived by the high-level as if they were fools.

This kind of garbage mecha is also equipped with the world's number one mecha?

It also deserves to be promoted every day as better than Huangzhen Empire's mechs?

Obviously, apart from the large number of those mimic aliens, they are not as difficult to fight as monsters!

Looking at the mechas of the Huangzhen Empire, killing monsters is just like a personal performance show.

Look at our Angel number again, is this worthy of bragging about countless days and nights?

You can't even beat those mimic aliens, so what's the point of fighting monsters!

"Shit, it's all shit!"

"God, please punish those two old guys William and Naren severely, these two people are even more hateful than that old guy Puss!"

"Wow, our glory is really gone forever!"

"The bullshit alliance on which the sun never sets brags every day that our strength is number one in the world, but as soon as the aliens come, all the lies are exposed."

"Fack, I guess the descendants of those thieves and robbers must be laughing at us now!"

The mood of joy is gone, and a pessimistic mood is spreading, and the people of the countless sun never set alliance are frustrated and cursed.

They are all too good at blowing!

The top executives of the league are blowing, and even the driver is not inferior.

Recalling the poses of the four Angels when they landed on Black Continent.

No matter how you look at it now, it feels like a fool is driving the Angel.

It's crazy.

Not strong enough, the one who pretends to be the f*ck is definitely the first!


And at this time.

The mood of the allies of the Alliance on which the Sun Never Sets and the Black Africans suddenly tightened, and pessimism was generally born.

That's it?

They all regretted it.

I regret that I shouldn't have listened to the lies of the alliance on which the sun never sets.

Well now, their mechas are not comparable to other mechas except they can pretend to be aggressive. They can't even beat those weak mimetic aliens, so they deserve to be called mechas?

The power that the Sun Never Sets Alliance finally developed began to scatter from within.

In particular, the countries that had completely severed diplomatic relations with the other three empires before were all thinking of their own ways, looking for a way out in the future.

And the news quickly spread to the two leaders of the alliance on which the sun never sets.

William and Naren immediately flew into a rage.

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