The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 668 The most concerning issue

If you want to enter Nantong City, you don't need an identity document. You only need to pay an entrance fee of five copper coins per person.

When they were some distance outside the city, Ning Xi asked Zhang Che to park the speed car in the woods.

After getting off the car, he said to Jing Yi and others: "There are too many of us. It will be too easy to be discovered when entering the city. Let's break up into several waves."

"Okay, just come to us after you're done." Jing Yi nodded. With Ning Xi's ability, it was easy to find them.

So Ning Xi left with Zhang Che and the others, Jing Yi and Yan Qin together, the eldest prince and Li Zefei, and the third prince alone.

A few people were dressed in extraordinary ways, but there were many people in Nantong City wearing such fine clothes, so they didn't attract much attention.

But after entering the city, Ning Xi was constantly stared at by people because of her outstanding appearance and temperament.

Nantong City is a relatively famous commercial city. There are many business families in the city. Shops in the southeast, northwest and northwest are for sale. The shops are lined up and very lively.

"Let's find an inn to stay in first, and then find out what the Shi family is doing." Ning Xi said.

Naturally, the three of them would not object, "Yes!"

Shi Jin was very familiar with Nantong City, so he took a few people to stay in a quiet and exquisite inn.

As soon as they secured a yard, a middle-aged man hurriedly ran in.

When he saw Shi Jin clearly, the middle-aged man's eyes turned red, and he immediately ran over and knelt on the ground, "Young Master, is this really you, Young Master?"

Shi Jing helped the middle-aged man up, with a gentle smile on his stern face, "Uncle Li, please get up! I am indeed lucky to be alive."

This inn is Shi Jin's property and has been managed by a close associate who is unknown to the family, so it can be preserved.

Li Li once received his life-saving grace, so he was very loyal.

"Great, I knew you wouldn't be harmed so easily, young master." The middle-aged man excitedly held Shi Jin's hand.

Then his eyes fell on Ning Xi and the others.

Seeing this, Shi Jin introduced: "This is one of our own."

He was not prepared to expose Ning Xi's identity in front of his subordinates.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Young master, you must be hungry on the way. I'll let someone prepare the food first."

"Okay, prepare more special dishes from Nantong City." Shi Jin nodded. His master must be hungry too.

Several people went back to their rooms to wash up, and the dishes happened to be ready.

After finishing the meal, Shi Jin called Li Li over.

"How has the situation been with the Shi family in the two years since I left?" This is the question he is most concerned about.

Li Li replied angrily: "After the news of your unfortunate death came, Shi Rui succeeded as the head of the family. The Shi family's property was taken over by Shi Rui, including most of the property under your name, young master. .”

"The stewards in those shops were purged, and many people were removed. The remaining ones also joined Shi Rui."

He thought for a while but couldn't help but said: "Young master, your fiancée also married Shi Rui and is now the head wife of the Shi family. She also has a son and a daughter."

"I have been investigating their affairs privately, and found out, found out!" He was a little embarrassed to say.

Shi Jin's horizons have broadened a lot since he followed Ning Xi. He no longer feels sad about those people in the past. "If you find something, just tell me."

"I found out that they were hooking up together before anything happened to you, young master. The son that the woman gave birth to was said to be premature, but in fact it was not at all, but the bastard of their affair." Li Li said angrily.

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