The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 388: Crushed Victory

"Demacia: Glory", even on Douban, the most critical evaluation platform for commercial films and domestic films, has received rave reviews.

And these comments hit the hearts of four old classmates including Guo Lei.

They huddled together in the night market, eating and discussing these short movie reviews.

Neither the four of them nor their wives are film critics. But I have seen a lot of movies in my life, and I always have my own feelings about whether a movie is good or not.

And the seven of them have a unified feeling for "Demacia: Glory", just two words:


Ordinary viewers, how can they care about so many filming techniques? But this does not mean that ordinary audiences have zero feelings about whether the movie is good or bad. There are only pictures, no plot, and the story is made into a crappy movie. In the current domestic movie market, it will also be punished by the audience.

For example, "Battle Angel: Alita". To be fair, the picture effect of that film is also top-notch. It is rumored that with an investment of 170 million U.S. dollars, and the seriousness of the big head on the special effects of the screen, director Cameron is still the producer, and the ghost Rodriguez is the director, so the screen can't be worse— — Whether it’s special effects, camera design, or action design, it’s the same.

Can't stop it from rushing down the street.

The story is rotten, changed blindly, deviated from the spirit of the original, and the rhythm of the plot is chaotic... These factors add up to make it not a good movie. The first-day box office in North America was 8.7 million. Compared with the production cost of 170 million, it can be said that it went to grandma's house, so that the US media shouted that only China can save it.

But it is clear that Chinese audiences have also passed the age of being extremely hungry for commercial blockbusters with special effects. Such a movie with only special effects, only pictures, and a lackluster story, Chinese audiences have no intention of saving it. The box office of just over 120 million yuan on the first day of its release is not high compared to its huge volume. And then, after the word-of-mouth word of mouth spread, when it was released for thirteen days, the box office just exceeded 800 million yuan, and it is estimated that the final box office will be about one billion yuan.

Such achievements cannot save the high production and publicity costs of "Alita".

At the end of the movie, there is still a sequel, but with the current results, the sequel may not be seen.

But "Demacia: Glory" is definitely not the kind of movie with only pictures and special effects, and the story is also very amazing.

Including the emotional bonus of the LOL series, this makes "Glory" a phenomenon-level movie in which gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and its box office reputation doubled.

In contrast, the introduced party adjusted the schedule to November 1, preparing to snipe the "Glory" "Black Panther 2", which was crushed.

The box office of the premiere of "Black Panther 2" was only a miserable 70 million RMB.

In contrast, the box office of "Glory" was 560 million on the first day, which can be called terrifying!

This is the data that breaks through the box office record in a single day of release in mainland China!

Previously, this record holder was "Monster Hunt 2". This film scored 546 million single-day box office results on the first day of its release during the Spring Festival in 2018.

And "Glory" does not have the blessing of the Spring Festival file, but it is still on the basis of this record, and it has increased the data by nearly 20 million.

In comparison during the same period, the box office data on the premiere day of "Demacia: Glory" was eight times that of "Black Panther 2"!

There is no doubt that "Black Panther 2" is miserable. This superhero movie produced by Marvel collided with "Glory" and was knocked over.

"Glory" had a big impact on it. For most domestic audiences, on the day of the premiere, if they had to choose between the two films "Black Panther 2" and "Demacia: Glory", they would definitely choose the latter. By.

Even, most people will not turn their heads to watch "Black Panther" after watching "Glory".

Bit effects? Than the picture? Dimension Entertainment has never been afraid of anyone in this regard; than stories? "Black Panther 2" is not a movie with a good story. In front of "Glory", it is basically useless; "Glory" has a LOL game setting bonus, and "Black Panther", the Chinese don't owe black people anything, and they have no special interest in movies about Black Lives Matter.

In other words, the predecessor of "Black Panther 2", "Black Panther 1", although it performed strongly at the box office worldwide, and even ranked at the top of the global box office list, it did not receive any good treatment in mainland China.

The global box office is as high as 1.344 billion U.S. dollars, but the box office in mainland China is only more than 90 million U.S. dollars.

This figure does not seem small, converted into more than 600 million yuan, but compared with other superhero movies, it is not enough to watch.

In the final analysis, a movie like "Black Panther" that directly scratches the left side of whites and the G-spot of blacks is naturally difficult to resonate with Chinese audiences.

But "Glory" is different. This is a film made by the Chinese themselves. Even if it is set in a magical Western world, the core of the story is Chinese. Xin Zhao's thinking of loyalty to the emperor, Galen's protection of the prince, national honor... These things are of course both in China and the West, but at their core, Chinese-style loyalty and honor are very different from what Westerners think of them. The place.

The things embodied in "Glory" are obviously different from those of Westerners.

It's like "Kung Fu Panda" and "The King of Kung Fu" filmed by Westerners. The expression is very Chinese and has traditional Chinese elements, but the core conveyed is the same as Western style.

In addition, what I have to mention again and again is the addition of LOL, a national-level IP in China.

A variety of factors have contributed to the great success of "Demacia: Glory". And "Black Panther 2" itself has great weaknesses. Without "Glory", it may not be able to succeed in mainland China, let alone under the huge impact of "Glory", it will be bloody in the domestic market. It's easy to imagine things too.

No matter what, the terrifying performance of "Demacia: Glory" broke the single-day box office record in mainland China in the 11th season, which shocked everyone's attention.

For LOL gamers and movie fans, this is a carnival.

The former rejoices in seeing his beloved, even a youthful game, made into a film. And the latter, even if there is no sentimental bonus, is still happy that such a top-notch masterpiece has been produced by a domestic film.

Where there is heat, there is attention. In such a phenomenal performance of "Glory", the media also came to add icing on the cake.

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