The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 1091 Advancement of War

1090. The Battle Advances

Dawn Star was the first to speak, taking advantage of the changes in the war zone brought about by the series of battles in the Eriadu galaxy, and assigned the industrial planet Sullest to the Western Territory war zone under its jurisdiction.

The planet Sullust has long wanted to embrace the fluffy and thick legs of the Dawn star. After all, compared to the commercial guilds far away on the Felucia planet, the Dawn star, which is stronger and closer, is obviously a better choice. .

And more realistically, once the war in the Eliadu galaxy comes to an end and the Dawn planet wins, then the rebuilding of the Eriadu planet that has been smashed into a mess must bear the brunt of the planet Sullust.

This is an order to rebuild a planet! The planet Sullust has long been coveted.

Then the fourth group went down again, gnawing on Southrob.

The arms dealer Southrob Company, which started from the planet Sullust, also hit it off with love and concubine. They signed strategic cooperation agreements with the Fourth Group and the Trade Union respectively, becoming a cooperative company of these two companies and joining the Trade Union.

What I want to say here is that trade alliances, technology alliances, enterprise alliances, and business guilds are all super trust groups, not composed of one company. Therefore, joining a trade alliance is not becoming a subordinate of the trade alliance, but becoming a member of the trade alliance.

In fact, the fourth group also has the same meaning now. Its Tailun Heavy Industry, Higra Aerospace Group, United Mining Group and other large enterprises have joined forces to form the fourth group.

Of course, the biggest difference is that the biggest boss of the fourth group is Tang Xiao himself, which is equivalent to a semi-state-owned enterprise in the fourth civilization.

Under Tang Xiao's intentional guidance and connivance, the fourth group is also gradually becoming a giant trust group.

The enterprises under the fourth group have one thing in common, that is, they all make their fortunes by relying on the technology in the mothership database.

Immediately afterwards, the Quarren Isolation Alliance claimed the Freedak Volunteer Engineering Group, and the largest warship manufacturing group of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy returned to the hands of the Quarren. Although they appear to be an organization that is not recognized by the government of the planet Dak, in fact, the planet Dak is already trading with the Federation of Independent Galaxies through them.

This is how Dawn Planet sent them an order for 500 sets of overpressure hulls. After recovering the Freedak Volunteer Engineering Corps, the strength of the Quarren Isolation Alliance has also begun to expand further.

The foundry world Castel was acquired by the Interstellar Banking Association. The chairman of the association, San Hill, exempted all the slaves on the planet Castel, and then established a brand new one for them in the form of formal investment management. The political system.

The uprising on the planet Castel was an uprising, but they would soon have to face their financial collapse, shortage of supplies, and the current situation of completely deviant and abnormal development of the industry, people's livelihood, and agricultural systems. Therefore, even if ten thousand people are unwilling, they must accept the acquisition of the Interstellar Banking Association.

And because this planet has been out of the control of the commercial guild, the Interstellar Banking Association only pays some escrow fees to the commercial guild in a symbolic manner.

In addition, as long as turmoil and uprising break out in many other industries of the commercial guild, they will immediately be acquired by those corporate giants at a low price on the grounds that they have lost control.

In the end, this forced the commercial guild to stop the poison pill operation, admit defeat, and hand over all its fleets, so that it was able to retain its last bit of assets.

And amidst this storm of direct commercial guilds, the military reforms of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies were also quietly implemented.

This loose confederation, which was not intended to survive for more than 5 years from the beginning of its establishment, finally began to integrate and save itself. With the further regulation and refinement of the administrative system and the further unification of the military industrial system, the industrial capabilities and administrative efficiency of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy will be greatly improved after going through pains.

At this time, in other parts of this chaotic galaxy, the flames of war have not stopped.


21BBY, July 25.

The Battle of the Deron Galaxy is finally over, and the Confederation Fleet of the Independent Galaxy has suffered a disastrous defeat.

In this battle, the more than 300 large warships sent by the Confederation of Independent Galaxy were completely powerless against the well-prepared defense line of the Delong Galaxy. After several battles, most of the losses were lost, and less than 20 warships were able to evacuate.

This is almost equivalent to more than half of the mobile fleet of the Federation of Independent Galaxies!

It needs to be explained that, in fact, both warring parties began to finalize the design of those thousand-meter-class warships at most one year before the war started, and then began to build them. The only exception is the Generosity-class frigate.

Only the Fourth Civilization had a powerful force of 200 kilometer-class warships at that time because it started preparing for battle very early. But at the same time, because of the small size of the industry, this number was quickly surpassed by the Republic.

So in fact, most of the fleets of both sides were built from scratch, coupled with the loss of constant fighting, so the number of large warships in the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies has always been small. In the original plot, the Galactic Republic built more than 3,000 Jaeger-class battlecruisers throughout the three-year war, but in fact, at the end of the war, there were only about 1,000 Jaeger-class battlecruisers left.

Later, the Galactic Empire's super fleet of 26,000 Empire-class Star Destroyers was their accumulation of more than 40 years.

Therefore, in the battle of the Delong Galaxy, the Confederation of Independent Galaxy directly handed over 300 large warships, which is completely a traumatic loss!

Immediately after the Battle of the Deron Galaxy, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Schiff Palpatine, announced to the public that he would launch a full-scale counterattack against separatism!

The huge fleet of the Galactic Republic attacked everywhere, starting from several fleet assembly points, and launched a counterattack against the central ring of the galaxy first.

At this moment, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is completely unable to stop their progress.

General Grievous returned to command the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the raid on Kamino. He concentrated the few remaining fleets in a few important places for defense, mainly to delay the time and prevent the Galactic Republic from advancing too fast, and being pushed to the core by a wave before the fleet of new warships was formed.

At the same time, the army of the Galactic Republic finally began to land on several separatist-controlled planets in the Central star sector that were no longer protected by warships.

However, a large number of robot legions have been deployed on these planets for a long time. Although the planetary government immediately expressed its willingness to surrender and return to the Galactic Republic, the planetary government was also immediately taken over by the robot legion.

Subsequently, these robots launched a resistance operation.

Anyone who dares to stand in front of them, whether it is the army of the Galactic Republic or the civilians of the planet, will be killed!

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