The First Plug-in of Basketball

Chapter 350: Come back home! FLAG Jumping Out of the East!

Lin Yi's choice for Donny Wash is simply ...

Stephen Marbury!

You know, it was Donny Wash who was responsible for buying out Marbury's contract.

Marbury is a native New Yorker. After joining the Knicks, he wanted to lead the team out of the predicament, but waiting for him was filled with boos and scolds.

Marbury recalled this difficult time in the future. He said that he fell in love with Beijing absolutely from the heart, because only in Beijing he gained a respect.

Marbury, nicknamed "Lone Wolf," was Garnett's best friend and was an All-Star in the Nets and the Suns.

After being traded back to the Knicks in the 03/04 season, Marbury announced with excitement: I'm home!

Unfortunately, New York is not home.

Marbury joined the Celtics in 2009. Later, due to injuries and other reasons, he went to the far east.

It is also from this moment that Marbury's life has ushered in a major change.

CBA is indeed a place to change lives.

Marbury, who has undergone socialist transformation, has not yet joined the Beijing team, but Lin Yi knows that his mentality has changed greatly from the past.

In Shanxi and Foshan, Marbury was regarded as a hero. For the first time, he discovered that passing is such a happy thing?

As the No. 4 show of the 96th Golden Generation, Marbury's fuel tank is still full. He just can't accept the abuse from his hometown people. Lin Yi has seen the list of free agents provided by Donny Wash ...

Seriously, instead of signing players who haven't even heard of Lin Yi ’s name, then it may be better to ask the Ma political commissar.

Marbury, who at least learned to pass, can control the pace of the game.


After Lin Yi told Donny Wash of this idea, he also called the Knicks for an internal meeting.

"Oh no! Lin, you crazy idea can never be realized!" O'Neill first stood up against it.

Many Knicks players are also "suffering from their horses." Rumors and rumors have really killed people. In 2009, Marbury was rated by the NBA players as the least wanted to be with his team.

But in fact, 95% of those who voted for Marbury did not have teammates with him.

Before accepting socialist transformation, Comrade Marbury's three views were indeed poisoned by capitalism, but after receiving a socialist education, it is clear that Marbury is also a good comrade.

Lin Yi was well prepared. He played several videos of Marbury playing in the CBA and being interviewed. O'Neal couldn't believe his eyes. "Is this really Stephen?"

Who is this kind bald not Marbury?

Although Marbury could only be regarded as a comrade who had just taken part in the revolution before going to Beijing, the political commissar could not talk about it, but it was obvious that Marbury's character had already converged a lot.

There was no objection in the locker room, and Billups admitted that Marbury was a difficult opponent at the peak.

The main thing is that Lin Yi is not worried about Marbury's trouble, because he believes that if Marbury has a chance to prove himself to the people in his hometown, he will certainly cherish it. The prodigal son is not the reason for this.

The fear is that many prodigals do not look back when they hit the iron.


When Marbury, who was far away in Foshan, Guangdong, was joking with his Chinese teammates, he couldn't believe that he actually received a call from the man who made him pack up and roll out of New York two years ago ...

Donny Wash.

"Stephen, it should be noon in Chinese time now? I want to talk to you about something." Donny Wash couldn't imagine he would invite Marbury back one day.

But there is no way. In New York, Lin Yi is the sky. This is the first law in New York formulated by the Lin Yi Protection Association and Lin Mi Police Station.

Marbury was silent for a while. He greeted his teammate Li Ke, asking his teammates to train first, but he squatted on the ground, listening to Donny Wash's phone call.

"Would you like to return to the NBA? Stephen." Donny Wash asked.

NBA ...

What a familiar, but distant name, for Marbury.

Marbury kept calm. "It's not April Fool's Day, Downey."

Donny Wash over the phone sighed, and the caller became Lin Yi.

"Hello Stephen, I'm Lin." Lin Yi said.

Lin ... Lin Yi?

How could Marbury never hear Lin Yi's name. Although he said that he no longer cares about the NBA, but he is an authentic New Yorker, how could he not know Lin Yi.

Although he is Lin Yi's predecessor in terms of seniority, does he still have the qualifications to rank seniors with others?

"Hello, Lin." Marbury's voice was shaking.

"Come to the Knicks and come back with me to get a trophy." Lin Yi's invitation was simple and straightforward.

Marbury fell into silence.

"Stephen, I asked someone about your contract with Foshan, not to mention that you are no longer interested in the NBA. If you are not interested, why should you receive a call from the NBA, and you can immediately add the term to the contract?

"I know that you hate fans in New York because you are kicked out by fans here, but Stephen, don't you want to prove yourself while you still have oil in your tank?"

"CBA is really good, but why not take a ring and go to CBA to continue your career?"

"Now, the opportunity is in front of you. We just need a backup point guard, come back, and tell the New York fans that you are not a tumor, you are a child of this city."

Under the frantic bombardment of Lin Yi's chicken soup, Marbury, who was squatting on the phone, had begun to cover his face and weep.

Because of his youth, he couldn't get used to his friend Garnett's contract and left New Jersey.

Because of his youth, he feels that the Nets have little future to go to the Suns to remonstrate.

Because of his youth, after returning to New York, he was addicted to the overnight shop, smoked marijuana, and among the boos and scolds of New York fans, the young Marbury finally tasted the young bitter fruit.

There are many times when people cannot make excuses for young people.

In China, Marbury has regained his love for basketball, but he has always had a mind ... because he is a New Yorker.

A backup point guard?

Yeah, now I'm not that chase boy.

Foshan's teammates don't know what happened to Marbury. Watching this former NBA All-Star player sitting on the ground and crying with headaches, they are all curious. Did the old horse quarrel with his wife?

Li Ke got up the courage, patted Marbury's shoulder, and asked in English, "Stephen, what's wrong with you? Need help?"

Marbury, who was already crying, wiped her tears and said, "It's Lin ... It's Lin ..."

In Marble's trill, Li Ke heard who the phone was.

Lin Yi! ?

I drop a little boy!

Lin Yi of the New York Knicks?

Lin Yi heard the noise from Marbury's phone, and the Foshan men's basketball team blew up!

Lying down, Lin Yi, please chat!

Marbury cried and handed the phone to his teammates. Lin Yi also asked the players of the Foshan men's basketball team.

If Lin Yi remembers correctly, Li Ke will also explain in the future, right?

Listening to the excited Beijing accent directed by Li, Lin Yi felt his ears numb.

"Give it back to Stephen!" Lin Yi said to Li Ke.

"Okay, UU reading, don't hang up, God Lin Yi, Stephen! Stephen!" Li Ke returned the phone to Marbury, and Marbury's face, which had already been slowed down, was revealed a happy expression.

"Lin! I want to play basketball!"


"Let me tell Li Ke that Foshan is going to re-select a small foreign aid." After finishing Marbury, Lin Yi was finally relieved.

At least until the return of Livingston, the Knicks must defend their current position.

Lin Yi agreed to Livingston and took him to touch the floor of the finals.

Even if the thigh is not thick enough, Lin Yi's calf is thin!

Say it's bad to jump around, and you're out of the east?


PS: Fourth more!

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