The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 1299 Aging Mercenary

1299、Old Mercenary

"The Zane Consortium, which became active more than ten or twenty years later? Governor, what does this mean?" Yuri-Olov asked in surprise.

Tang Xiao glanced at him and said, "Planet Mandalorian... Indeed, I have wanted to set foot there for a long time, and I have never had any excuses. Now is indeed an opportunity. As for the Zane Consortium, you don't have to worry too much , if what I see in the Force is correct, they themselves won't live long."

Indeed, the Zane Consortium was not active until the era of the destruction of the Galactic Empire's superweapon, the Death Star, after the Battle of Yavin IV. At that time, the leader of the Zane Consortium was a hero-like figure - Taber Zane, but now, Taber Zane is just a child.

The current Zann consortium is not called by this name, it should be called Zann Remanufacturing Company (Zann Remanufacturing). For civilian use. And the boss of the company should be Taber Zane's father, Old Zane.

So it is not surprising that Zane Reprocessing Company has business on the peaceful Mandalorian planet. What is surprising is, how could they kill people?

You know, it’s different from Tabor Zane, who started to engage in illegal smuggling activities and illegal card machine operations when he was studying in the Carrick Military Academy, and started to engage in gang activities immediately after he was expelled from the academy. His father, Old Zane, was a very conscientious businessman.

[PS: I checked and it is really a flop machine. In the Star Wars world, it is a card game called Sabacc]

"Your Excellency...but my brother..." Yuri-Olov couldn't understand what Tang Xiao was going to say, so he could only continue to ask.

Tang Xiao sneered and said, "I probably know why you are so desperate, because you, a weapon dealer, are definitely on the Mandalorian's blacklist, and you can't even enter their territory."

"I just want to save my brother... I know he's alive, I'm sure!" Yuri-Olov said.

"Since your younger brother has become an advisor to Grand Duke Satine, his status is at least not low. It is indeed very strange that such a person should be hunted down on the territory of the Mandalorians. You must know that even Xinman The Dalos have put away their fangs, but those Mandalorian mercenaries are still continuing to write the name of the Mandalorians. In this galaxy, it is really not good for someone who dares to touch the fate of the Mandalorians. A lot..." Tang Xiao frowned.

Yuri-Olov just looked at him.

Tang Xiao still frowned, "It's just that the current Mandalorian regime has a strong cohesion under the leadership of Grand Duke Satine. We tried to infiltrate it before, but it didn't work. And, why is Zane ? If it is the Black Sun, then it can be said that some things happened in advance... But why Zane?"

Yuri-Olov was completely confused, and he couldn't catch a word.

Tang Xiao glanced at him again and said, "Okay, I understand. I will launch an operation on Mandalore. If I can find any clues about your brother, I will have someone bring him back."

"I owe you, Governor General," said Yuri-Olov, "that's all I can say."

"Your condition is actually quite good now, and I won't force you to return to the Fourth Civilization, but just remember to give me a discount in the future." Tang Xiao waved his hand indifferently.

Yuri-Olov didn't say much, and turned off the communication after bowing and saluting.

Tang Xiao pondered for a long time, then he took out the communicator and connected to a communication he would hardly use.

The holographic image in front of him flickered for a while, and there appeared a strong warrior with a wide face, a burly figure, and a straight hair, but the deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds on his face showed that he was no longer at his peak. age.

This man looks almost exactly like the current Galactic Republic clone army.

There is no doubt that he is Jango Fett, once the strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy, and at the same time, once the leader of the real Mandalorian.

In the original plot, he was supposed to die in the Battle of Geonosis, but because of Tang Xiao's intervention, the direction of that battle was greatly deflected. Jango Fett was also unintentionally sent away by Tang Xiao, so he has been live until now.

However, because of joining the human cloning project, Jango Fett got enough money to spend the rest of his life. At the same time, the Kaminos also cloned a clone for him that did not undergo any growth acceleration procedures. The clone was named Boba Fett and raised as his own son.

Now that he has money and a son, Jango Fett's goal in life is no longer the mercenary battlefield where he fights and kills, but returns to his family. What happened in the Battle of Galidron before also obliterated his last bit of goodwill and ambition for the Mandalorians and the Galactic Republic.

At least since the outbreak of the war until now, Jango Fett has hardly accepted any employment commissions.

Seeing that the person who sent the message was actually Tang Xiao, Jango Fett frowned, and his intuition told him that it must not be a simple matter for the unfathomable Governor of Dawn Star to come to him in person.

But he couldn't directly refuse, after all, Tang Xiao was now one of the most powerful figures in the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and he himself was now strictly speaking a member of the Confederation.

"Your Excellency Governor, may I ask... what do you want from me?" Jango Fett asked vigilantly.

"I have one entrusted to you. The price is high." Tang Xiao said.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Governor, I... have not been in good health recently." Jango Fett declined directly.

"You don't want to hear the commissioned content?"

"Hehe... I'm not in good health, and I can't do any commissions."

"It's about Mandalorian."

"Oh, then I won't accept this commission. Mandalorian planet has nothing to do with me."

Tang Xiao said lightly: "This matter should involve Darth Maul, the former apprentice of Darth Sidious, and also the Death Guard. If nothing else, they conspired to launch a coup and usurp the new The regime of the Mandalorians is just around the corner."

Jango Fett was silent for a long time before shaking his head and saying, "I'm...not even a Mandalorian..."

He paused again, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Governor." Then, he directly turned off the communication.

Tang Xiao frowned and thought for a while, then connected another communication, and the holographic projection projected a person wearing a gray robe and an old man's mask—the hermit, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Do you have anything to tell me about the situation on Mandalore?" Tang Xiao asked directly.

"I can only say that no matter what you want to do on Mandalore, it is a terrible thing. The political significance of Mandalore to the Galactic Republic will only be greater than you imagine." The Hermit Said lightly, "The Republic and even the Jedi Order will react very violently."

Tang Xiao originally wanted to use the matter of Grand Duke Shatine to convince him, but seeing the current situation of the hermit, he suddenly dismissed this idea. He didn't say much, and turned off the communication.

Then, he sat on the sofa, he hardly smoked, lit a cigarette for himself for the first time, and fell into deep thought.

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