The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 382 Demacia Released!

Another day after work, Guo Lei drove to his wife's company first, picked up his daughter-in-law, and then drove home.

The car parked downstairs first, and his wife went upstairs with the bag, and then he went to the parking lot to park alone.

Park the car and sit in the car with your hands on the steering wheel. He doesn't smoke, but it doesn't prevent him from being in a daze for a while and letting his head go. When he went downstairs and upstairs, he was a husband and a father again, so there was no time for him to relax.

Guo Lei, who is nearly 30 years old, may be considered a successful person in a sense. Although he is not considered wealthy, the life of an urban white-collar worker also allows him to have a stable income every year. He married his wife five years ago and bought a house. Three years ago, he gave birth to a boy, and last year he had a second child, a girl.

His parents are still alive, his family is happy, he has both children, and his career is stable... It seems to be very happy, a very reliable life of the urban middle class.

Of course, the actual situation is indeed quite beautiful.

However, the pressure is not small. The cost of raising the two children, the mortgage, the car loan... As soon as the monthly salary is received, these things will immediately take the money earned from him, and the money left is not even enough to buy two new clothes. To plan carefully to buy.

The two children are three years old and one year old, and it is time to take care of them. His wife is also working, not a full-time housewife. Although she doesn't make much money, the work of raising children and cooking requires two people to work together.

It's very tiring and hard work, and sometimes it's hard to even guarantee the time to play games. PS, which I used to love to play, has been put there to eat ashes; there is a LOL client in the computer, maybe I haven’t opened it for a long time, I finally had time to take a break two days ago, when I was about to play, I found a very Long update to download, so lost interest.

Now, it seems that only after parking the car every day, staying in the car for two minutes is a rare moment of relaxation.

You can feel free to be in a daze, and think of something wild and unconstrained.

Of course, it is time to return to reality.

A call to his cell phone woke him up.

Guo Lei felt a little annoyed when he heard the phone ringing now. But no matter how annoying, the phone will still be answered.

However, when he picked up his phone, he found that it was not about work as expected, but a call from one of his college classmates.

Seeing this name, he was a little dazed.

The two used to be roommates in college, and they had a close relationship. When they were studying, they were also the ones who spent the whole night ranking together. After graduation, the two lived in the same city and kept in touch with each other. They often made appointments to have sex together.

However, after both of them got married and had children, it was difficult to do so.

How long has it been without contact? half a year? Still a year?

Recalling these past events in his head, Guo Lei showed a smile on his face, but then disappeared... Maybe he came to ask me to borrow money?

Thoughts were running wild in his head, but he had already pressed the answer button in his hand.


"Old Guo! Are you free at twelve o'clock on Friday night?"

"No." Guo Lei said decisively, he is the one who wants a baby boy, how could he be free at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night?

"Don't you!" said the old classmate, "When was the last time we met? I finally asked you out, and you refused to come out?"

"Where is someone going out in the middle of the night? Why go out so late! I'm a serious person."

"I'm also a serious person." The old classmate on the other side of the conversation said, "Go to the movies at midnight on Friday night."

"Pfft..." Guo Lei sputtered, "About me to watch a movie? We two big men? Why are you so crazy?"

"???" The person on the phone was stunned.

"what movie?"

"you do not know?"

"Nonsense, you asked me to watch a movie, how would I know what to watch?"

"You really don't know? The League of Legends movie is about to be released! Brother!"

"What the hell?"

Guo Lei was stunned.

League of Legends movie?

He really didn't know about it.

Commuting to and from get off work every day, two o'clock and one line, busy with work, taking care of the children in spare time, and occasionally watching football games, this is his life. He really didn't see the news of the League of Legends movie from any channel.

Of course, the promotion of "Demacia: Glory" is everywhere, but it is certainly impossible for everyone in China to see it. No matter how capable a publicity boss is, he can't do this.

But although Guo Lei did not know about it beforehand, after hearing the news, a strong desire to go and see it rose in his heart.

The old classmate on the other side of the phone continued: "Are you going? I told the boss and the third child. We haven't seen each other for many years. This time we will have a gathering together. They all agreed and said they would come. .To be honest, I really miss our time. The four of us made an appointment to play black games together. The boss played more than 2,000 Delmas, and he turned as soon as he got up, hahaha..."

Amidst the laughter of his classmates, Guo Lei was also full of nostalgia. The boss of their dormitory is a bit of a weirdo. Among the four people in their dormitory, the boss was the first to play LOL, and even the remaining three were brought into the pit by him. In the four years of college, I played more than 2,000 games, and 99% of the games were played by Galen, so reckless.

When he came back to his senses, he said, "If the eldest and the third are also coming, I will go too. But... I have to tell my wife first."

"...You have bronchitis."

"This is called loving your wife, you know what a fart."

After a few words on the phone, Guo Lei returned home.

His wife said, "Why did you go? Park the car for so long?"

"Li Ran called me."

His wife knew who Li Ran was.

"Why did you call you suddenly?"

"Ask me to go to the movies this Friday night, and I promised him."

"Huh? You two?"

"There are also two other people in our dormitory. They also came over, which is equivalent to a gathering."

"What time is it?"

"Twelve o'clock."

His wife immediately became alert: "You four big men? Go to the movies? Twelve o'clock in the evening?"

Guo Lei hurriedly said: "Don't think too much, it's really watching a movie, come back after watching it, and get together for a meal on the next Saturday and it's over."

"No." Even after listening to the explanation, his wife still instinctively chose to refuse, "You went to the movies, what about the two children? I will take care of them alone at night? My daughter is only one year old, and she cried at night. what to do……"

Barabara gave a bunch of reasons.

Guo Lei argued: "It's only two hours, you take it for a while, and I'll take over as soon as I come back... I used to take care of it at night, so I'll make an exception on Friday, okay?"

"That doesn't work either! Leave the child to me alone, what does it look like for you to go out and fool around?"

"What fooling around..." Guo Lei said, "I just went to see a movie."

"I don't believe it, what movie? Make you four big men so obsessed?"

"League of Legends."

"League of Legends?" His wife has never played games much, but she still knows something about this game that has been popular all over the country for a long time. "Isn't that a game? Why is there a movie?"

"It's coming out." Guo Lei said, with a flash of inspiration in his head, and said: "The show you loved to watch before, the production company of "Martial Arts Master", is it Dimension Entertainment?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It's from this company!"

"A movie from Dimension?" His wife was moved, "Then I want to watch it too! Watch it with me!"

" about I wait until the weekend and watch it with you again."

"Why not on Friday night? If you really just go to a movie, why don't you let me go with you?"

"The premiere is too late, it's twelve o'clock in the morning. We both went to see it, what about the child?"

"Leave it to my mom on Friday night, it should be fine to let my mom take it all night."

"That's fine." Guo Lei reached an agreement with his wife.


On Friday, Guo Lei picked up his wife after get off work at night, and joined his three college roommates, two of whom also brought their wives.

There are four people in a dormitory, three with wives, that is seven.

After dinner, the atmosphere was actually a little awkward at first. Needless to say, the three girls only knew each other with their husbands, and they rarely saw each other. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were almost strangers.

And even if it is four boys, the relationship should be very strong, brothers living under the same roof for four years in college.

However, we haven't seen each other for so many years, and even rarely contact each other, so how can we not be unfamiliar with each other?

However, these rustiness, with a few glasses of beer, gradually decreased a lot.

Everyone first molested their dorm boss. When I was studying, among the four people in the dormitory, only the boss had a girlfriend, and the other three didn't even have a girlfriend during their four years in college. As a result, these years passed, and the other three virgins who were in college got married instead. On the contrary, the boss who was 'suave and suave' back then is now a bachelor.

Joking and joking, we talked about games again.

And at this time, it is considered that the real chat has begun.

Of course, the main one who was ridiculed was the boss, Wannian Galen.

Chatting and chatting, they left the theater, found a bar to sit for a while, it was very late, and it was almost time to go to the theater.

A group of seven people entered the theater.

As soon as they entered the arena, all seven people were stunned.

"This... such a big battle?" The third child was dumbfounded.

The ticket hall outside the theater was already full of people. There is no doubt that all or most of these people should have come to see "Demacia: Glory".

The main movie-going group is mainly men, of course, there are also a lot of girls; basically they are mixed together in groups of three or four, and between high-spirited talks, various lines and terms about LOL come one after another.

What's even more exaggerated is that they saw at least four of them wearing 'Demacia. Galen’s guy, holding a big plastic sword in his hand; there are also a few girls wearing Radiant Girl’s, and a reverse-dressed boy wearing Xia’s…

The whole thing is colorful, just like coming to the comic exhibition.

How can this lively atmosphere look like twelve o'clock in the morning?

Of course, today is also the time when "Black Panther 2" is released. Marvel's movies also have their own fans, and there should be some people who will come to the cinema to watch the premiere.

But...Anyway, Guo Lei and his group of seven people didn't see one of them at a glance.

There must be, but they are undoubtedly submerged in the army of countless LOLER.

The three girls don't know why. From the perspective of people who don't play games, this situation is slightly exaggerated, and they don't understand why it happens at all.

As for the four gamers, they were a little shocked at first, but after they slowed down a bit, they were filled with excitement.

It's the excitement of meeting a group of like-minded people, the excitement of a gamer's holiday, the excitement of being adolescence once again.

Looking at such a scene, my ears are filled with stories of heroes, as if they are not old yet, and their youth is still the same.

The four men chatted excitedly. They were telling stories about the past, and they were telling stories about their struggle in the Summoner's Canyon. Although the three girls couldn't understand these things, they could understand their emotions when they saw their husbands blushing with excitement, which they hadn't seen for a long, long time.

This feeling is very strange, as if they saw another side of their husbands.

That look that never seems to appear in front of them, never in front of parents, or in front of children.

They become like a child, or like a hero.

As the opening time of the movie got closer, the atmosphere in the theater became more and more enthusiastic.

Finally, the ticket checking began.

There was a long queue, and the speed of ticket checking was slow due to too many people, but we still got in anyway.

Anwen sat down in the hall, the whole hall was full of people—it was full in the true sense, even the corner seats in the first row were still filled with people.

It is a bit of fate that in the row in front of the seven of them, there is a group wearing Demacia. The people in Galen's COS costumes are quite interesting.

After waiting, the lights in the theater were finally turned off, and then the screen turned on.

After the dragon logo, the penguin logo and the V logo appeared one after another, representing the two major producers of the film.

Then, the movie begins.

The screen gradually brightened, and a large overlooking perspective showed the pure and solemn Demacia Xiongdu in front of all the audience.

The hall of justice and the towering white castle fully displayed the grandeur of the entire city.

Moreover, audiences with sharper eyes and who have played games can still see the first easter egg of the movie - the huge statue standing on the wall of the capital of Demacia, isn't it the "Colossus of Justice. Galio'? !

Intense applause immediately rang out, for the capital of Demacia, for the statue of Galio I saw, and even more for this work that entrusted the nostalgia and youth of many people.

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