The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 452: Frostmourne (Two in One)

On the outskirts of Stratholme, Alsace found desperately that the plague-infected food had been transported to the city and eaten by most of the people.

According to Alsace and Jaina's research, as long as these foods are eaten, they are hopeless. After a very short incubation period, the plague virus will break out, and the infected person will irreversibly turn into a walking corpse, controlled by undead magic, and become another cannon fodder for the Scourge.

This also means that, soon, the entire Stratholme, which seems to be rich and peaceful, will become a real ghost town. Almost all residents will become undead monsters who have lost their self-awareness and are full of hatred for the living.

In the theaters where this movie is being shown in the whole world at this moment, all the audiences are depressed.

For audiences who don't know the "Warcraft" series, they also know that this is a critical decision: the whole city has been irreversibly infected, what should we do?

And those veteran players of Warcraft knew better that next, it was time for Alsace to break with his teacher and lover, bring troops directly under him, enter Stratholme and start a killing spree, destroying the entire city.

This is the beginning of Alsace on the road of no return.

The plot started to move forward, and no matter how much people didn't want to see this scene, they still saw this quarrel between Uther and Arthas. Arthas is determined to purify the city, and ordered Uther to lead the Knights of the Silver Hand to carry out this task.

But Tucheng is still one of the important towns in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, this kind of thing is too appalling, Uther categorically rejected Alsace's order.

"There must be a better way."

"There is no other way. The vast majority of civilians have eaten the contaminated food. They will soon become undead monsters and become our enemies. We must eliminate them all before this happens. .”

Afterwards, when Uther rejected his order, Alsace, as the crown prince, announced that Uther would be relieved of his leadership of the Silver Hand Knights, and asked the troops to stay and slaughter the city with him.

Uther left angrily, and most of the paladins of the Silver Hand followed him.

During this period, Arthas remained indifferent and determined until Jaina was about to leave when he stopped her.


"Sorry, Arthas, I can't just watch you do this..."

Even the lovers are gone, but this still doesn't seem to be able to defeat the young prince.

He led his direct army into Stratholme.

The arrival of the army led by the prince aroused the welcome of the people.

The royal family of Menethil still has a very high reputation in the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Arthas, however, went on a killing spree.

To be honest, Dimension Entertainment is very cautious about this content.

Massacre of the city... This kind of thing is too appalling. Even if Dimension Entertainment now has the title of 'China's Strongest Cultural Industry Company' on its head, and has received the attention of the upper-level leaders, it is considered relatively tough.

But if they dare to do this kind of massacre in the movie in a large-scale and realistic way...

That is death.

In China, there are big scissors forcing them to either delete it or not even think about releasing it; even in foreign countries, this kind of commercial film with a wide audience can easily be criticized and become the target of attack. handle.

Moreover, like North America, it is not without a film review system. Their film rating system is still relatively developed. Dimension North America has worked very hard and wants to get a PG13 rating through public relations, but this kind of thing is still difficult to change——"The Rise of the Lich King", It's still rated R.

In North America, the R rating, the so-called restricted rating, is recommended for 17 and over.

There are two main points, one is the image and picture style of undead monsters. This point may not be a particularly big problem. After all, it can be dealt with, for example, to make the image of the undead monster less hideous and terrifying; the bloody level of the picture is reduced.

But the second point, which is really deadly, is this massacre.

With such a plot, it is more difficult to get PG13.

In fact, Dimensional Entertainment has downplayed this aspect very much when it was making movies. However, to film the story of Alsace, the massacre of Stratholme is a plot that cannot be bypassed.

They can only say that in the entire plot of the city massacre, the scenes of the massacre of civilians should be reduced as much as possible, without any exaggeration, and instead focus on the confrontation with the undead.

This is of course also possible.

It's not easy to kill a living person, but when the living person becomes a dead spirit, it's much easier to deal with.

Next, the story of the movie focused on the 'slaughter' contest between Arthas and the dreaded demon king Malganis.

Mal'Ganis, who was active in Stratholme, led his evil subordinates, constantly transforming civilians into undead monsters and bringing them into his own hands.

On the other hand, Arthas led his army and fought all the way from the gate, facing the civilians who were constantly turning into monsters.

The movie basically doesn't show Alsace and his army killing civilians, they are all fighting monsters that have become undead.

This is more or less a means of evasion.

If it is not handled in this way, it will be a difficult thing to release.

During the 'purification' of Stratholme, the battle was fierce.

The human army led by Alsace was constantly attacked by Malganis' undead army. attack.

After hard battles, many people and undead monsters were killed, and Alsace gradually approached the core of the city.

He was here, leading the troops, and defeated the undead army led by Malganis in one fell swoop under very difficult circumstances.

But in the end, this cunning dreadlord escaped.

He only left one sentence for Arthas: "Come to the north, come to Northrend and find me."

Alsace swears to the sky that even if the ends of the earth are exhausted, he will kill this demon who has committed so many evil deeds with his own hands.

He ordered the army to set off to the port, form a fleet, go north across the ocean, form an expeditionary force, and go to the snow-covered Northrend continent to hunt down the demon.


In a more heavy picture, Uther and Jaina return to Stratholme.

Soldiers and civilians are dealing with the battlefield. One by one, the corpses were piled up high and high; the entire city, which seemed to be very prosperous, has now become a ruined wreck.

Seeing such a tragic scene, no one in the movie hall made a sound.

This scene is too heavy.

Uther also expressed his attitude in the dialogue with Jaina.

He regretted leaving before, he felt that he should stop Alsace.

And it was not too late now, Uther decided to return to Lordaeron immediately, report the matter to King Terenas, and recall Alsace.


So far, the content of the movie has gone through about two-thirds.

In the next scene, you can see that Alsace has arrived in Northrend.

On this snow-covered continent, he led the troops, defeated the undead army blocking in front of him, established an outpost, and rescued an old friend.


The dwarf Muradin used to be Arthas' martial arts teacher, and his brother, Magni Bronzebeard, was a dwarf king, the king of Ironforge. Muradin had been stationed in Lordaeron for a long time under the orders of his brother as a diplomatic ambassador. And also during this time, he incidentally became the martial arts teacher of the young Prince Arthas and Prince Varian of Stormwind.

And the reason why he appeared here was because according to legend, there was an ancient divine sword called 'Frostmourne', which was said to be buried in this ice and snow continent.

Dwarves are natural explorers. Among the three Bronzebeard brothers, except for the eldest who became the king and could only be held back by the responsibilities of the throne and could not run around, the other two of the Bronzebeard family, the second eldest, Muradin , and the third child, Brian, are serious explorers who like to lead a team to roam around in every corner of the world.

During the meeting between Muradin and Alsace's old friends, the two had a happy conversation around the bonfire in the ice and snow.

Hearing about the crimes committed by the undead against the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and thanking Alsace for saving him in his most difficult time, he decided to follow Alsace to fight against these undead monsters.

However, at this moment, an envoy from the Kingdom of Lordaeron arrived.

They read an order from King Terenas, asking the expeditionary force to return home.

Alsace's control over the army mainly came from his status as crown prince. The crown prince's power, of course, comes from the king. Now that the king personally ordered it, the army would naturally obey the king's order and start returning.

But the prince who only thought of revenge was unwilling to just leave.

He hired the natives of Northrend to become mercenaries, destroyed the fleet of the expeditionary army, and made it impossible for the expeditionary army to return home; turning around, he betrayed these natives again, telling his soldiers that these natives destroyed them ships and kill them all.

If so, the soldiers could only follow him and continue fighting.

But Muradin knew the truth, and he quarreled with Arthas, berating him for his treachery.

Alsace, however, had put all his eggs in one basket.

Suddenly, outside the human camp, a large number of undead appeared! Malganis leads a huge army of undead, attacking them!

Now that the matter has come to this point, Muradin has nothing to do.

In order to defeat the endless undead monsters, he can only pin his hopes on the legendary ancient sword "Frostmourne".

Leaving the troops under the command of his lieutenant, Arthas and Muradin left the camp to seek Frostmourne.

Afterwards, they found Frostmourne and wiped out the guardians outside the magic sword. Muradin read the inscription, told him it was a cursed sword, and was about to leave. But Arthas didn't care, he went to the base and took out the sword.

The sword burst from its icy prison, flying shards that pierced Muradin like a spear.

This is a magic sword, and when Arthas picked up the engraved Frostmourne, he forever abandoned the good part of his soul.

Ignoring Muradin who fell on the ground, Arthas left here and returned to his camp.

At this time, the army of the undead had already pressed up like a mountain and the sea, and the battle line formed by the human soldiers seemed to collapse at any time.

But when Arthas returned to the camp to join the battle with Frostmourne in his hand, the situation changed instantly!

Under the magic sword in his hand, there is no monster that is his single enemy.

Whether it is the most vulnerable skeleton soldier, or a hideous ghoul, even a huge stitch monster abomination, under the power of the magic sword, it will be easily wiped out.

The application performance of His Royal Highness greatly boosted the morale of the human soldiers.

They cheered and roared, followed the footsteps of the prince, and launched the final attack together.

Malganis was among the undead army, watching Alsace getting closer and closer in horror and anger. He continued to use dark magic power to control the undead to fight, but he couldn't stop the Avenger in front of him.

Finally, Arthas came before Malganis.

"Mal'Ganis!" Arthas roared out the name of his enemy.

Malganis' typical devil face was also roaring ferociously.

"Sad human prince, you are here to die!"

Although his heart is already a little weak, he still refuses to show weakness in terms of words and appearance.

Facing Alsace's charge, this mighty dreadlord went up to meet him.

Between the two, there was the most exciting confrontation in the whole movie so far.

The figure of the Dreadlord is much bigger than that of Prince Arthas. He looked about three meters tall, Alsace could only reach around the opponent's chest.

But the situation between the confrontation between the two is exactly the opposite.

The attacks of the Dread Demon King will always be blocked by the Holy Light; on the contrary, every time the 'Frostmourne' slashes, it is very afraid and dare not take it hard.

But it is impossible to escape every sword cut.

Once in the middle, he tried to use his sharp claws to parry 'Frostmourne', but under the severe slash, his claws were cut off directly!

While screaming in pain, the Demon King opened his big mouth sinisterly, and spewed out a dark green evil energy.

However, none of this even made it through 'Frostmourne'. Power was released from the magic sword, blocking the evil energy.

Mal'Ganis seemed to sense something that shocked him, and it roared: "Damn it! Ner'zhul! You traitor..."

Before he finished speaking, Arthas stabbed Frostmourne into its chest!

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