The story to be told in the first episode is still very long.

The selling price of a single episode of "Hunter's Notes" is not low, but again, it is quite worthy of this price.

One episode cut off the opening and closing credits, and it is also a full hour in length. And the production level, to be honest, many domestically-produced animated films that have been praised, and their works shown in theaters, are not as strong as "Hunter's Notes".

In fact, if Dimension Entertainment wants to, then they can use the level of Pixar animation to make ten animated feature films. But that kind of cost is too high, even if there is a dimensional system, the calculation time of the whole picture will be delayed too long.

The current level is enough. It can even be said that for serial animation, the production quality level of "Hunter Notes" is too much over the outline.

The story told later is probably about the young Su, who spent the past few years working as a coolie to raise children; later, when the mine was closed, Old Hans showed him a way so that he could hunt some wilderness monsters to obtain Pure food and water, of course that was also very dangerous, but Su still did it, and it was done.

This is a period of several years, and the narration is condensed into about ten minutes.

Later, the baby grew slightly and became a little girl. They had relied on a large leech, from which they obtained clean water. But after the leech died, the two who depended on each other had to change places and live in a nearby small town.

However, on the first day of going there, something bad happened. Su was targeted, and the traffickers tried to snatch the baby from him by diverting the tiger away from the mountain and ambush him.

A child with no mutations and fair skin is an extremely valuable commodity in this era.

Su Zhan went back to the hotel where they were temporarily staying, and before entering the door, he heard the little girl sobbing. As soon as the door was opened, the little girl had nothing to do, just sat on the ground in the middle of the hotel lobby and cried. With her as the center, the surrounding area is very bloody. More than a dozen adults died in a very miserable state, and the picture is slightly bloody.

The little girl just sat in the middle of the hell made of blood and flesh.

Although it is not stated clearly, the composition of the work is centered on the little girl, the cleanliness in the middle is contrasted with the blood around it, and the bone-cutting knife that the little girl holds in her hand is almost taller than her, which is a metaphor for this matter It must have been done by the little girl.

She has a special power.

that's the truth.

When the crying little girl saw Su, she burst into tears and laughed, and ran into his arms regardless of the dirtiness of the ground.

Suddenly there was a loud and noisy voice outside the hotel, and someone shouted: "Outsiders have killed people! The butcher is dead! I saw they are still inside!"

The crowd shouted louder and louder, and the sound of metal knocking could be heard from time to time.

To say the least, dozens of people surrounded the hotel with only four rooms.

The sheriff of the town kicked open the door of the hotel. He raised the submachine gun in his hand, pulled the bolt, and aimed at the two children.

"Get out of here!"

Following the sudden sound, a hand wearing a dark black leather glove penetrated into the thin iron sheet that was used as a wall. With a grip and a pull, he tore off the entire sheet of iron sheet and threw it more than ten meters away.

This is a tall, handsome, arrogant and cold young man, with short blond hair standing on end like a burning flame. He was wearing a half-body armor made of silver-gray alloy, which protected the vital parts such as the front chest, the back heart, and the lower abdomen. Under the armor was a dark black uniform with dark gold stripes, and the long leather boots on his feet were shiny, out of tune with the mess around him.

And behind the blond samurai, behind the original wall of the hotel, parked a four-horse carriage that looked like the eighteenth century in the old era. The black and gold-inlaid body was ancient and elegant, and the copper headlights were polished to shine. They were driven by four tall horses, and what was rare was that all four horses had the same snow-white fur without a trace of variegation.

At the front and back of the carriage, stood eight fully armed warriors, the alloy armor on their bodies was exactly the same as that of the blond youth. The difference is that the blond youth is empty-handed, while the sixteen warriors are armed and focus on firepower. Compared with the four heavy machine guns, the submachine gun in the sheriff's hand was nothing more than a toy.

At this time, the background music of the story has changed.

Four attendants in black tuxedos, white shirts, and neatly pressed bow ties rolled out a scarlet carpet.

This gorgeous, well-made carpet alone is worthless in this day and age. But the attendants didn't feel distressed at all, regardless of how dirty the blood and mud on the ground were, they directly spread out the carpets one by one, from the side of the carriage all the way to the inside of the hotel.

Then, walking out of the carriage was a woman dressed in an old medieval court costume.

As soon as the woman got out of the carriage, the residents of Yorkston Town immediately forgot about their neighbors who had been shot and were still lying at their feet. Most of the people here have never seen a woman with smooth skin in their life, let alone the old-fashioned dress on her and the jewels that are enough to make the eyes of the old ladies and ladies red with jealousy.

Almost everything around this woman is so out of tune with this era, and it is so extravagant that it is beyond the reach of people's imagination.

Just when people were about to lose control of their emotions, a guard suddenly raised a heavy machine gun, and the muzzle suddenly ejected a stream of hot fire. Amidst the torrential gunshots, hundreds of bullets easily shredded those in front of them. Cut an abrupt hole out of a crowded wall of people!

The guards did not lower the already hot heavy machine gun until the entire ammunition belt had been fired, and no expression could be seen on their numb faces, as if what they shot just now were not dozens of people, but just livestock.

The noble woman didn't even glance at the scene of the massacre. She had been staring at the girl from the moment she got off the carriage. She gracefully raised her hand, pointed at the girl with her black and red fingertips, and said, "I want this girl."

Afterwards, she had a conversation with Su, and finally took the little girl away.

Su knew that it was impossible for him to resist, but he just remembered the last revealed identity of this woman.

She claimed to be the Spider Queen of the Blood Parliament, called Angelina Finn Lanaxis.

So far, about half of the content of the first episode of the animation has passed. At this point, the entire prologue of the original work has been described.

It seems that the rhythm is slow, and after half an episode, the content has not entered the theme, but in fact, the amount of information is very sufficient, and it plays a very important role in establishing the world view of "Hunter's Notes" for the initial viewers.

In the second half of the episode, the timeline was pushed back to Su's adulthood in a blink of an eye.

Su, who was tall and slender, was wearing a black robe, standing at a high point, holding a somewhat rough but well-designed sniper rifle, and sniping at the mutant giant wolves surrounded by a team of hunters in the distance.


there will be another chapter later

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