The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 1288 The Battle of Lundili (14)

1288. The Battle of Rendili (14)

More than 800 fighter jets suddenly turned around without warning. This strange scene immediately shocked Lieutenant General Scarred.

"What happened? Contact those pilots immediately! What are they doing?" Scared yelled.

"General, our pilots didn't respond! And... some pilots are in the same formation as these people, and they said that there is nothing unusual." The signalman said.

"The same formation? You mean that some pilots in some formations have problems, but the other part has no abnormalities?" Lieutenant General Scarride asked, "Aside from that, is there any rule?"

"I don't know at the moment, General." The signalman replied.

Scarred looked gloomy, looked at the group of fighter jets that suddenly turned around on the screen, and said coldly: "Shoot them all down!"

"General! At least 600 of them are our own pilots!" the adjutant reminded.

"It started when they turned around, and it's no longer the case." Scarred said, "Take off another 10 squadrons of fighter jet formations, and make sure that none of the more than 800 fighter jets can approach our warships!"


The command of the fleet commander was immediately issued to each battleship, and all the near-defense turrets of the battleship formation began to adjust their direction, aiming at the direction of this group of strange fighters, and firing!

Countless lasers and missiles were launched, and countless fireballs exploded among the fighters! These fighters seemed to have no sense of evasion, and were directly hit by artillery fire, and dozens of fighters were destroyed immediately!

The tragic scene stimulated the nerves of the soldiers of the Republic Navy in the battleship, but despite the military orders, they still kept pressing the button to control the turret of the battleship to fire.

At this time, the second wave of fighter jets launched by the Republic Fleet had arrived on the battlefield, and all the fighter jets had been updated with their identification friend or foe codes. The target fired a missile.

Hundreds of flames exploded again, and in just over ten minutes, less than half of the more than 800 fighter jets remained.

However, at this moment, weird things happened again!

Almost all the fighter jets that took off in the second wave suddenly lost contact, and only a few dozens of fighter jets survived! Not only that, but the fighter jets that lost contact also turned around at the same time and flew towards the battleship formation!

Lieutenant General Scared was horrified, "Bastard! What happened?! Master Yoda!"

Only then did he think of the Jedi Knights, and hurriedly turned his head to greet him, only to find that Master Yoda had already left.

"Master Yoda left just now." A soldier who saw Master Yoda's actions noticed Lieutenant General Scared's eyes and reminded him.

"Could it be the other party's Sith Lord?" Lieutenant General Scarred frowned.

Even the military of the Republic knew of the existence of the Sith Lord, but the information they knew was not as detailed as the Jedi Order.

He looked at the group of strange fighter jets that had increased to 7,800 again, and said fiercely: "Keep firing!! Call all the turrets to shoot! Don't let these fighter jets get close!!"

Intuition told him that if these fighter jets were allowed to approach, the consequences would be disastrous.

The battleships of the entire Republic Task Force were fully fired, and the densely packed turbo laser cannons and laser cannons fired continuously. Those fighter jets were shot down like raindrops, and soon there were less than 100 left.

And during this time, they no longer paid attention to Lundili's planetary defense fleet. Taking advantage of this time, the Lundili planetary defense fleet, under the command of Cunte, ran directly to surround the space defense platform that expressed its desire to be neutral, threatening the owner of the Lundili shipyard who controlled the defense platform. If ordered to fire on the Galactic Republic warship, they will destroy this platform first.

The shipyard owner was forced to have no choice but to order to fire in the direction of the Republic fleet.

At the same time as the firing, the automatic identification system of the warship of the Republic instantly marked the defensive platform in red representing the enemy!

But now the Republic Fleet's attention is not here at all, because when they thought that those fighter jets had been dealt with, suddenly, one of the V-19 Torrent fighter jets suddenly started to speed up! And the speed is getting faster and faster!

The Republic Fleet immediately mobilized several turrets to fire, but unlike other fighter jets, this fighter actually drew strange arcs in the air ahead of time, leaving all the artillery fire behind!

More near-defense turrets joined the ranks of attacking this fighter, but this fighter walked freely in the hail of bullets, no matter what, it couldn't hit him!

"What is this? Could this be a Sith?" Scared turned pale with shock.

Seeing the fighter jet flying towards his flagship at an unimaginable speed, he immediately became terrified and shouted, "Quick! Shoot down this fighter jet! Quick!!"

But it was already a step too late, the fighter jet had already flown over, and even though the battleship had opened its barrage, there was still nothing to do!

But at this moment, an ETA-2 fighter jet suddenly popped out from the slanting stab! This is a fighter for the Jedi!

"Master Yoda!" Lieutenant General Scared immediately understood who was saving him.

I only saw this ETA-2 fighter jet approaching the opponent's fighter jet at high speed. The two fighter jets began to circle with unimaginable speed and flexibility. The circle they circled was completely irregular, but it seemed to be synchronized into two parallel lines. If it's someone who doesn't know, they think they made an appointment in advance.

However, only those who are sensitive to the powerful force can know that this seemingly meaningless circle, and it seems that the two sides have never fired a shot, but in fact it is a mutual premonition between Master Yoda and Darth Malthael. Under the mutual interference, the extremely dangerous air combat!

They are constantly predicting the opponent's actions, and the opponent is also constantly predicting their own predictions, and at the same time trying their best to use the force to interfere with the opponent's predictions! They also need to judge whether the other party has predicted their own prediction, and whether their prediction has been interfered to make a wrong prediction...

Their force has been clashing constantly from the very beginning, so the logical relationship of constant prediction and interference is not even clear to the computer!

The reason why they didn't fire was because once their fighters fired, the opponent's level of force would undoubtedly seize the few seconds when the laser cannon was cooling down and launch a fatal attack!

Don't worry that the fighter jet won't be able to turn around at that moment. When it's time to seize the opportunity, it's not too difficult to forcibly turn the fighter jet around with the force level of the two of them.

Without 100% certainty, you can't even shoot!

Fortunately, Lieutenant General Scared saw the two fighters gradually moving away from his flagship in the constant entanglement. Although he didn't know what would happen, he knew that Master Yoda probably saved his life. Life.

However, although Master Yoda forced Darth Malthael away from the flagship, the two sides inevitably flew towards another Knight-class Star Destroyer that rushed forward.

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