The First Mecha Veyron Overlord

Chapter 39: Angel of Kill (3) (for reward!)

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This kind of thing is hard to come by, as if it was suddenly expected, and these things illustrate one thing, that is, the forest is at least simpler than he saw.

What should I say about this matter, because some things are really important.

The black sky is boundless and the stars are brilliant.

Mabus ca n’t appreciate the quiet night sky. Although it is a beautiful river under the night, it is very gorgeous and happy, but this is just the surface world, because Mabus knows that on the dark side he does not know very well, it must be very Gorgeous, dangerous, full of crises, full of crises, absolutely absolutely dangerous.

In this night, Mabus knew that he could not sleep at all, as was expected in advance, and these things, meanwhile, were destined to one thing at the same time, he could not sleep at all.

He walked into the space of the escape cabin. The space of the escape cabin was so large that it could completely accommodate his posture, while his standing position in the escape cabin was very special.

In the escape cabin, although there was not enough food, and after he was full, he lay down on the shop to rest.

At this time, he again thought of what, and how these things need to be said, when those tasks are busy, time is always very rushed, and some things are simpler.

He lay on the floor and slept steadily, and suddenly thought of something. He got up quickly again. After he got up, he brought up the satellite cloud image, hoping to grasp the current situation.

However, to him, he seemed disappointed, because there is no detailed record of this strange planet!

Tomorrow, he rested in the escape cabin for a night. Although there was something like Tiger Roar and Dragon Song outside, nothing had happened.

For these, there is a very deep relationship, and some things are full of ridiculous meaning, which is closely related to certain things.

Faced with these things, it is not too good, because some people cannot understand certain things, and how to say such things, compared with these, it can explain a lot of things.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the time is full of tranquility. All the so-called everything is like crucian carp crossing the river, flowers in the mirror, and moon in the water.

Coming like a killing angel.

Mabus got up and took a break last night. He thought about it for a long time. He still wanted to take a look around. The things he learned nearby were too little, and these things did not explain anything.

For an unknown planet, it is necessary to have a good understanding to survive in this world for a long time.

And some things, how to say it, many things are obvious.

He came out, stretched out, took some compressed biscuits from the aircraft package to fill his stomach, and then drank some water.

The water has changed its taste, and it is a bit astringent. He knows that it will only change after being stored for a long time!

However, he drank it.

Perhaps, for other ordinary people, whether to drink these waters, they will hesitate for a long time, but Mabus is extraordinary!

Because Mabus's body has been transformed with mecha experiments, and his body is different from ordinary people, he has no fear of these metamorphic waters, and he has full confidence to digest.

In Mabus's own words, I am now no longer a ghost or a ghost, and I will be afraid of it!

Dangdang is absurd and funny!

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