The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 426 The Standing Battle of Ionia

Noxus is a very important faction in the League of Legends series.

In Valoran, the most important continent in the world of LOL, these two countries now occupy most of the continent, east and west.

Demacia is in the west of the world, a corner of peace. Although the land is not very big, the land it owns is out-and-out fertile land.

And Noxus in the east, in terms of territory, is much larger than Demacia. However, the land they own is relatively poor compared to Demacia, and the people's lives are also more difficult.

It may also be the barren land and the not-so-good natural environment that gave birth to the brave and combative character of the Noxus.

They are warlike, unlike those Freljords to the north. The latter has a straightforward and tough personality, the bravery cultivated by the people of the Northland in the ice and snow.

The Noxians are different. Their belligerence is manifested in a strong aggressiveness.

Since its establishment, the country of Noxus has shown a strong desire to fight abroad.

They really are making enemies everywhere, with few allies.

In the north, they fought endlessly with the Freljord. The most famous general of Noxus, Darius the Hand of Noxus, gained a great reputation on the northern battlefield.

On the west side, they have never stopped peeping at the rich Demacia, and they have harassed it from time to time, and there have even been large-scale invasions.

The previous "Demacia: Glory" told this story, but from the perspective of Demacia.

And to the south, Noxus has even controlled a large piece of coastline in the north of Shurima, and many rich ports have fallen into the hands of the Noxus.

To the east, they brazenly launched an invasion of Ionia.

This movie is based on this story.

The general story content will be presented in a two-line narrative.

At the beginning of the story, Noxus launched an invasion of Ionia, and the young and famous Swain was the commander of the legion.

On the battlefield, he led the Noxus army, and the vast and beautiful land of Ionia was caught in the flames of war.

But under the constant victories, there are also hidden worries.

During countless front-line wars, Swain personally understood that the strength of the empire was not due to the Noxus blood he thought, but because Noxus could unite everyone, regardless of their origins. On the front lines of battle, a foreign slave is equal to a noble nobleman.

But this time, it's different.

The famous tyrant of Noxus, the aged Emperor Bran Darkwill, has become obsessed.

His fear of death led him to deploy a new order to all Chapters to dig deep in the magical land of Ionia in search of anything that might grant immortality. Swain's troops were drawn to nothing, and it was almost impossible to engage the enemy again.

Finally, at the Battle of Presidium, Swain's army went as planned to lure the enemy into the so-called trap, but was left alone and crushed. His veterans were utterly routed, and Swain was mortally wounded. A kneecap was shattered, and his left arm was severed by an Ionian sword.

The most important offensive of Noxus was thwarted.

The other story line is unfolded from the perspective of a girl named Irelia in Ionia.

'Blade Dancer Irelia' lost her homeland in the Noxus invasion, but it also inspired the power in her heart, allowing her to easily manipulate blades and metals.

After that, she joined the rebel army organized by the leader of the sect, Karma, and she shined brilliantly in the Battle of Presidium, even cutting off one of Swain's arms.

From these two story lines, it can be seen that whether it is the Noxus line with Swain as the protagonist or the Ionian line with Irelia as the protagonist, the final climax must converge. At the Battle of Presidium.

The so-called Presidium, located in the heart of Ionia, is one of the most sacred places in this land, the so-called 'Sanctuary'. Many have traveled long distances to study at prestigious schools or meditate in the flourishing enchanted gardens.

According to the setting of the original book, Noxus' invasion of Ionia gave birth to many heroes. Blind monk Li Qing, Akali, Irelia, Wuji Sword Master Yi, Karma... These heroes all had excellent performances in the Noxus invasion.

But among them, the most famous must be Irelia. She is the most iconic figure in the Battle of Presidium and the official spokesperson for the spirit of Ionia.

Dimension Entertainment wants to present this part of the content, of course it is impossible to bypass Irelia.

The search for jobs for related actors has already begun.

At the start-up stage of the project, Dimension Entertainment has also begun to work hard on the various pre-designs of the movie.

In the original setting, Ionia is like a place born out of Japanese culture. The most concentrated expression is that a few years ago, Riot once released a CG animation called "Awakening".

In that animation, the style designed for Ionia is like ancient Japan. Especially the costumes of the people, and the appearance of Irelia.

Especially the latter, Fan Zhe was very impressed.

Irelia, made of fists, looks like an Asian, but she looks like an Asian in the stereotype of Europeans and Americans.

And I have to say, it's pretty ugly.

It’s okay to have an ugly face. Europeans and Americans always have a weird aesthetic for Asian women, but the action design is ugly and the body shape is not good-looking. This is a problem of technology and level.

At least, such a thing, it is definitely impossible for Fan Zhe to pass the test. He will not tolerate his own works, making a protagonist into such a picture.

Moreover, like the large number of oriental elements in the design of Ionia, Fan Zhe also intends to discard most of them, leaving only the ninja elements that have to be kept.

Others, such as the clothing of the people, the service of the high-level officials in Ionia, and the architectural design, all draw their sources from the serious Chinese culture.

Ninja can’t change this aspect, but Karma’s kimono-like decoration is going to directly change the kimono elements to Chinese native elements for him.

This is not because Fan Zhe has any cultural prejudice, but a market factor directly considered - how big is the Japanese film market? Especially the live-action movie market is a few notches behind mainland China.

Not to please the Chinese audience, but to please the Japanese audience, Fan Zhe has no brains.

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